Pulau Tekong-True Fact

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So what about orang minyak?

This was from a collegue.
her bro was night patrolling with another partner and when passing a very deserted area dimly litted away from those main building on tekong,they caught sight of a black figure in the bush at the end of their eye.
They walk past it silently.

FIBUA got things???!!?

when i was sispec OOC, 4 (OOC) of us play enemies for 3 days on tekong for the ASTW 3SGs.. one of the nites, they were to ambush us, the enemies, in FIBUA.. I spent like 2 hours in FIBUA without lights and without anyone of my frens or WOs around.. around 1-3 am... super eerie feeling, but never see anything..

one wierd thing.. i'm from the 1999 June PTP intake.. originally from D coy (W/O coy), we were transferred to C coy after PTP.. nothing much happend while in C Coy, except for the fact that i woke up one night sleeping on top of my compulsory mozzie net, which was still nicely tucked it as how i normally do...

PS: knowing someone in the army ain't necessarily a good thing.. my godfather was a single crab, basically same rank as the Sch1 CO..after my W/O found out that (they used to work together), i was never allowed to fall out from training as they kept saying i would be letting my godfather down... Same thing happened in SISPEC, where suay suay, i was posted to B Coy, and the O/C before my current 1WO, was my godfather.. also almost couldnt fall out until the M/O sent me for medical review. result was my shins almost had stress fracture
Hahaha they must have hated your crabby godfather so want to tekan you :p

This was from a collegue.
her bro was night patrolling with another partner and when passing a very deserted area dimly litted away from those main building on tekong,they caught sight of a black figure in the bush at the end of their eye.
They walk past it silently.
Alot of training involve in ambushing or information gathering in Tekong, I am not suprise what they saw is solider on training or mission.

This was from a collegue.
her bro was night patrolling with another partner and when passing a very deserted area dimly litted away from those main building on tekong,they caught sight of a black figure in the bush at the end of their eye.
They walk past it silently.

someone did see a black figure too....but needs more verification, might be juz another soldier doing night movement though. [Link]

wah from 1 page, become 8 pages...so fast ah.

redstone- yes there was once a temple (maybe more?) when the villages was still around. (just like ubin have right now). Maybe the temple is still there? Perhaps they leave it alone without demolishing out of respect, but i could be wrong.

i thot in Charle's research, Camp 1 is already demolished? (the link in ts's first post here)

Hahaha they must have hated your crabby godfather so want to tekan you :p

dunno .. they all told me my godfather is a good soldier etc... i should be like him etc.. but what the heck, overall , army life now is so much better compared to many many years back.. so no complains..

One of my reservist exercise was at Tekong in 2000. My scout team was on the misson to the rubber plantation at North East. I was leading the team through the wood at night and suddenly I felt my hairs were standing up at a nearby junction. I went to confirm the location and was surprise we were at the cemetery. Quickly advice my team to double up our pacing to get out of that place. What's a creeky experience !

One of my reservist exercise was at Tekong in 2000. My scout team was on the misson to the rubber plantation at North East. I was leading the team through the wood at night and suddenly I felt my hairs were standing up at a nearby junction. I went to confirm the location and was surprise we were at the cemetery. Quickly advice my team to double up our pacing to get out of that place. What's a creeky experience !

megaweb you're a scout too!
same here
Luckily for me i've never encountered any strange occurrences during excerises in tekong

:D Recce... All the way! :bsmilie:

still remember the times at night when we cooked maggi mee:D
we even brought along our bunsen burner to cook:bsmilie:
field packs filled with pringles,biscuits and 100plus
Those were the days!!

Alot of training involve in ambushing or information gathering in Tekong, I am not suprise what they saw is solider on training or mission.

But tekong is a restricted area right?
How can 'aliens' enter tekong without permission?

In the first place, how could saikong enter that area at night and some more with so many pp.

megaweb you're a scout too!
same here
Luckily for me i've never encountered any strange occurrences during excerises in tekong

:) i'm oso a recce.

:cool: its always shiok when u're out riding a bike.

the sad part is some mission requires u to walk... with all that crazy load. i busted quite a no. of fullpacks.

:) i'm oso a recce.

:cool: its always shiok when u're out riding a bike.

the sad part is some mission requires u to walk... with all that crazy load. i busted quite a no. of fullpacks.

yea the walking part damn xiong and its not those short distances:(
i still got reservist in june
more walking for me

yea the walking part damn xiong and its not those short distances:(
i still got reservist in june
more walking for me

wa, so sad for u.

i cringed when i remember the walk is usually over 10+ km and with all that rubbish on me, really torture. worst part is sometimes need to be 'tactical' or double up. those were the worst.

i remember when i was training in thailand, an exercise that lasted for 3 days saw me walk all over kanchanaburi area with limited ration n water, covering more than 80km. return to s'pore in such a SLIM n SEXY bodyline ok!

anyway, when u start to get tired with all that walk, it is easy to hallucinate.

it was in thailand during one of the long treks when my T.C asked me who i was waving to. i told him there're villagers across the road n i'm only being polite by waving to them. hahahaha he simply tell us to double up. it was only after the exercise that he told me he see nothing but jus deep dark forest.

thus fatigue does play a part n make u see extra stuff la, sometimes.

aiya, u dun walk into hantu can liao la. :cool:

yea the walking part damn xiong and its not those short distances:(
i still got reservist in june
more walking for me

No more reservist for me and I have not been to Tekong for many years :bsmilie:

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