Proud to be a Singaporean

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Those who not happy in SG, can just leave this country. No one will stop them.

Why so much complaints?

One person leaves Singapore there'll be several thousands wanting to come to take his place: :)


One person leaves Singapore there'll be several thousands wanting to come to take his place: :)


Why does this actually seem like a realistic depiction of reality? There are many others chasing the 'Singapore dream' only to find out it's not as easy as it seems or as they were told.

Why does this actually seem like a realistic depiction of reality? There are many others chasing the 'Singapore dream' only to find out it's not as easy as it seems or as they were told.

Welcome to reality... :bsmilie:

Now work hard and save your hard earned cash... nothing is truly free in this world. At least our education allows us to leave for a better place if we wish to... better than some other places I suppose....

I am proud to be a Singaporean. Our forefathers had helped Singapore to come a long long way. The only thing now that I wished my fellow Singaporeans have: to shake off the poor attitudes and expectations conformed out of their own desires and kiasuism. I see kids these days having less childhood and more pressure; adults less forgiving and more demanding. Other than that, I do enjoy the peace and stability in Singapore. If anything that drives me out of here, it will be the people factor.

Welcome to reality... :bsmilie:

Now work hard and save your hard earned cash... nothing is truly free in this world. At least our education allows us to leave for a better place if we wish to... better than some other places I suppose....

In America we say "Welcome to the rat race". Up in the morning and off to school to learn the golden rule. All is well though because without hard work one's brain turns to jelly.

In America we say "Welcome to the rat race". Up in the morning and off to school to learn the golden rule. All is well though because without hard work one's brain turns to jelly.

Curse of most 'Developed Country' I supposed... when life is too good, people have this unrealistic expectation of unlimited happiness and progress... when childhood's dreams/expectation goes against the reality of adult life... some just can't handle the hard truth and responsibility...

At least larger nations have a lot more resources to feed and take care of it own... small 'Red Dot' like SG can't afford to rest on our laura and risk being reduce to the footnote of History. The constant need to stay ahead have put lots of pressure on the 'Younger' generation.... hopefully they could grow up and face the truth about how full of sh*t life can be and that blaming everyone else (Politicians/Foreigner/etc) won't do sh*t for them if they don't work hard for their own future.... :think:

Singapore is a great city state and we should be proud of our forefathers for what we have today. This is not the result of a person or a group but everyone living here.

While we should be proud of our achievements, we must also recognize we have made many mistakes along the way. We also do not have the best system or are always right in whatever we did.

What we lack dearly are being more compassionate and inclusive thinking for our society. We can blame these to 'rat race' , survival or whatever we wish to push the blame to. It is more human greet that leads to eventual failure.

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In Taiwan now. Met an elderly gentlemen and a conversation started because of the camera I was using. He asked me where I am from and I told him Singapore. Straight away, I saw 2 thumbs up. "Singapore is a very strong country! Law is uphold at all cost!" I told him we too have our own problems and it's not as rosy as he sees it. He said "No no no! Singapore is a very strong country! There's law and order!" I couldn't explain further with my limited mandarin.

I think Singapore has successfully built up a reputation on the international stage but like many countries, domestic issues persist. I think it's just as important to address them. If not, whatever happens up front will just be a...... well.....facade.

Totally agree with you on this.

There are kinks within the system that need to be ironed out

Singapore is a great city state and we should be proud of our forefathers for what we have today. This is not the result of a person or a group but everyone living here.

While we should be proud of our achievements, we must also recognize we have made many mistakes along the way. We also do not have the best system or are always right in whatever we did.

What we lack dearly are being more compassionate and inclusive thinking for our society. We can blame these to 'rat race' , survival or whatever we wish to push the blame to. It is more human greet that leads to eventual failure.

Well said Victor.

I am proud to be a Singaporean. Our forefathers had helped Singapore to come a long long way. The only thing now that I wished my fellow Singaporeans have: to shake off the poor attitudes and expectations conformed out of their own desires and kiasuism. I see kids these days having less childhood and more pressure; adults less forgiving and more demanding. Other than that, I do enjoy the peace and stability in Singapore. If anything that drives me out of here, it will be the people factor.

But seriously for "kiasuism" sometimes I wonder why are we labelled that as I had seen more kiasu people from other countries like china and Malaysia.
As for the childhood freedom,I had seen more Chinese whom are no less or even more kiasu than us parents.

But seriously for "kiasuism" sometimes I wonder why are we labelled that as I had seen more kiasu people from other countries like china and Malaysia.
As for the childhood freedom,I had seen more Chinese whom are no less or even more kiasu than us parents.

We are labelled kiasu as we have a word for it. Other countries don't :)

We are labelled kiasu as we have a word for it. Other countries don't :)

Kiasuism is a way of life. We must not take it as a weakness of our national character.

It sets us apart as a warrior class from the beasts.

It gives us the fighting spirit and the courage to reach for the highest goals.

Let's celebrate it intead of cringing when Malaysians call us Kiasu.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I'm proud to be a Singaporean because... erm...


I have to compete with foreign scholars even in Secondary school? My school gives free tuition to foreign students and not locals? I enter the workforce 2 years later than FTs? I can't afford to buy a house when I grow up? :dunno:

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I'm proud to be a Singaporean because... erm...


I have to compete with foreign scholars even in Secondary school? My school gives free tuition to foreign students and not locals? I enter the workforce 2 years later than FTs? I can't afford to buy a house when I grow up? :dunno:
In most countries these days, people have to compete with foreign scholars. Free tuition to foreign students is unfair, yes, but if you work hard, it's not impossible to beat them. I notice that mindset is very important. If you keep thinking you're inferior to them and that they have unfair advantage, you will end up inferior to them. The reverse isn't always true, but I can guarantee you that if you keep thinking you can't make it just because someone has unfair advantage, you won't.

And most people these days who can't afford a house (or think they can't afford a house), it's because they keep spending money unnecessarily. They have to own a Ferrari (or two), have to go on a trip to Europe for every small achievement, after O level, before JC, after A level, before NS, 1 year in NS, after NS, before uni starts, 1 year in uni...all these costs add up. Plus all these money you're spending, you're not saving or investing. Which means the real amount of money you missed by spending on all these is a lot more than you think.

If you keep whining instead of spending your time and effort trying to improve yourself, then it's not surprising if you start to lag behind.

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In most countries these days, people have to compete with foreign scholars. Free tuition to foreign students is unfair, yes, but if you work hard, it's not impossible to beat them. I notice that mindset is very important. If you keep thinking you're inferior to them and that they have unfair advantage, you will end up inferior to them. The reverse isn't always true, but I can guarantee you that if you keep thinking you can't make it just because someone has unfair advantage, you won't.

Have fun trying to catch up with someone who learned your syllabus at least a year before you :(

And most people these days who can't afford a house (or think they can't afford a house), it's because they keep spending money unnecessarily. They have to own a Ferrari (or two), have to go on a trip to Europe for every small achievement, after O level, before JC, after A level, before NS, 1 year in NS, after NS, before uni starts, 1 year in uni...all these costs add up. Plus all these money you're spending, you're not saving or investing. Which means the real amount of money you missed by spending on all these is a lot more than you think.

Own a Ferrari or two? I'll assume you're just speaking figuratively there. And well I'm not sure if students can even afford the time and have the financial capability to travel so freely. After A Levels is enlistment. 1 year in NS, do you have enough leave to even travel to Europe?

If you keep whining instead of spending your time and effort trying to improve yourself, then it's not surprising if you start to lag behind.

The fact is, most of us are already lagging behind, and it's not even about spending time and effort to improve ourselves, it's about even catching up with the rest of the race.

The above is just my $0.02, cheers! :)

Have fun trying to catch up with someone who learned your syllabus at least a year before you :(

Own a Ferrari or two? I'll assume you're just speaking figuratively there. And well I'm not sure if students can even afford the time and have the financial capability to travel so freely. After A Levels is enlistment. 1 year in NS, do you have enough leave to even travel to Europe?

The fact is, most of us are already lagging behind, and it's not even about spending time and effort to improve ourselves, it's about even catching up with the rest of the race.

The above is just my $0.02, cheers! :)

i think the basis is that, you shouldnt be thinking of it as chasing anyone in the first place la. education is not a race, and you will definitely not benefit from any form of education that you treat as such. every citizen in every country has their own challenges, what about people who cant even have education? cant even afford education? what about places where people dont even need such education? what is education to them? if there is one major problem in singapore now, its this purist mindset about education.

the rest of the problem is just attention seeking people trying to act like they know politics but really just trying too hard.

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i think the basis is that, you shouldnt be thinking of it as chasing anyone in the first place la. education is not a race, and you will definitely not benefit from any form of education that you treat as such. every citizen in every country has their own challenges, what about people who cant even have education? cant even afford education? what about places where people dont even need such education? what is education to them? if there is one major problem in singapore now, its this purist mindset about education.

"Education is to enrich the mind not the pocket." - LaoZi.

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