Pros/cons of upgrading from D90 to D700?

I buy DSLR is already so much better than my old PNS.
So, I already happy to what I had.

I did not buy DSLR to earn money.
So why those ppl everytime claims use good camera but photos suckz.
I think., this is the only forum like it to be this way.

I always tot, photography is a joy.
But I guess, this is worng forum.

You and me had the same idea.
I also had a lot of friends who are very very old in using films to DSLR.
Infact, whatever I buy... they are happy for me and even proud to have more kakis.

Unlike this forum, only prefer good photos.
To me, gears and the person using it is totally different, if have a skillz, than good for you.

Whatever my words are, for sure this is what I feel..
Why..? coz I had those gears and there is nothing wrong to tell what I feel if someone ask for opinion.

There is nothing to do with “PHOTOS” when someone is asking about the equipment.
Firstly, those comments, did they owned the equipments and use to input their comments.
If so, than just share the idea..

These does not related about how suckz is your photos

Wahhh!!! Your england very powderful ah...

Sir, please amend your english before you try to post your kind words of wisdom into this forum. Please also think first, pen down your kind words, then rephrase your words into beautiful sentences then post it into this forum. This is the very least you could do so that hopefully someone here can clearly understand what in the world you are trying to convey before you try to slam others in this forum for whatever reasons in your life that you are someway or somehow not happy about.

I thank you in advance for your time reading my 2cents...

And let's hear and try to understand what you will be replying...

indeed a bit difficult to comprehend, hehe, although I know where he's coming from.

Anyway back to the topic, just my 2 cents worth of thought: D700 is definitely a decent upgrade from D90. In a sense, equipment may limit the skills of the photographer so a better equipment will give him a better position in honing his skills. Of course, that does not mean that someone bearing the best equipment can shoot better than one with more inferior ones.

The fundamental thought here is: D700 is priced much more than D90 for a reason (or in fact, many more reasons).

Wahhh!!! Your england very powderful ah...

Sir, please amend your english before you try to post your kind words of wisdom into this forum. Please also think first, pen down your kind words, then rephrase your words into beautiful sentences then post it into this forum. This is the very least you could do so that hopefully someone here can clearly understand what in the world you are trying to convey before you try to slam others in this forum for whatever reasons in your life that you are someway or somehow not happy about.

I thank you in advance for your time reading my 2cents...

And let's hear and try to understand what you will be replying...


No need for you to understand.
I only need 1 person to understand is good enough.
The statements are more directly to 1 person only.

Hi bornwild4,

I understand what you were trying to say.
I always have two questions in mind: "How is a photo be considered as good? How is a photo be considered as sucks?" and "who is in the good position to give a credible comment?"

Anyone can comment whether your photos sucks or good no matter what camera gears you use. But you should not take their words so seriously as most of them are just hobbyists like you and me instead of certified professional photographers or well-known judges.

When I use my camera gears to shoot photos as a hobbyist, of course I try to shoot a photo as good as possible. But I just shoot to pleasure myself(very important as a hobby) and the circle of people I know of, not the entire world. You can't please everyone as different people has different taste. 100 people here can say your photo is good but there are 100,000 in the other part of the world may say your photo sucks. So why let the strangers ruin the enjoyable moment of you and your camera gears?

There are various type of people in this forum and the rest of the world. Some of them are really sincere giving their precious advices based on their previous experience; some of them are just sour grape - no financial support to get expensive gear themselves but yet don't want to see others get as well. The latter are not welcomed, especially those whom I have seen that some of their photos sucks as well but they still like to criticise other people's photos. You have to live with these people. Like many seniors here said, just keep shooting, learning and no rubbish talks.


No need for you to understand.
I only need 1 person to understand is good enough.
The statements are more directly to 1 person only.

Hi bornwild4,

I understand what you were trying to say.
I always have two questions in mind: "How is a photo be considered as good? How is a photo be considered as sucks?" and "who is in the good position to give a credible comment?"

Anyone can comment whether your photos sucks or good no matter what camera gears you use. But you should not take their words so seriously as most of them are just hobbyists like you and me instead of certified professional photographers or well-known judges.

When I use my camera gears to shoot photos as a hobbyist, of course I try to shoot a photo as good as possible. But I just shoot to pleasure myself(very important as a hobby) and the circle of people I know of, not the entire world. You can't please everyone as different people has different taste. 100 people here can say your photo is good but there are 100,000 in the other part of the world may say your photo sucks. So why let the strangers ruin the enjoyable moment of you and your camera gears?

There are various type of people in this forum and the rest of the world. Some of them are really sincere giving their precious advices based on their previous experience; some of them are just sour grape - no financial support to get expensive gear themselves but yet don't want to see others get as well. The latter are not welcomed, especially those whom I have seen that some of their photos sucks as well but they still like to criticise other people's photos. You have to live with these people. Like many seniors here said, just keep shooting, learning and no rubbish talks.

:) ok bro.
Thx for your advice.

You are right.
My friends that are pro and making money in this business...
He never complaint about my photos.

He only say, it is all depending whether you like it or not.. some may like it and some may not.

His advice...
In photography business, your customer must be happy and we must confident telling them about our work.
Expectation differs from point to point.. but basic rules still apply.

For me, customer is me and Im happy with my result :)

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:) ok bro.
Thx for your advice.

You are right.
My friends that are pro and making money in this business...
He never complaint about my photos.

He only say, it is all depending whether you like it or not.. some may like it and some may not.

His advice...
In photography business, your customer must be happy and we must confident telling them about our work.
Expectation differs from point to point.. but basic rules still apply.

For me, customer is me and Im happy with my result :)

good. its a hobby and glad u're enjoying it! :thumbsup:

First thing, someone insinuated on page 3 that everyone here are males. I'm slightly offended by that. Haha!

My friend, another girl, is saving up for a D700. I would also upgrade to a D700 if I could afford it. Like you, I am on the D90, has been for over 2 years now. But I will only upgrade when I can afford the 24-70 as well as the body (which is not going to be for a long time. XD). My current lenses are mostly DX and I love having 2.8 lenses too much to give them up.

Many people have asked, "Why do you have a 80-200?! You are just a student, you aren't using it to earn money so you don't need one. And it's the Nikkor too!" My reply? "It doesn't matter if I NEED one, as long as I WANT one, it's good enough a reason to me.

On the other hand, it is true that I don't need good equipment to get good photos. For example, I have another girl friend who is on the D2x. She also has the SB800 and the 24-70 I covet. But the other day, when I brought out my new SB700 to shoot with her, she was quite shocked at my photos, which turned out better than hers. It's really not what equipment you have, but how you use it. =3

Bottom line is, buy if it makes you happy, but not if it casts you into debt. =)

Oh, by the way, my godfather is still on the D80 and kit lens he bought at launch. XD And andrewine is his friend. Haha!

Eh, note no.2, my F2.8 lens I used to shoot with my girlfriend is a Tamron 17-50mm F2.8. Not the Nikon version. Too expensive!

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First thing, someone insinuated on page 3 that everyone here are males. I'm slightly offended by that. Haha!

My friend, another girl, is saving up for a D700. I would also upgrade to a D700 if I could afford it. Like you, I am on the D90, has been for over 2 years now. But I will only upgrade when I can afford the 24-70 as well as the body (which is not going to be for a long time. XD). My current lenses are mostly DX and I love having 2.8 lenses too much to give them up.

Many people have asked, "Why do you have a 80-200?! You are just a student, you aren't using it to earn money so you don't need one. And it's the Nikkor too!" My reply? "It doesn't matter if I NEED one, as long as I WANT one, it's good enough a reason to me.

On the other hand, it is true that I don't need good equipment to get good photos. For example, I have another girl friend who is on the D2x. She also has the SB800 and the 24-70 I covet. But the other day, when I brought out my new SB700 to shoot with her, she was quite shocked at my photos, which turned out better than hers. It's really not what equipment you have, but how you use it. =3

Bottom line is, buy if it makes you happy, but not if it casts you into debt. =)

Oh, by the way, my godfather is still on the D80 and kit lens he bought at launch. XD And andrewine is his friend. Haha!

Eh, note no.2, my F2.8 lens I used to shoot with my girlfriend is a Tamron 17-50mm F2.8. Not the Nikon version. Too expensive!
glad u enjoy ur fotography and share with us ur fruits of labour too. :thumbsup:

With the arrival of the D700, the FX format is now well within the range of many hobbyist.

Now, the big question is to get all the FX lenses that goes with it. It seems that those few so called trinity lenses are the "muz have" when one goes for the FX format. And that would effectively set you back by quite a bit liao.

Well, we all know that lenses do not depreciate that much or that fast. If we buy used, the depreciation would even be almost negligible. I would prefer to get my FX lenses first before going for the FX body.

With the arrival of the D700, the FX format is now well within the range of many hobbyist.

Now, the big question is to get all the FX lenses that goes with it. It seems that those few so called trinity lenses are the "muz have" when one goes for the FX format. And that would effectively set you back by quite a bit liao.

Well, we all know that lenses do not depreciate that much or that fast. If we buy used, the depreciation would even be almost negligible. I would prefer to get my FX lenses first before going for the FX body.

:thumbsup: good lenses first n foremost. upgrading of body can come later.

Hmm, I am in the opposite direction of you guys.

Good body come first n foremost. Upgrading of lens can come later.

As such, if you could afford a good body on the first time (e.g. D700), just go for it.
No need such an entry level or mid level.

Because the more you buy-sell-buy-sell, the more you lose money.

One of my friend was asking the best and reasonable-price Nikon DSLR for low light. I didn't say D300s or D7000. I said D700. He listened to me and purchased D700 as his first DSLR. No need to buy DX lens, just FX lens only. And he is a very happy man now.

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Hmm, I am in the opposite direction of you guys.

Good body come first n foremost. Upgrading of lens can come later.

As such, if you could afford a good body on the first time (e.g. D700), just go for it.
No need such an entry level or mid level.

Because the more you buy-sell-buy-sell, the more you lose money.

One of my friend was asking the best and reasonable-price Nikon DSLR for low light. I didn't say D300s or D7000. I said D700. He listened to me and purchased D700 as his first DSLR. No need to buy DX lens, just FX lens only. And he is a very happy man now.

actually to be really concise, if u can afford it, jus grab all the good ones. :bsmilie:

Hmm, I am in the opposite direction of you guys.

Good body come first n foremost. Upgrading of lens can come later.

As such, if you could afford a good body on the first time (e.g. D700), just go for it.
No need such an entry level or mid level.

Because the more you buy-sell-buy-sell, the more you lose money.

One of my friend was asking the best and reasonable-price Nikon DSLR for low light. I didn't say D300s or D7000. I said D700. He listened to me and purchased D700 as his first DSLR. No need to buy DX lens, just FX lens only. And he is a very happy man now.


buying and selling is almost paramount in photography even for the pros.

if u own the most tok-kong FX DSLR and u have a louya lens to go with it, i don't think u'll be pleased with the outcome.

of cos, the beginners cannot tell much of a difference such as colour fringing, CA etc. but then again, they might be blissful in their current plight, which is ignorance.

on the other hand, a very good lens could be all the difference for a user who might have a starter DSLR but that very good lens.

DSLR bodies are upgraded every couple of years. their shelf-life are that short. but a top-rate lens can go on for years, esp. Nikkor mount. look at some of the E-series lenses, the 75-150 f3.5 for example.

well, we can't say the same for a D1 or even a D2* in today's context. even the most entry level Nikon DSLR beat them hands down in specs alone.

go for top-grade lenses first and upgrade ur body when u feel u're ready.

actually to be really concise, if u can afford it, jus grab all the good ones. :bsmilie:

Well, cameras costing $6K+ is likely to cost $1K+ in the B&S section a few years later. Just look at the D2* series.

Well, cameras costing $6K+ is likely to cost $1K+ in the B&S section a few years later. Just look at the D2* series.

Not only Camera, same rules apply on Lens. Once the newer model come, price for the older model would drop.

Remember on last time, the price of the brand new:
- AF-S 70-200 f/2.8 VRI
- AF-D 85mm f/1.4
- AF-S 28-70 f/2.8
The above items have been replaced by newer models.
You may check the 2nd hand price for above items in the B&S section now.

jeff7id said:
Not only Camera, same rules apply on Lens. Once the newer model come, price for the older model would drop.

Remember on last time, the price of the brand new:
- AF-S 70-200 f/2.8 VRI
- AF-D 85mm f/1.4
- AF-S 28-70 f/2.8
The above items have been replaced by newer models.
You may check the 2nd hand price for above items in the B&S section now.

Solution? Buy old lenses. Just recently got a 80-200 for 720. Totally worth it.

Not only Camera, same rules apply on Lens. Once the newer model come, price for the older model would drop.

Remember on last time, the price of the brand new:
- AF-S 70-200 f/2.8 VRI
- AF-D 85mm f/1.4
- AF-S 28-70 f/2.8
The above items have been replaced by newer models.
You may check the 2nd hand price for above items in the B&S section now.

yes price will drop with the introduction of newer models, definitely.

but as compared to digital camera bodies, the price for these lenses do not depreciate as much over time, provided they are not spoilt.

and some of these lenses are still very relevant to today's DSLR, most are still stellar performers.

u cannot say the same for a top-grade pro body some 2 or 3 years down the road. but for a AF85 f1.4D, i'm certain its value will still be around S$1.3k used.

Cheesecake said:
yes price will drop with the introduction of newer models, definitely.

but as compared to digital camera bodies, the price for these lenses do not depreciate as much over time, provided they are not spoilt.

and some of these lenses are still very relevant to today's DSLR, most are still stellar performers.

u cannot say the same for a top-grade pro body some 2 or 3 years down the road. but for a AF85 f1.4D, i'm certain its value will still be around S$1.3k used.

Hmmm. Can get 85/1.4 new at around 1.3k.