Product Photography Service wanted-urgent 5$ per item

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yup and this LeftHandedStudios are one of those who spoil market and will take any job even cheap

I cant believe they will do this job... maybe they should consider working with Macdonalds, they dont need to buy camera and they earn more money lol

Dear All,

I can understand some frustration however just to clarify, I dont have high expectation plus, the garment does not need iron and much preparation as I am not expect a model to wear it and model it, just the front and back and details shot. Yes most people in selling my kinda of garment wont even borther to find any knowledgeable photograher to shoot their product because they can simply just copy and paste on their website and that it their live.

As for Mcdonald sorry I am not sure as I have not work in Mcdonald but I have work in chinese take away places which are paid much much lower then $5 per hour plus to shoot all the items, I am not experience in shooting picture therefore i cannot say how long it will take, if it truly does take many many hours, to put the garment on the mannequin, adjust the lightning and shoot then I am so sorry about this.

I am still hope some junior photographer can help to take up this job as I have browse this forum and have seen many forum people taking up job for even less such $10 etc...

As for Shizuma tips, thanks alot yes, If I really cannot find anyone to help me then of course I will definitely try your method, I just believe nothing is free in this world and by even offering to pay something for a simple job also I am getting a harsh comments because I saw many other facebook posting offer free services to shoot photo.. and I am not even doing that.

Thank you very much.

I think it makes more sense to work in McDonald rather than photographer . In McDonald, $6 net and I don't need to bring any of my equipment, I don't need to have any special knowledge ..
After the job done , just wash hand and go home happily ..

Now I need to bring a few thousand worth of equipment and set up , iron clothe , dress it. It is not the end. Go home and need to edit again. At the end the pay less than McDonald pay..

Even long term job, it makes sense to apply permanent post in McDonald ..

Are photographers that cheap these days??

Dear All,

I can understand some frustration however just to clarify, I dont have high expectation plus, the garment does not need iron and much preparation as I am not expect a model to wear it and model it, just the front and back and details shot. Yes most people in selling my kinda of garment wont even borther to find any knowledgeable photograher to shoot their product because they can simply just copy and paste on their website and that it their live.

As for Mcdonald sorry I am not sure as I have not work in Mcdonald but I have work in chinese take away places which are paid much much lower then $5 per hour plus to shoot all the items, I am not experience in shooting picture therefore i cannot say how long it will take, if it truly does take many many hours, to put the garment on the mannequin, adjust the lightning and shoot then I am so sorry about this.

I am still hope some junior photographer can help to take up this job as I have browse this forum and have seen many forum people taking up job for even less such $10 etc...

As for Shizuma tips, thanks alot yes, If I really cannot find anyone to help me then of course I will definitely try your method, I just believe nothing is free in this world and by even offering to pay something for a simple job also I am getting a harsh comments because I saw many other facebook posting offer free services to shoot photo.. and I am not even doing that.

Thank you very much.

i always wonder why clients dont shoot themselves

they always think its easy, its simple, dont need this and that, just simple shot and always say in a budget

if its really as easy as you say, why do you need to pay someone??? if its easy just shoot yourself!

since its so easy and simple, tell you what why not rent a camera, since you think its so simple, better yet, borrow a camera, that way you dont pay for renting a camera, then just shoot yourself, if you dont know how to use a camera, just ask your friend who owns the camera to help you, since most likely he's just a hobbyist, maybe you can just treat him makan

dont come in here looking for a professional photographer and pay less than macdonalds.

and to this LeftHandedStudios... really??? you accept this job?? ok all the best to you then and your career!

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Dear All,

I can understand some frustration however just to clarify, I dont have high expectation plus, the garment does not need iron and much preparation as I am not expect a model to wear it and model it, just the front and back and details shot. Yes most people in selling my kinda of garment wont even borther to find any knowledgeable photograher to shoot their product because they can simply just copy and paste on their website and that it their live.

As for Mcdonald sorry I am not sure as I have not work in Mcdonald but I have work in chinese take away places which are paid much much lower then $5 per hour plus to shoot all the items, I am not experience in shooting picture therefore i cannot say how long it will take, if it truly does take many many hours, to put the garment on the mannequin, adjust the lightning and shoot then I am so sorry about this.

I am still hope some junior photographer can help to take up this job as I have browse this forum and have seen many forum people taking up job for even less such $10 etc...

As for Shizuma tips, thanks alot yes, If I really cannot find anyone to help me then of course I will definitely try your method, I just believe nothing is free in this world and by even offering to pay something for a simple job also I am getting a harsh comments because I saw many other facebook posting offer free services to shoot photo.. and I am not even doing that.

Thank you very much.

i thought LeftHandedStudios emailed you, he's willing to do work for you for your fee, how come still looking for other "people with camera"? (i will reserve the title photographer for the real photographer, the others are just people with camera)

Don't waste time man. Pointless.

TS has said they have worked in takeaways for less than $5/hr. There is always a justification for what they do.

Well if the value of their products is $5 a piece, then that's their prerogative. Ditto left handed studios.

Well at least now we know you can hire LefthandedStudios for $5/item or maybe $10/hr. A really good deal for consumers I must say.

Cheap people always have excuses. Sorry this sorry that. But in the end are they sorry. No they are not. They just as happy exploiting the next provider if they are given the chance.

And to the people who respond to TS, wish you all the best. Usually the cheapest customers demand the most. Have fun shooting for free. I think with all your other costs calculated, you are actually paying to shoot for TS. Enjoy.

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Hi Nina,

Have emailed u.

Caleb Suresh
Left Handed Studios

LHS, Based on your previous posts, you are DESPERATELY giving out FREE services in any way you can, so I guess this pathetic $20 shitty job is a god-sent opportunity to you. :sticktong

Maybe you should just renamed yourself as Left-OVER Hand-me-free Studio.

Dear All,

Sorry left hand studio only emailed me but did not take the job therefore I am really surprised so called professional who is suppose to be precise and meticulous in what you so called do so well can so easily pass harsh judgement upon others without any truth and evidence.

Yes, people like us always have excuse to justify ourselves so what is yours for being so irresponsible on your comments s d judgement?

Dear All, Sorry left hand studio only emailed me but did not take the job therefore I am really surprised so called professional who is suppose to be precise and meticulous in what you so called do so well can so easily pass harsh judgement upon others without any truth and evidence. Yes, people like us always have excuse to justify ourselves so what is yours for being so irresponsible on your comments s d judgement? Regards, ncsl999

Irresponsible comments? Because we were open and honest by what we feel is an absolute insult to the industry? That we actually took the time to explain why we feel your request was ridiculous?

And your patronising use of sorry, comparison with other jobs that were closed for $10 as you have said, that using your job in a takeaway that paid less than $5/hr as an example even though both were very different in requirements & skill sets is NOT irresponsible?

Wow... Seriously?

LHS, Based on your previous posts, you are DESPERATELY giving out FREE services in any way you can, so I guess this pathetic $20 shitty job is a god-sent opportunity to you. :sticktong

Maybe you should just renamed yourself as Left-OVER Hand-me-free Studio.

Dear All,

Sorry left hand studio only emailed me but did not take the job therefore I am really surprised so called professional who is suppose to be precise and meticulous in what you so called do so well can so easily pass harsh judgement upon others without any truth and evidence.

Yes, people like us always have excuse to justify ourselves so what is yours for being so irresponsible on your comments s d judgement?

Irresponsible comments? Because we were open and honest by what we feel is an absolute insult to the industry? That we actually took the time to explain why we feel your request was ridiculous?

And your patronising use of sorry, comparison with other jobs that were closed for $10 as you have said, that using your job in a takeaway that paid less than $5/hr as an example even though both were very different in requirements & skill sets is NOT irresponsible?

Wow... Seriously?

Irresponsible comments? Because we were open and honest by what we feel is an absolute insult to the industry? That we actually took the time to explain why we feel your request was ridiculous?

And your patronising use of sorry, comparison with other jobs that were closed for $10 as you have said, that using your job in a takeaway that paid less than $5/hr as an example even though both were very different in requirements & skill sets is NOT irresponsible?

Wow... Seriously?

Dear G-man,
I think you should ask why armee compared you guys with McDonalds in the 1st place. I am not the one who initialized this comparison, but why do u think people who works in McDonald have no skill sets, every job require different skills sets. Getting paid to do a job is considered as insult ? I can acccept comments like the equipment used varies therefore the price will varies too.

People just do something they enjoy and getting paid is considered as an insult? I do craft as a hobby and sells those things which is very low price and this is insulting thing to do? What is wrong with you people?

I am not even asking for a free service. You can comment saying that not possible and that money is not too low for your time but that is just for your time pls do not make it that you represent all people.

I used to teach dancing when I was younger I charges very low too Bcoz I love the sport and dance I want to promote the sport so I am willing to bring down my charges. Non of my peers are like you guys it's my time cost and skill sets. Pls don't even mentioned that I am lower level or anything because I am international std, one of the best in south east Asia during my time but whenever I receive a job invitation which I think it's not suitable for personal reasons. I will just politely say sorry I cannot accept it or unavailable I will not openly or what you called being honestly open to insult anyone who offers me a job just because the payment is low.


Armee was suggesting that at your paying rate, it's better to work at McDonalds. If you even need this to be spelt out to you, then you either have a comprehension problem or are desperately trying to defend your stand to the point it's clutching at straws.

I do not claim to represent everyone even if you think that I do. That again seems to suggest a comprehension problem on your part.

You, however, seem to suggest that just because YOU charge low to teach dancing since you love it (more power to you then), others SHOULD share that same passion for photography to the point they should essentially give away their skills for almost nothing. Because quite honestly, whether you choose to admit it or not, that's what you are asking for.

Either way, I won't comment on your quest for a photographer any more. I will only wish you all the best and you get the shots you are after at your price.

hi ncsl999

I strongly urge your to take the time to iron or steam iron your own product (clothes) before shooting. Otherwise, even the great rate plus any competent photography you get will end up in adequately shot photos of wrinkled clothes.

Photos of wrinkled clothes no matter how nicely shot, are still wrinkled clothes. They may not be very appealing to your target market unless it is a target market specifically for wrinkled clothes.

I sincerely wish you all the best and I certainly do hope you get some decent work at that rate. Otherwise you would certainly get more satisfaction using mahjong paper. You can give it a try too.

I had already made it clear that I was offering TFCD for a Blogshop shoot in another post and I merely contacted Nina with the intention of signing her up as my TFCD blogshop shoot (as I had already advertised for in my other post)

She has been made fully aware of the fact that I have never shot products before and am limiting this offer to this single batch of items.

We also managed to discuss on further opportunities of working together at more standard rates.

Sincerely apologize if I have offended any of you for whatever reasons.

Caleb Suresh
Left Handed Studios

hi ncsl999

I strongly urge your to take the time to iron or steam iron your own product (clothes) before shooting. Otherwise, even the great rate plus any competent photography you get will end up in adequately shot photos of wrinkled clothes.

Photos of wrinkled clothes no matter how nicely shot, are still wrinkled clothes. They may not be very appealing to your target market unless it is a target market specifically for wrinkled clothes.

I sincerely wish you all the best and I certainly do hope you get some decent work at that rate. Otherwise you would certainly get more satisfaction using mahjong paper. You can give it a try too.

Hi Shizuma,

Thanks for your advice, at least there still people with some decent attitude towards photography. However I can confirmed with you, my product does not require ironing, its lycra material which ironing will damage it. I have used and worn this garment many years back so I know the product very well.

I need to a tips how to get the right light becoz my house is having warm led lights so will it make shooting them looks yellowish?


Not surprise that you offer $5 per product as you have ZERO knowledge about product photography.

You think you can get white background with the room light without major editing..

Let me give simplest advise to get the job done.
It is not a joke it is serious.

Just use iPhone and take urself in the day light then send for editing . Then you will get what you want within your budget.. Editing is much cheaper than hiring photographer ..

Hi Shizuma,

Thanks for your advice, at least there still people with some decent attitude towards photography. However I can confirmed with you, my product does not require ironing, its lycra material which ironing will damage it. I have used and worn this garment many years back so I know the product very well.

I need to a tips how to get the right light becoz my house is having warm led lights so will it make shooting them looks yellowish?


unfortunately this is a services wanted sub forum and not suitable to discuss here. please start a thread in newbie corner. I will help you from there

I had already made it clear that I was offering TFCD for a Blogshop shoot in another post and I merely contacted Nina with the intention of signing her up as my TFCD blogshop shoot (as I had already advertised for in my other post)

She has been made fully aware of the fact that I have never shot products before and am limiting this offer to this single batch of items.

We also managed to discuss on further opportunities of working together at more standard rates.

Sincerely apologize if I have offended any of you for whatever reasons.

Caleb Suresh
Left Handed Studios
I can share some of my experience with you about what you are doing now.

the good thing is you can find a lot of opportunities since you going around offering your services for free.

the bad things is when you have invested your time and money to build up your skills, portfolio, experience, and set up,
and you are ready to charge, but you won't find anyone willing pay you or pay a minimum wages for your services.

dude, there are many people like you going around offering free services, no customer is going to pay since they can always find somebody doing for free for them, so why should they pay?

and than you will start cursing others are "CHEAPO PHOTOGRAPHERS SO BLOODY DESPERATE!!"

FYI, a better way to do this is build up your foundation on your photography skills first,
do some self assignments to practise, go and borrow whatever things you want to shoot from you family members, friends, and people who willing to help you.
go and understudy from other established photographers,
than you also need to learn about the business, marketing and sales aspects of photography,
and most photographers don't understand these are far more important how to shoot good photos.

there are many photographers can shoot good photos but still fail on their business, but nobody can remember them.

Hi Shizuma,

Thanks for your advice, at least there still people with some decent attitude towards photography. However I can confirmed with you, my product does not require ironing, its lycra material which ironing will damage it. I have used and worn this garment many years back so I know the product very well.

I need to a tips how to get the right light becoz my house is having warm led lights so will it make shooting them looks yellowish?

sorry to say, those who think $20 is good deal, most probably know noting more then you.

since you think want to DIY, that is good for you and everybody. thank you

this thread served it purpose.

thread closed.

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