Product of Singapore - Annabelle Chong

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Canonised said:
No matter what the government wants us to believe, Singaporean can never be a really creative people, mainly because we are raised from a real kiasu and kiasi environment. ...

As an example: during a chingay.... let say one wants to be creative and take a photo from a creative angle which happen to be inside the boundary. The first thing you meet is the policeman to tell you to get behind the line.
Canonised} said:
Some of the people I know would figger out a way to get if they need to. Done it before myself, others have too - if you need to do it go do it ...... But if you need an excuse for things that are not going right, ok lean on big brother.It has notthing to do with what the governement does - its all internal - its all you what do you want to do ? Is the need big and bad enough for you to take a chance to make it happen. Things happen when you take chances...sometimes good sometimes bad accept both fear none. Take no chances and nothing new happens.Get a life take a chance. Take back the power into your life.

Sion said:
Yes. There is one.

The poor chap had to explain to his wife why he couldn't get up to go to work for 3 days. :bsmilie:
wink wink he needs to get up to go to work ...... must be an interesting line of work. wink

Sion said:
Yes. There is one.

The poor chap had to explain to his wife why he couldn't get up to go to work for 3 days. :bsmilie:
I read that if a guy do it 3 times in a row, he basically lose all the iron in his body, and it is dangerous...

I would love to shoot portraits of her today. I want to capture the history and experience in her eyes and it would make a good subject to shoot. Tastefully done nudes wouldn't be a bad idea too.

But where is she these days?

Astin said:
I read that if a guy do it 3 times in a row, he basically lose all the iron in his body, and it is dangerous...

Now that certainly has to be false.:cool:

Astin said:
I read that if a guy do it 3 times in a row, he basically lose all the iron in his body, and it is dangerous...

Got to read the Multi Orgasmic Man to know how to do it but not release it.

Astin said:
I read that if a guy do it 3 times in a row, he basically lose all the iron in his body, and it is dangerous...

Not truth la...

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
Do you know her 1st BF's name? ;p

Some one with the nick name. DCA :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Instead of giving support for someone who has a miserable past, we made fun and condemn. Instead of saying she is shameless, why not try to understand what has happened to her that made her choose something that hurting her own life?

We are not her friend that can ask her question, shows her least we shouldn't condemn and make fun of her.

For the guy that watched her video and then said she is shameless, well... instead of condemn you, i ask you what is your problem.. u came across that adult video ACCIDENTLY? but you call her shameless why?..ha.

She may have done a lot of wrongdoing, but she is more a human than you.

Maybe, after retiring from her porn actress career as they retire at 22 or 23 I guess, I suppose she can move on to become a councellor - for sex related problems. Like for rape victims, impotence or even insomia, premature ejeculation...... I think she's got enough credentials for that.

Or give a talk at the current SEXpo. :bsmilie: :bigeyes: and of course, here in Singapore, no life demo lah.....

sammy888 said:
She retire in her early 30s :) She got stamina ....heh.

What? Retired in her early 30s - considered an old mon, not a young chick of a porn actress liao. It has got nothing to do with stamina, but whether people like to watch an old hen doing it.

smallaperture said:
What? Retired in her early 30s - considered an old mon, not a young chick of a porn actress liao. It has got nothing to do with stamina, but whether people like to watch an old hen doing it.

Christy Cheung oso 30+... :sweat:

Sion said:
....and then you grab a chair and sit outside the five-foot-way smiling to yourself and to everybody that passes you. :bsmilie:

boy! that was sad .... :cry:

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