[ Product ] Gold metal stickers for E-P1 (from Gariz)


Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
Thought I'd try giving my E-P1 some golden clothes to wear and here it is ...


If you are interested, more info about the stickers in my blog.

Seems like very good quality, good workmanship, fine details for the camera parts, well thought of. :thumbsup:

The Gariz "pimped up LX3" is freaking wicked!!:devil:




Anyone wanna do a mass order for this?

anybody doing the MO for lx3 sticker? count me in!


LX3 pictures are awesome, love it :):)

loving the LX-3 one.

wow... the gold sticker is very very nice.... !!! *drool*

white with gold is the nicest combination! if silver body with gold i dont think it will have the same feeling. silver is more suitable for darker colors.

Yeap. I've had Gariz products since very long. Kinda was the few people who tested this products initially. I have the gariz leather strap. Very nice and durable.:bsmilie:

Just what you need...something to make your camera to be a more tempting theft target.

Not to mention if your subject is backlit by the sun you could blind them by the sticker's reflectance.

Lastly if I used it the gold would quickly wear off...with my skin type anything with a metallic surface gets worn off...can't even wear a gold coated wristwatch. Here's an example of a metallic mouse I used to use:

Just what you need...something to make your camera to be a more tempting theft target.

Not to mention if your subject is backlit by the sun you could blind them by the sticker's reflectance.

Lastly if I used it the gold would quickly wear off...with my skin type anything with a metallic surface gets worn off...can't even wear a gold coated wristwatch. Here's an example of a metallic mouse I used to use:

:bsmilie: You'll need hello kitty stickers to prevent theft.

As for your hands ... you need gloves. :bsmilie:

Just what you need...something to make your camera to be a more tempting theft target.

Not to mention if your subject is backlit by the sun you could blind them by the sticker's reflectance.

Lastly if I used it the gold would quickly wear off...with my skin type anything with a metallic surface gets worn off...can't even wear a gold coated wristwatch. Here's an example of a metallic mouse I used to use:

Oh btw ... the stickers ain't as reflective as it seems (in their product photos). Hahaha.

Just what you need...something to make your camera to be a more tempting theft target.

Not to mention if your subject is backlit by the sun you could blind them by the sticker's reflectance.

Lastly if I used it the gold would quickly wear off...with my skin type anything with a metallic surface gets worn off...can't even wear a gold coated wristwatch. Here's an example of a metallic mouse I used to use:
Does your hand excrete Acid or something :bsmilie: