Post here-pics taken fr S5000, S5600, S9500

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HydroPoP said:
How about dog? hee hee;p

I like this doggy.
Focal length 67mm
F 4.9
ISO 200
Potrait mode

heya bro, haf u taken macro of insects b4 using S9500? do u haf prob focusing? i tried to take pics of an insect today n the focusing is so bad... do u think its the prob of my set or its just that i dunno how to use the cam? i will post some pics i took up soon after i upload n process them. haiz.. quite disappointed...:bheart:

I think if the background contrast is stronger than your insect, the camera may not focus on the insect. Also note that in normal macro mode, the min focus distance at wide is 10cm and at tele is 90cm, so it is not that close. Super Macro is not very useful unless u can make the insect sit 1cm from ur lens. Try try experiment a bit loh, can always do manual focus if all else fail. ;) If u not printing big pics, can always digital zoom or crop the image.

Here are a few insects pics I have:

taken using a s9500 that i had just bought
c&c pls :)


here r the insect's pic! i dunno wat izzit called. =p Camera model: FinePix S9500


Flash used: No
Focal length: 21.6mm (35mm equivalent: 465mm)
CCD width: 1.67mm
Exposure time: 0.0031 s (1/320)
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO equiv.: 200
Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: matrix
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Auto bracketing


Flash used: No
Focal length: 19.0mm (35mm equivalent: 409mm)
CCD width: 1.67mm
Exposure time: 0.0080 s (1/125)
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO equiv.: 200
Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: matrix
Exposure: shutter priority (semi-auto)


Resolution: 750 x 455
Flash used: No
Focal length: 19.0mm (35mm equivalent: 409mm)
CCD width: 1.67mm
Exposure time: 0.0080 s (1/125)
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO equiv.: 200
Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: matrix
Exposure: shutter priority (semi-auto)

pretty insects pics! did u use any close up filters?
btw, is there any advantages or disadv. between using one +4 filter and two +2 filters?

Zaknafein said:
pretty insects pics! did u use any close up filters?
btw, is there any advantages or disadv. between using one +4 filter and two +2 filters?

i nv use any close up filter. i dun realli noe bout close-up filter too.. hehz.. haf to ask bro vbs1979 bout this. i might be getting a +4 soon too to compliment the raynox lens. :)

HydroPoP said:
insect No1 is very nicely done.:thumbsup:

thx! most of the pple who saw the pics say #1 is gd, the rest cannot make it. hahaha..
but nevertheless i'm happy with all the comments given. :)

Here's my try for action shot on the S9500 at the east coast cable ski...this is the only guy than can do patterns....
Focal length 67mm
Aperture F4.9
Shutter 1/1300
ISO 200
Metering mode: Pattern
Aperture Priority mode

the rest are hanging on for their lives...
Focal length 67mm
Aperture F4.9
Shutter 1/1100
ISO 200
Metering mode: Pattern
Aperture Priority mode

pg12 said:
i nv use any close up filter. i dun realli noe bout close-up filter too.. hehz.. haf to ask bro vbs1979 bout this. i might be getting a +4 soon too to compliment the raynox lens. :)

hi pg12, the bug is nice. i like #1 & #3. i am also a newbie. u can ask yewkay, he is using F11 to shoot macro. there are also many macro shooters out there. can seek them for advise. they are friendly and wont give u harsh remarks.

bcos u r taking macro, the depth of field is very shallow. meaning u should try to use a larger f-stop so that the insect can look sharp throughout.

u can try to bump up the iso to 400 or even 800. next time try to experiment using the fujichrome mode if S9500 has one.

Also can try to add some flash which will bring out the colors. bcos fr my monitor, the colors look a bit flat.

A close up filter will affect the sharpness of the pic. however if sharpness is not an issue, why not. Alternatively, u can buy a 50mm prime and mount on an adaptor. that will give u sharper pics. Btw, i am not sure if u can mount a reversed ring on yr S9500.

Fellow 9500 users may want to advise on this :)

Zaknafein said:
taken using a s9500 that i had just bought
c&c pls :)


hi, the pic seems a bit oof... did u see the "handshake symbol" going on when u take this pic. or u see AF!. What mode u using, maybe if u can share, it will shed some light. :)

vbs1979 said:
hi, the pic seems a bit oof... did u see the "handshake symbol" going on when u take this pic. or u see AF!. What mode u using, maybe if u can share, it will shed some light. :)

i was putting the focus on the droplet, hence, the rest of the picture might not see focused.
was using F2.8 due to insufficient light, and no handshake symbol. took indoor at about 1/250 i think, cant remember lol. took quite a lot of tries to get the droplet focus. btw, i was using manual focusing...

I don't have the above cameras... :bsmilie:
But saw some shots from an album mostly taken with a Fuji S5000Z & S9500.
I think most of his photos are very well taken.
Just like to share the link here.

obewan said:
I don't have the above cameras... :bsmilie:
But saw some shots from an album mostly taken with a Fuji S5000Z & S9500.
I think most of his photos are very well taken.
Just like to share the link here.

thanks bro for yr contribution. if u thinking of getting a prosumer. dont think, just get Fuji. :)

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