Pinky:st Outing #1 (mini-contest)

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derelictz said:
u not 21 yet meh? i tot u older than me... :what: :eek:

she is young and juicy, trust me

Currently only 17 entries!! Few hours left! Quick Post yours now!

Leinaj said:
wow ! How did u folks achieve such clarity ? :think: btw illustrious, is today the nomination day? how should we go about doing it? u mentioned somethng .... cant recall :dunno:

Credits go to okashiilo! It wouldn't be possible without his tripod. :)

post post post...

28 mins to go.. :thumbsup:

VR2 said:
post post post...

28 mins to go.. :thumbsup:

:bsmilie: :bsmilie: i'm waiting to post the Closure post... arghhh quick quick! anymore entries??

Thank you everyone for your entries!

The contest is officially CLOSED. Any photos posted after this post will NOT be entered into the contest. :embrass:

For easy viewing of all the 17 entries, I've collated them at Please feel free to view from there. (Too many OT and discussion in here liao. Might not be easy to select. Unless you already have your choice in mind!)

As stated in the earlier post, only those who posted are eligible for vote. 1 vote per user only! You are NOT allowed to vote for your own photo hor! :sticktong

We'll post ALL our votes here by quoting from the latest post. Like that easier to tally... put your nick next to the person u're voting for.

(Voting starts immediately and closes on Tuesday, 24 April at 2359.)

So as usual... I shall start...

Vote for the Pinky:st photo you like most...
1. illustrious -
2. simplicity -
3. ashleyy -
4. beetlejuice -
5. s11loop -
6. jus -
7.derelictz -
8. initialE24 -
9. VR2 -
10. Razor54 - illustrious
11. Buggy -
12. SpitFir3 -
13. Leinaj -
14. 29tim05 -
15. Inglorion -
16. splutter -
17. pRoLoS3r -

finally its time.. :sweat:

Vote for the Pinky:st photo you like most...
1. illustrious -
2. simplicity -
3. ashleyy -
4. beetlejuice -
5. s11loop - VR2
6. jus -
7.derelictz -
8. initialE24 -
9. VR2 -
10. Razor54 - illustrious
11. Buggy -
12. SpitFir3 -
13. Leinaj -
14. 29tim05 -
15. Inglorion -
16. splutter -
17. pRoLoS3r -

voted. :thumbsup:

illustrious said:
vote vote vote!!! dont sweat ok!

Eh? Is it just me or what? Some of the photos don't load? :confused:

Inglorion said:
Eh? Is it just me or what? Some of the photos don't load? :confused:

refresh will do. ;)

VR2 said:
refresh will do. ;)

Refreshed quite a few times already. All can see except Leniaj VR2 and Buggy. :confused:

juz now i also cannot see.. den refresh a few time got liao..
mayb try later lo..

i got no problem viewing them leh... hmm strange...
anyway the photos aren't hosted on my server mah... from the links they posted in this thread.

VR2 said:
juz now i also cannot see.. den refresh a few time got liao..
mayb try later lo..

Yes Sir! *Still hitting the button* :lovegrin:

illustrious said:
i got no problem viewing them leh... hmm strange...
anyway the photos aren't hosted on my server mah... from the links they posted in this thread.

Okay. I just checked with a friend. He pretty much have the same problem as me. :confused:

Inglorion said:
Refreshed quite a few times already. All can see except Leniaj VR2 and Buggy. :confused:

i think i'll get ZERO votes... :cry:

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