Photo Marathon Contest 2004

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I have signed up but no email, will go nevertheless.

Anyone wanna join me to:
1) go to locations together during the day
2) share ideas

BTW, anyone has the indemnity form?


offspring said:
I have signed up but no email, will go nevertheless.

Anyone wanna join me to:
1) go to locations together during the day
2) share ideas

BTW, anyone has the indemnity form?


You still can download it form the link below

1 person expressed interest to go shoot 2together, anyone else?

offspring said:
I have signed up but no email, will go nevertheless.

Anyone wanna join me to:
1) go to locations together during the day
2) share ideas

BTW, anyone has the indemnity form?


Hi guys, I received emails from the organiser saying that non singaporean and non PR are not elligible for any prize but are still welcome to join the competition. I replied that email with the cancellation of my participation. However, 1 day later I received the following from them:

Pleased to inform you that in view of the great response for the Digital Life Canon Photo Marathon on 16 October, the organisers have decided to extend the invitation to all that's interested to a cap of 600 pax, and whom can be present on 20 November 2004, for the prize giving ceremony (in the event that a non-Singaporean / PR wins the grand prize) .

We regret that there has been some initial confusion on nationalities and the eligibility of participation. However the organisers still hope that everyone can have fun in this competition. Hence, we hope that you can join the competition this saturday at Anglo Chinese School, Auditorium.

Thank you very much for your enthusiastic response to this competition which brings out the true spirit of such an event!

Cheers and see you!

The Organisers
Digital Life - Canon Digital Photo Marathon II 2004

So what does that mean? Now everybody elligible for a prize? why not just say it outright "elligibility open to non singaporean/non PR"

I would really appreciate it if anyone could enlighten me.


judging from the fact that they say 600 participants for the competition, and now that they are allowing any 600 interested particpants.. i guess the competition is now open to foreigners..

skyline_impreza said:
Does that also means that those who had not registered for the event in time and register now?

Hi, registration has closed.

8+ hours to go!! anyone have info on getting there by public transport?? (or any kind soul willing to give me a lift :D ) happi shooting to all ;)

many thanks chengwei n vagabond :thumbsup:

1st theme of the marathon: My World.

haha i also supposed to go today but my friend dun wan go so stay at home haha... :p

long day...

shagged from all the walking.... :sweat:

1st theme : My World
2nd theme : Island Life
3rd theme : Singapore Idol

reachme2003 said:
1st theme of the marathon: My World.
This was my entry for the 1st theme. The other 2 entries for the other 2 themes not worth showing. :(

Although this pic didn't win any prize, it is now in the top 30 to vie for the grand prize. Keeping my fingers crossed. :D

Congrats to Will03 and Anthony (sorry don't know your nick) for winning the merit prizes for the 3rd theme 'Singapore Idol'! Will, I love your 'sun' microphone! Very creative! :thumbsup:

Newman said:
This was my entry for the 1st theme. The other 2 entries for the other 2 themes not worth showing. :(

Although this pic didn't win any prize, it is now in the top 30 to vie for the grand prize. Keeping my fingers crossed. :D

Congrats to Will03 and Anthony (sorry don't know your nick) for winning the merit prizes for the 3rd theme 'Singapore Idol'! Will, I love your 'sun' microphone! Very creative! :thumbsup:

hee...... thanks.........

Newman said:
This was my entry for the 1st theme. The other 2 entries for the other 2 themes not worth showing. :(

Although this pic didn't win any prize, it is now in the top 30 to vie for the grand prize. Keeping my fingers crossed. :D

Congrats to Will03 and Anthony (sorry don't know your nick) for winning the merit prizes for the 3rd theme 'Singapore Idol'! Will, I love your 'sun' microphone! Very creative! :thumbsup:

btw.. alot of us really love your this shot............... really good... :thumbsup:

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