Photo Marathon Contest 2004

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limkopi said:
Gee... thx! :)

ur welcome.... and btw ur "compact digicam" is capable of taking any of the winning shots from last year's competition. :p

zaren said:
ur welcome.... and btw ur "compact digicam" is capable of taking any of the winning shots from last year's competition. :p
Provided if I know how... Me still trial & erroring with the manual options... bought this toy barely a mth ago u see...

i didn't know the competition is only limited to Singaporeans or PR... doesn't cover foreigners staying in Singapore... guess they should have mentioned that in the first place...and not wait to inform by email.

iceberg said:
i didn't know the competition is only limited to Singaporeans or PR... doesn't cover foreigners staying in Singapore... guess they should have mentioned that in the first place...and not wait to inform by email.

Yah...feel for you iceberg.............

coolbytes said:
hi all who joined .. can i join any of your 'group'?
hope to tag along someone who has a car .. thanks ;p

We can form a group if you don't mind. I don't have a car, but if our group has 3 or 4 person it won't be too siong taking cab.

kerpalz said:
Can i still join the contest?

Not likely as registration closed already. But depend on who u approach, u may. :)

I didn't get any email does that mean I'm out?

espn said:
I didn't get any email does that mean I'm out?

same here.. no email reply too :dunno:

they reply me, but too bad, only singaporean and PR can join, other than that you can join but you can't get the price,.....sigghhh

looks like this year there is no pre-selection of participants based on pic sent in.

reachme2003 said:
looks like this year there is no pre-selection of participants based on pic sent in.

Pic? they din ask me to send in any pic le

kerpalz said:
sianz...~~~bo chance to experience liao~

There's always next year. So pray hard that this year will be a great success. ;)

I got a call from Canon last week regarding what catergory I wanna join. But now it's 9TH OCT and I didn't get any email confirmation :dunno: What does this mean? Emailed to the listed email address and their marketing manager is out on leave till 18th Oct. :what:

they say just need to bring indemnity form will do for those registered

indemnity form? Is it the one we have to print when we registered? If so I didnt print anything!! Argghhhh!

Hi. I was at the Canon Photo seminar this afternoon. Thought I'll share the info they announced.

According to the organisers, there's no pre-registration shortlisting. So basically, once you registered, you're in. But nothing was mentioned abt restriction on foreigners. It's weird to have that restriction. I remember there were quite a few foreigners (ang mohs) last year.

So far 600+ have registered, so do expect a very large crowd. Signing in starts at 8am and 1st assignment will be given out at 9am.

Their advise is not to drive since there's a limited numbers of carpark lots in ACS. The neighbourhood is residential so not many public carpark lots available. And it so happened that next Sat is the PSLE briefing for parents, so there's definitely going to be a parking problem.

As for file size, preferably limit to 1600x1200. You'll be given 3 mins to view your all your photos on screen and choose the best to be uploaded. If need be, they'll help you to resize your large images to approx 1600x1200. Re-sizing is not considered as editing so it's acceptable.

Editing, such as adjustment of contrast etc, is not encouraged. No one is going to stop you if you bring your own laptop to do editing. So it boils down to integrity and spirit of competition. :)


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