Photo Hosting Business?

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hey klause. nice to see you here as well. << Eyungs friend here. :)

Yeah photo hosting is a good market out in SG. Really hope to see some webhost coming out with nice plans.

If there is a need to pay for it...i think most people would like to buy a harddisk to store their photo...

just my 2 cent

Kelvin^Newbie said:
If there is a need to pay for it...i think most people would like to buy a harddisk to store their photo...

just my 2 cent

Other people can't see your pictures if you store them in your own harddisk. :)

hmmm.... :think:

than the host must have a very big harddisk and a very fast server to let user to upload thier photo in no time.... think that must cost lot of money to do that ..

i wonder if sg has something like royalty photos. such as a member signs up and pays a monthly ongoing fee. he gets to upload certain amount of picture. and then, users may buy their photos. the server and uploader gets a profit. benifits users who are searching for local photos, and also the uploader or rather photographer and servers earns a fair share. hard to say, it might become a big thing and profits may reap.

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