Panasonic GH3

Yes, I compared the OLED screen in the GH3 with the LCD on the 70D. The OLED screens looks better.

In terms of what difference you mean ?


for some reason the colour reproduction on the LCD of a Canon is not very accurate... worked on sets which used 5D Mk III and C100. plugged the same SmallHD monitor into them and the camera's own LCD looked very off.

for some reason the colour reproduction on the LCD of a Canon is not very accurate... worked on sets which used 5D Mk III and C100. plugged the same SmallHD monitor into them and the camera's own LCD looked very off.
Oohh ... didn't know Canon is so way off ... Wonder if the 70D is like that too ?

Hi all GH3 users,

Can I know if we can record videos of different format (avchd, mp4 and mov) as well as same format format but in different bitrate & resolution (eg mov in 1920 x 1080 in 25p in 28Mbps and mov in 1280 x 780 in 50p in 50Mbps) all in the same class 10 SD card (ie record all these in one card)?


never tried before but I think should be able to.. I formatted a class 10 Sandisk SD card in my GH3 and found that it created DCIM (JPG, MP4, MOV) and PRIVATE (AVCHD video) folders

Hi all GH3 users,

Can I know if we can record videos of different format (avchd, mp4 and mov) as well as same format format but in different bitrate & resolution (eg mov in 1920 x 1080 in 25p in 28Mbps and mov in 1280 x 780 in 50p in 50Mbps) all in the same class 10 SD card (ie record all these in one card)?


You have a GH3, what's stopping you from trying it yourself? :)

What problem are you expecting? Don't see why there would be an issue at all, just like you can shoot different JPG settings and RAW on the same card.
I've definitely mixed video formats/settings a couple of times.

never tried before but I think should be able to.. I formatted a class 10 Sandisk SD card in my GH3 and found that it created DCIM (JPG, MP4, MOV) and PRIVATE (AVCHD video) folders

Thanks bro, greatly appreciated ...

You have a GH3, what's stopping you from trying it yourself? :)
Yeah but my GH3 does not come with a SDXC card. I wanted to buy the Extreme SDXC card buy will see if that works.

I am now still stuck at the reading manual stage ... :(

What problem are you expecting?
Last time, I remember I got problem with cards recording in mixed format or was it the NLE got problem recognising them ...

Don't see why there would be an issue at all, just like you can shoot different JPG settings and RAW on the same card.
I've definitely mixed video formats/settings a couple of times.
Thanks bro, but do you happen to know where to set the video to record in RAW ? I can only find the section to set the camera to record the stills in Raw + jpeg. But in video (Motion Picture), cannot find leh.

Thanks again.


Thanks bro, but do you happen to know where to set the video to record in RAW ? I can only find the section to set the camera to record the stills in Raw + jpeg. But in video (Motion Picture), cannot find leh.

Sorry if I confused you. I was referring only to STILLS in that line, thought it was pretty clear in the context of "JPG settings and RAW". :)

Sorry if I confused you. I was referring only to STILLS in that line, thought it was pretty clear in the context of "JPG settings and RAW". :)
No, I was not confused. I thought GH3 can record video in RAW but it looks like cannot leh ...

After checking this site, I suppose only the Canon can shoot video in RAW:

Yeah, it can't. Even if it could though, I don't know when I'd be ready to use it... File sizes are huge, you can get something like 7.5mins on a 32GB card. Plus workflow is different, not as straightforward as working with .movs

Thanks to both kandinsky & Bamboo.

I have no need to edit the video in raw as the space requirements is not feasible for me. It was just a friendly banter with my friend who bought the 70D and seeing how he bragged that his 70D can shoot video in raw.

Anyway, I got more pressing & stressful issues with my GH3.

Just realized the software of my body is ver 1.0 and lens is 1.1 when the latest is 1.1 and 1.2 respectively. Gotta read up on how to update them.

Anyway, I started reading the manual & I am puzzled about the AF Assist Lamp. If you read the manual, it says that when you press the shutter half, the AF Assist Lamp will appear. In the manual that I printed out from the CD, it also shows an arrow pointing to the picture of the location of this AF Assist Lamp.

See the arrow number 2 here at page 14:

But my GH3 does not have such lamp in that location leh ... do you have ? (It seems the picture of their camera is a bit different from my actual GH3 !). I certainly do not have the AF Assist lamp in that area.


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this is the Self-timer indicator/AF Assist Lamp..




Thanks Deunamist & kandinsky for posting the pic. Really appreciate it.

I was guessing that is the one too bcos from the manual, it is pointing at the horizontal plane so I was searching for a light at horizontal plane. So I guess it must be this light on the vertical plane since it is the nearest. Thanks for confirming the error in the manual.

Anyway, this light doesn't blink or light up when I press the shutter button at half press (which the manual says it will). However, an orange blinking colour light did appear when I test the self-timer function.

One thing I am not sure is whether your histogram chart is white color or orange color ? I read from the manual that if my histogram colour is orange instead of white, it means that the recorded picture and the histogram do not match.

But the manual did not say what I should do ?

Any ideas ?


Check Custom Menu > AF-Assist Lamp setting. I can't remember if it's on or off by default.
Even if it's on, it's designed to come on only when needed in a low-light situation.

When the recorded picture and the histogram do not match each other under the
following conditions, the histogram is displayed in orange.
–When the Manual Exposure Assistance is other than [n0] during Exposure Compensation or
in the Manual Exposure Mode
–When the flash is activated
–When suitable exposure is not achieved with the flash closed
–When the brightness of the screen is not correctly displayed in dark places
•The histogram is an approximation in the Recording Mode.
•The histogram displayed in this camera does not match histograms displayed by picture editing software used in PCs etc.

I think it just acts as an indicator that for that particular scene, you will be recording a photo/video that will have different histogram from the 'live' histogram that is displayed.
Think of it as a reminder that histogram may not be foolproof in checking exposure, especially when it's orange (looks more yellow to me actually).


Thanks kandinsky. Really appreciate it.

On a separate note, I just realized the software on my GH3 body is Ver 1.0. I have 2 questions which I hope users of GH3 can help.

The Panasonic website says that there is a body upgrade Ver 1.1 and 1.2 for GH3.

Question 1:
Do I have to update twice (first to 1.1 then again to 1.2) ?

Or can I update straight from my current 1.0 to 1.2 ?

Question 2:
The Panasonic procedure says that after copying the files into the SD card, start up the camera and press "PLAY". When they said "PLAY", are they referring to the "PLAYBACK" button ?

Thanks again.


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Hi guys,

I have managed to update both the software updates on the camera body & lens.

But one thing that really irks me is the wifi.

I have installed the Lumix Link Apps on my iPhone.

I can send photos from my camera to my iPhone but when I try the Live Control, it always say "Cannot connect to the camera". I mean if cannot connect, how come I managed to send photos ?

Any ideas or tips ?


This youtube is good on how to setup the wifi for GH3

Unfortunately my 12-35 f2.8 lens is not a powered zoom lens so cannot try out.

But did anyone try to record video ? I press the red circle button on the iPhone. It starts recording but can only record for 3 mins !

Furthermore, I cannot stop the recording thru the red button. It says "To stop recording, press the button on the camera" !! Alamak, why like that ?

Is it only me or did I miss something ?

You guys also can only:
1) record for 3 mins ?
2) stop recording by pressing the button on the camera (instead on the iPhone) ?
