
Good stuff. Love #51-53.

Especially #51, when I scroll down, it is like an animation.

you're a true artist... thanks for being an inspiration!

added you on flickr. keep up the good work.

To simpleone89 :
Thanks a lot for your appreciation. Keep on learning, exploring, shooting and you will be as good as you want to be ;p

To mikha :
Thanks a lot for your appreciation, it means a lot to me ;p

To grumpy :
Your C&C becomes a real support for me, thanks a lot for that ;p

To gazkw :
Thanks a lot for your C&C and also thank for added my flickr ;p have a nice + happy shooting time for you ;p

# 63 Color of Corridor (GEO Building'sTerrace, Telok Anyer, Raffles Place, Singapore, 2009)



Wow! Stunning Pictures! Beautifully mastered! You can officially be my shi fu!

to trulybern :
thanks alot for your C&C, sure i would glad to share what i know in photography to you. Have a nice shooting time ;p

i enjoy viewing all ur photos.. nice job ^^ keep it coming

Ooh i love the colours in #63 :D

man you sure inspire me....all ur shots are so out of the ordinary!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: