Official Canon EOS 60D User Thread Part I

But my happen on movie mode. And it's freaking huge. There's a thick green translucent line down my LCD the whole time I'm filming.

I think probably you were not clear in your first post coz we thought you were referring to the quality of the video, now you are saying it is the LCD having problem? Any issues with the video you recorded?

horizon8 said:
Just a gauge for you guys, bought mine at 1320 body from 3:16 3 weeks ago. Include standard freebies.

Question bro, is the 1320 after gst price? Thanks!

JohnJon82 said:
Saw mostly the price is after/before gst. Got effect one? With GST can claim back?

Erm, if h hv tourist fren, u can try asking them to claim for u at airport before departure...

To claim for gst, the tourist must have the actual product with them. Most of the gst claim desk is after the Singapore customs check point. Provided your friend is coming back anytime soon, or else your camera will be in other land:bsmilie:

To claim for gst, the tourist must have the actual product with them. Most of the gst claim desk is after the Singapore customs check point. Provided your friend is coming back anytime soon, or else your camera will be in other land:bsmilie:

I think u can also claim before checking in. Just say that u wanna check in the stuff, so they cannot "force" u to claim only after immigration in the "restricted" area. Something from customs's website...
"If you have bulky goods or goods to be checked in, you are required to proceed to Singapore Customs’ GST Refund Counter before immigration clearance. For high value goods or goods that can be hand-carried, you are required to proceed to Singapore Customs’ GST Refund counter at the Departure Lounge (after immigration clearance). With the implementation of the aviation security guidelines for Liquids, Aerosols and Gels (LAG), LAG goods must be checked in or sealed in a tamper-evident bags. Singapore Customs does not provide any tamper-evident bags and will not be responsible if your airlines do not allow you to carry the goods onboard.

At Singapore Customs’ GST Refund Counter, you must produce the goods, the original receipt and the duly completed refund form together with your passport and boarding pass or confirmed air ticket in person to the checking officer for verification."

Erm, if h hv tourist fren, u can try asking them to claim for u at airport before departure...

ooo... the custom very strict or not? say if I buy the stuff before my friend come, then they will know? later caught cheating then go to jail... the gst rebate is about 5.5%? deduct 1.5% for processing fee i think.

JohnJon82 said:
ooo... the custom very strict or not? say if I buy the stuff before my friend come, then they will know? later caught cheating then go to jail... the gst rebate is about 5.5%? deduct 1.5% for processing fee i think.

Not worth the penalty lah. Imho, just save up and buy it if really want the camera.. why go to such extremes.. if really get caught the stress regardless of the penalty is enough to dampen your interest in everything lol.

hihi a new 60d user.. having some problem wif the recording of movie, it auto stop after nearly 2min..
is it becos if the the sd card?

hihi a new 60d user.. having some problem wif the recording of movie, it auto stop after nearly 2min..
is it becos if the the sd card?

I used to have this problem, and it's due to SD card. Try to get a Class 6 and above. The freebie I got was a Class 4. :(

beansilog said:
Question bro, is the 1320 after gst price? Thanks!

Yea includes gst. :)

hihi a new 60d user.. having some problem wif the recording of movie, it auto stop after nearly 2min..
is it becos if the the sd card?

Use Class 10, min 20/30 MBs.
60D Movie recording (1920x1080) take 330MB/Min, means 5.5 MB per second.
For RAW file continue shooting, every RAW file take at least 20MB x 5.3 fps = over 100 MB every second.

I used to have this problem, and it's due to SD card. Try to get a Class 6 and above. The freebie I got was a Class 4. :(

thanks just got a class 10 card, try record 5min now.. it ok.. thanks :)

still no news about stocks of 60d coming in eh? :/

hi, everyone here i have a qus for the 60d.
i just got my not long back, i found that when i look through thw viewfinder,(facing white object) i get to see some hairline on the viewfinder.. (it like a thin plastic
layer on the viewfider..) when i take pic, i dont get to see the hairline.. , my qus is, is there any thin plastic protact the viewfinder or anything inside?

kelchew said:
hi, everyone here i have a qus for the 60d.
i just got my not long back, i found that when i look through thw viewfinder,(facing white object) i get to see some hairline on the viewfinder.. (it like a thin plastic
layer on the viewfider..) when i take pic, i dont get to see the hairline.. , my qus is, is there any thin plastic protact the viewfinder or anything inside?

Good question. I think I know what you mean. Is it something whitish and slightly foamy? On the very light side. Not that obvious.

hi, everyone here i have a qus for the 60d.
i just got my not long back, i found that when i look through thw viewfinder,(facing white object) i get to see some hairline on the viewfinder.. (it like a thin plastic
layer on the viewfider..) when i take pic, i dont get to see the hairline.. , my qus is, is there any thin plastic protact the viewfinder or anything inside?

Think I get what you mean.. Mine seems like it has a matte screen protector over the whole viewfinder:sweat: