Official Canon EOS 60D User Thread Part I

tested 60D in vivo today, there are few feature that i like, but there are also some issue that i dont like..
1. the mode button, you have to press the middle button before change from Av to Tv.. it's really annoying..
2. Delete button was changed to left top corner..

Long long time ago, SLRs used to have that lock button on the mode change to prevent accidental switch. I welcome it back, its like going back old home to me :thumbsup::lovegrin:

Just touch the 60D at Jurong Point Harvey Norman... cannot switch it on as it is not a demo set so can only have a feel of the exterior only...

1. Body definitely a better grip compared to 550D... great for people who already own lens which are on the heavy side or having big hands...
2. All the buttons are pretty easy to press...
3. Regarding the mode button... the middle button is pretty easy to press... just need a bit of time to get used to it...
4. Cannot confirm it is a problem yet... i find the navigation (up down left right thingy) is not so easy to press... have to on the demo set and try to confirm its responsiveness....
5. Well... I think got reports saying the screen is fingerprint free... that is erm... 75% correct? It will still have fingerprint marks but much better resistance compared to my 1000D...

Navigation button is easy to press & responsive. Besides left, right, up & down, u can navigate diagonals. Well thot out. :thumbsup:

Fingerprints will be there for sure. Nose oil also i can confirm. :bsmilie: But not an issue at all la.

Some test shot

70-200mm f/4 L


AI Servo - not satisfied


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IMO the 12800 is not usable. Its juz a no. for marketing purpose, more of a "use it at ur own risk" kind of thingy.

100% crop 12800, all NR off

The video is damn good!! :heart: I have no trouble shooting 2+mins continuous. Probably ur settings in the cam. The quality is really good. No jello effect :lovegrin:

Did something like a testtube with 5 blocks of squares appear on the right side of the LCD while you were recording?
If yes, it means that the 60D can't write data fast enough to your SD card. To solve it, get a faster SD card.

Yes, the freebie SD card given is slow performing and can't be written on fast enough for HD recording. Lower the resolution to 640x480 and it'll be able to keep up.

Alternatively, get a faster card as suggested. :)

Thanks nightpiper, kenny123 and vince :D What you all said is correct.

This is due to the SD Card that can't write the data fast enough. I had lower the setting to 640x480 and had no issue with it.

The SD Card that they give is only 8GB class 4. Guess those who are using it for recording video with high resolution will need to purchase Class 6 SD Card, else they need to lower the resolution.

Anyone tried recording video with Class 6 SD Card with the highest resolution? Just to confirm that it will not auto stop recording.

Anyone tried recording video with Class 6 SD Card with the highest resolution? Just to confirm that it will not auto stop recording.

Yes I've been recording on a slightly older 4GB SD Card (which has twice the write speed compared to the freebie card) on Max resolution and 30fps. It doesn't stop at all. Managed to squeeze 10 minutes of video into that one.

Looks like I'll be heading out for a faster performing 8GB SD...

BTW, I got mine today from CP and was wondering about why the video kept stopping as well. Ended up referring to the manual. It's all in there if you take the time to read it.

BTW... what is the highest class for the SD card at the moment?

Just curious... I am using 1000D at the moment. When I try to take fireworks shots (about 2-3s), it takes a few seconds to process before I can take my next shot... would a much faster SD card helps?

BTW... what is the highest class for the SD card at the moment?

Just curious... I am using 1000D at the moment. When I try to take fireworks shots (about 2-3s), it takes a few seconds to process before I can take my next shot... would a much faster SD card helps?

Actually, the cameras all have a buffer. If your habit is to view each shot after shooting, then chances are, it'll take longer before you can take your next shot. Doesn't really matter what SD Card you're using. Best to shoot a few in a row before viewing your shots. Just view the first one to check composition, exposure etc.

A faster card will make a difference when shooting in Continuous mode where the camera's built-in buffer might fill up faster than it can transfer the data on to the card.


Thanks nightpiper, kenny123 and vince :D What you all said is correct.

This is due to the SD Card that can't write the data fast enough. I had lower the setting to 640x480 and had no issue with it.

The SD Card that they give is only 8GB class 4. Guess those who are using it for recording video with high resolution will need to purchase Class 6 SD Card, else they need to lower the resolution.

Anyone tried recording video with Class 6 SD Card with the highest resolution? Just to confirm that it will not auto stop recording.

Sorry my bad for excluding the card speed. :p I'm using sandisk extreme 16GB class 6, about $85, bot 2 together with the 60D, so cheaper. Very good. Was shooting more than 5mins yesterday non stop at full 1920 25fps settings. Very cool :lovegrin:

BTW... what is the highest class for the SD card at the moment?

Just curious... I am using 1000D at the moment. When I try to take fireworks shots (about 2-3s), it takes a few seconds to process before I can take my next shot... would a much faster SD card helps?

I believe the highest class now is class 10 (~$135 at AP). But SD association has added another rating for video now, UHS-I. This new symbol on cards will guarantee fast enuf speed for video.

But to be very safe, u can buy class 10 cards, else class 6 is sufficient cos the data for DSLR video is still quite low compared to pro video cams.

Hope this helps :lovegrin:

You know... Now I am pretty tempted to get a 60D now... wahaha!!

Anyone care for a mass order from a shop? Might be cheaper if we all whack from the same shop...

You know... Now I am pretty tempted to get a 60D now... wahaha!!

Anyone care for a mass order from a shop? Might be cheaper if we all whack from the same shop...

You wouldn't regret getting one that's for sure. :)

Long long time ago, SLRs used to have that lock button on the mode change to prevent accidental switch. I welcome it back, its like going back old home to me :thumbsup::lovegrin:

I used to change the mode from Av to M to Tv when doing outdoor photo cause of the sunlight.. by giving extra step, i scare i will spoilt the mode wheels :confused:

hehehe... I am buying too. ;p

Hehe... I went to try the camera again... Wahaha! This time at challenger at Jurong Point and it sort of got a demo set.. Woo hoo!!

1. All right... the navigation is very sensitive...
2. The navigation wheel is not as smooth as 50D or 7D
3. The mode dial... I just realize there is a Bulb mode. Which is good as I got use bulb mode at times... Using 1000D I have to scroll all the way in M mode in order to reach Bulb mode. All the creative mode is pretty close to each other (M, Av, Tv, B, C) so pressing a button to change a mode is still ok... The most troublesome part is the video mode... Have to turn almost 360 degree to reach the video mode. Not too easy with pressing a button and turning the dial...

BTW, the salesperson told me 60D is better than 50D as 60D got this dual cross sensor thingy... true? Think he is "smoking" me sia...

Hehe... I went to try the camera again... Wahaha! This time at challenger at Jurong Point and it sort of got a demo set.. Woo hoo!!

1. All right... the navigation is very sensitive...
2. The navigation wheel is not as smooth as 50D or 7D
3. The mode dial... I just realize there is a Bulb mode. Which is good as I got use bulb mode at times... Using 1000D I have to scroll all the way in M mode in order to reach Bulb mode. All the creative mode is pretty close to each other (M, Av, Tv, B, C) so pressing a button to change a mode is still ok... The most troublesome part is the video mode... Have to turn almost 360 degree to reach the video mode. Not too easy with pressing a button and turning the dial...

BTW, the salesperson told me 60D is better than 50D as 60D got this dual cross sensor thingy... true? Think he is "smoking" me sia...

If i m not wrong, there is no change in AF sensor from the 50D?

AF has not changed but the sensitivity of the center cross is increased. I believe now it encompasses diagonals as well, the rest juz normal cross