Official Canon 550D User Thread Part III

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Hi everybody,

I've been using my 550D for a couple of months now, basically learning the ropes, and i must say, I really do find this camera to be an amazing piece of equipment.

However, I do have a problem that I hope you guys can help me out with. It seems that the 550D fares quite poorly in terms of auto-focusing whenever its used in areas with relatively low lighting. It can't seem to find a focus point, and the picture taken tends to turn out blurry from time to time.

I usually shoot on manual mode, and prefer to adjust the aperture and shutter speed to shoot in ambient lighting, hence the problem. I've tried using a 40D, and it's auto-focusing is MUCH BETTER than the 550D in these conditions.

So is it just my particular set that's having these problems, or do these problems apply to 550D in general? Any setting that I can tweak to deal with the problem?

Thanks in advance~ ;)


I'm also a happy user of the 550D right now.

I do face AF problems under low light too, but I have already solved the problem by using a torch light, those cheapo ones you can find in a flea market which cost me $2 for a LED one, and shine it to the object which provides additional light to enhance it's focusing.

I've learnt a lesson, as I could not even focus when I was shooting under an extreme condition of low lightings, thus my shifu suggest that I shall get a LED torch to enhance it.

Well, here's my take, a piece of information I would like to share with you guys.

Cheers !

hey guys.. i havent really have time to look into my 550d for quite long..

just wonder.. if i want to take those BW shot or those vintage shot where and what mode i should select?

hey guys.. i havent really have time to look into my 550d for quite long..

just wonder.. if i want to take those BW shot or those vintage shot where and what mode i should select?

there's many picture style though, u can select the monochrome for black and white shots.

hey guys jus a noob qns, can 550D take panorama shot?

Hi all, new 550D owner reporting~

I'm 101% newbie. this is my first DSLR. hope I can get some good tips from all of ya~


stay alive in this thread... got qus ask dont be shy :p

u will enjoy the moment with ur 550d

Would buying a 15-85 be considered an upgrade from 18-135? looking for better image quality but wondering whether the price is justified or not=(

Would buying a 15-85 be considered an upgrade from 18-135? looking for better image quality but wondering whether the price is justified or not=(

Hi I'm not sure how long you have been suggestion is for you take more shots with the 18-135 first. Then you will know if you need the additional range. Also, go through the photos that you have taken to check for the sharpness. Are they ok for you, or are you frustrated by them?

15-85??? My advise is don't try it if you just want to look look see see.....
Reason: Once tried, sure poison :bsmilie: then B&S will have another 18-135 for sale in no time ;)

Pricing: one man's meet is another man's poison. Only you will know.

yeah i tink you are right. i tried my friend's copy and man it was great. maybe i was poisoned then haha..

Thanks for your reply, made me think hard abt whether i really need it.

you cant create panoramas from the camera itself, but you can take several pictures and stitch them together using any panorama software, such as photoshop, hugin, etc.

one (expensive) alternative to this is to get a UWA like the 10-22 or 8-16 and crop the top & bottom of the photo. on the other hand, the stitching method is cheaper, less prone to flare (i think), distortion, and less likely to require frequent lens changing when more reach is required. with the stitching method, your photo will also be at a higher resolution. disadvantages of the stitching method is the skill required to a) stitch the seams and b) frame the picture.

Guys, I'm new to DSLR and will be getting my 2nd hand 550D tomorrow evening (29.10.10) from a gentleman. It comes with a EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Lens and other items.

I'm excited yet nervous of this purchase. Heard a lot of good reviews on 550D.

My question is...

- Can a newbie use EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Lens? Or should we stick with the 18-55 IS lens that normally comes with the body.
- What is the difference between these two lenses?

Guys, I'm new to DSLR and will be getting my 2nd hand 550D tomorrow evening (29.10.10) from a gentleman. It comes with a EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Lens and other items.

I'm excited yet nervous of this purchase. Heard a lot of good reviews on 550D.

My question is...

- Can a newbie use EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Lens? Or should we stick with the 18-55 IS lens that normally comes with the body.
- What is the difference between these two lenses?

55-250mm lens is for telephoto-range, means for shooting quite far object, for e.g: u want to shoot birds in jurong bird park, you have to use this lens in order to get close-up on bird :)

18-55mm lens is standard zoom range.. you can shoot landscape(wide) with this lens and portrait range (walk-about photography also can..)

maybe that's all i can described in simple way definition

or maybe you can think logically, the smaller in "mm" the wider image you can get, so in 18mm will be wider image you can get compared to 55mm.. if you already get your camera and lens, you will know it better and quicker.. =)

for newbie, 18-55mm and 55-250mm are a good combination, and i don't guarantee if you already going crazy with ur camera and consider to buy a better lens with a better price also.. ;)

550D is a perfect choice, i think it is the best DSLR in entry-level class

Thanks Sleepies. Now I can see the difference between these 2 lenses. In that case, shd I get the 18-55mm lens as well? Since I am keen to shot a potrait/ landscape photos. Or 55-250mm is just fine at this moment.

Thanks Sleepies. Now I can see the difference between these 2 lenses. In that case, shd I get the 18-55mm lens as well? Since I am keen to shot a potrait/ landscape photos. Or 55-250mm is just fine at this moment.

Skip the kit lens, suggest a Sigma 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6. Cover both 18-55 and 55-250

Thanks Sleepies. Now I can see the difference between these 2 lenses. In that case, shd I get the 18-55mm lens as well? Since I am keen to shot a potrait/ landscape photos. Or 55-250mm is just fine at this moment.

55-250mm isn't wide enough for most photos... you'll need to pair it with something that covers the 18-55 range. if you're budget is about $100, then 18-55 kit lens is probably the best choice.

Thanks Sleepies. Now I can see the difference between these 2 lenses. In that case, shd I get the 18-55mm lens as well? Since I am keen to shot a potrait/ landscape photos. Or 55-250mm is just fine at this moment.

sometimes you will need telephoto-range 70mm and above
and of course you wil need 18mm range also..

if you have more budget, i suggest you to take Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 it is cost around $500 for 2nd hand item with good condition.. sharp copy, nice bokeh and good in low-light condition

but if your budget for portrait lens is only around $100, 18-55mm will be a good choice also :)

if you think you will going crazy with ur camera, i recommends you to buy Tamron one.. of course the quality will be better than kit lens

Hi all,
Just bought a 550D with the 18-55mm lens 3 days and took it for my cruise trip. My first DSLR. Been playing with it on manual mode for the past 3 days and loving it. Its so easy to use. Already thinking of buying the 50mm lens. This is an expensive hobby!!

Thanks for all the information. Just bought 550D (2nd hand). Hopefully, i am able to utilise the functions since i am new to dslr. It comes with a 55-250mm lens + other accessories. The seller includes eos550D user guide as well.

Excited yet nervous. based on the reply given, think I may consider buying another 18-55mm lens, a 2nd hand one. Hopefully, it costs about $100.

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