[nitewalk] visions


This is a 3-shots panorama taken using A7R and TS-E 17mm with the lens shifted horizontally from -2 to +2.


that scaffolding.. ;(


Repost because the previous version was uploaded with the wrong colour space. :sweat:



A quick handheld shot of the new Singapore Sports Hub after the Singapore-Juventus friendly match. Do note that for events, they seem to only permit one lens. As usual, they aren't very clear on their web site, so i could only bring my fisheye in only after much arguing together with another Pentaxian. :sweat:

Edit: i also brought in the telephoto. Wouldn't have elected for a fisheye over a telephoto for a football match of course!


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A backlog from many months back


:thumbsup: for #62 sir.

A great pity the pitch is so sandy. Perhaps they should've let the grass grow a bit more before trying to set the new world record with the Chinese Orchestra concert.

Great art !