[nitewalk] APWP 2013


Taken on Pentax K-01+Samyang 8mm at 3:21am

An alternative take on Fullerton Bay Hotel where the interior is done to death with fisheye lenses. I have always wanted to catch curved traffic trails and in here I saw an opportunity, where the traffic trails gives a context to the shot which people may not immediately know what is this place if they are not familiar with this area.


Very nice series and enjoyable to view your pics.


Out of This World

Taken today using Pentax K-01+Samyang 8mm FE and manually blended 5 exposures with two repeated exposures to correct highlights

This was what I envisioned before my first visit to Garden by the Bay with a fisheye lens. Well, somewhat. The haze made the darker shade of blue quite uneven, not the shade of navy blue I like. Therefore, I settled for a lighter shade of blue using lighten mode during blending. This is probably one of the few outdoor scenes one can shoot in such hazy condition.



This is a perspective I had wanted to capture for very long ever since I first used this bridge a few months back. I would say the contrast between the regular structure and the curves in the foreground caught my attention. In my mind, I thought the light trails would add something to this shot and I may redo it with stronger trails.



Panorama image of 3 vertical frames of 3 exposures each manually blended to control the highlights

This is a place I frequent very much nowadays and I was reminded of Stefan's work of Rise of The Sembawang Colony especially in how similar the curves of the HDB appear in both places. Instead of going to the same place to shoot the same photo, I wanted to find some other place which retains the essence of what attracted me in that photo, that was the curves in the shot.



The Last Show

This was the first and last time I enter this place. It was darker than it appears and a long exposure was necessary. There are a few similar versions. There was a choice to let the stream of light be more pronounced, which would mean that blowing the highlights at the window would not be ideal I guess. What I had in mind was the image of old style projector and the wooden boards where the screen was, as the screen. Thus I blew the highlights in order to get this idea.



Something from backlog, haven't been shooting lately.



Taken during yesterday morning before sunrise, which was pretty decent I'd say. Out for maybe 3 weeks due to haze and work. This is a 3-frame single RAW image panorama.



Holy Symmetry

Church of Blessed Sacrements, Singapore

Panorama image of 3 frames of 5, 6, 5 exposures manually blended.

Saw a few photographers shooting this and after the arrival of my Panosaurus, I itched to give it a try. Of a few perspectives, I was more interested in this and I actually pushed one EV higher for the centre frame to get a brighter feel in the middle. In my mind I had an image of a bright cross and rather meaningfully so, hence I decided to push it with the centre frame.



From yesterday. The full resolution file is 42MB. Made some mistakes during shooting. Will redo again after realising my mistakes.



Four hours of standing and waiting,
Three frame panorama,
Two camera setups used,
One Singapore.



Diffracting Beams

Three frame panorama of single RAW exposures for each frame using GND0.6 soft

Yesterday sunset and this time pushing the Panosaurus to the limit with near foreground lines. The dynamic range of Pentax bodies surprises me once again when I am very sure a Canon body would have required blending to bring out similar shadow details decently. This was a severely backlit shot which I had to use the GND filter for once in a long time to ensure I can do this in a single exposure but even so, it does require some work on the shot to bring out the details without making the image noisy. I was jumping up and down when I saw the sun shining through the blocks of MBS and it was really a beautiful feeling after a long day at work and such is the beauty of doing cityscapes. It was just an amazing feeling.



Taken on Pentax K-01+Samyang 8mm FE




Art Science Museum, Singapore

3 frame panorama image of 2 exposures each manually blended

Forgot to bring my mounting plate for the ball head and remote shutter release so I was forced into doing the whole shoot with the Panosaurus. I don't recall seeing this perspective, but probably someone must have covered this, just not a commonly taken perspective.


nice series, where is this lighthouse?


Taken more than a week ago
