Nikon Petition

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Well, if you have the money, I guess Nikon-san can customised the camera for you. ;)

Hua Luo Han said:

waaaayyyy da go... also kenna slammed in an international forum. :bsmilie:

i'm outta here. got 2 rolls of sensia and 1 roll of astia to burn... (weee... look. its FF!)

OT: for those equipment-peepers, have a read at Mike Johnston's latest article. disregard his comments at Canon's 5D pic quality (besides, its not the point of the article... in case some are too caught up with the 'to FF or not to FF' argument). :)

Sometimes, that we should be thankful that technology had made DSLR so affordable nowadays. A 350D, D70s, D50, KM 5D, E300, etc. All these cameras can be get for less than S$2000 with free gifts some more. Few years back how many of us can think of owning a DSLR ?? A P&S digicam also not cheap. Now ppl all want FF... :bsmilie:

Be contented with what we own now and go out and shoot nice pictures.
Make your equipment worth every cents by rewarding yourself with nice pictures.
By the time your current equipment retire, I'm sure a FF DSLR will be very affordable.

Watcher said:
Eh, I had this idea 2 years ago, even before HSC came out :D

Tt's a good read and idea..(btw, i did'nt steal your idea also hor..). Maybe you ask Nion for free lens and bodies for life so they reluctant to release it...hee hee:bsmilie:

Sjourn said:
Tt's a good read and idea..(btw, i did'nt steal your idea also hor..). Maybe you ask Nion for free lens and bodies for life so they reluctant to release it...hee hee:bsmilie:
Heh, they can just give me $$$ for the idea leow :cool: I'm rather sure that Nikon will use this idea when they come out with a 24x36mm DSLR some where down the road in, oh, 5-10 years from now. This just shows you why Nikon is still Nikon: you don't need to abandon your F-mount for more than 40 years, unlike other brands out there that did it just to get more money from the buyers...

May God poured His blessings upon Nikon & all Nikon users (including you Watcher) out there.;p

From my opinion I see no point in this petition. Who else, but measurebators would be crazy over Nikon to come out with a FF sensor just because Canon did so. What can full frame offer that DX lenses have already solved? How often do you need to go wider than a 10.5mm DX? We should all be thankful for the DX size making digital photography so affordable these days.

I shoot for a living and have been happily using DX lenses for the past year and see no qualms with it at all. If you can create beautiful pictures without your equipment restricting you, I don't see any need to complain.

snaggs said:
Ok guys, anyone who wants clarification from Nikon on whether there is a full frame future please sign this petition. We just want to know where we stand so we can plan accordingly. Even if you support DX, surely you'd like us Full Frame whiners to have an answer so we stop complaining and either accept DX or go elsewhere. Note the petition only asks for clarification on full frame, not neccesarily to have it,


To: Nikon Japan

We, the signed profess a loyalty to Nikon but are unhappy with;

1) The inability to provide feedback to Nikon Japan. Local distributors are just agents and we have no confidence that any feedback will be passed on.

2) The lack of communication, namely, what is your product roadmap, what can we expect for the future in clear unambiguous language.

3) Nikons slowness to anounce product developments, and even worse performance on delivering that product on time.

4) Nikons unresolved commitment to 35mm. We request a definitive answer, YES or NO as to whether Nikon will be supporting full frame digital, so we can finally make a decision on whether or not to invest in the DX system or to migrate to another system.

lolzz. i dont think nikon top brass tell you the truth. at most they only give some hints thats all

Maybe, Nikon themself is not able to tell us if full frame becomes a reality in the future or the distant future. Distant future is 10 years, 30 years or never.

Even Bill Gates wasn't able to predict a 1GB RAM PC 20 years ago.

The question is do you need it? Wide angles, greater resolution and sharpness?

The current DX format with 6Mp is largely inuf for amateur and serious amateur use. Even for events, weddings and journalist, it is great for the quality, speed and convenience and affordability. For large posters in adverts, some magazines, there is still MF or large format which is another ball game.

And then, how many are willing to fork out 8 - 10k for such a FF dSLR. Would Nikon spend millions to develop such a cam and then, just able to sell only in minute quantities? I think it is more of a commercial rather than technical consideration for FF or not.

Also, the gigantic file that would take an eternity to do post-processing ......

Wai said:
If i were the competitors, I will also want to know Nikon's road map so that I can plan for counter-measure.

If you work in R&D before, you will know that everything happening inside are strictly confidential. Nikon should have started working on the new sucessor for D100 long long time ago...else they will be in deep trouble.

I think a channel for the customer to feedback/complain is good that Nikon will know what u all want. But to show u the road map is definitely impossible, esp for unannounced products.

Any proof that they have not? As you have just stated that in R&D everything inside is confidential, so how do you know that Nikon has not worked on their D100 replacement. If such specs on the D100 replacement is not released to the public, does it mean that they are not working on the D100 replacement?

agape01 said:
Any proof that they have not? As you have just stated that in R&D everything inside is confidential, so how do you know that Nikon has not worked on their D100 replacement. If such specs on the D100 replacement is not released to the public, does it mean that they are not working on the D100 replacement?
What he meant was Nikon started on a successor of the D200 a long time ago and if they did not, they would be in deep trouble now.

agape01 said:
Any proof that they have not? As you have just stated that in R&D everything inside is confidential, so how do you know that Nikon has not worked on their D100 replacement. If such specs on the D100 replacement is not released to the public, does it mean that they are not working on the D100 replacement?
when you're in the trade.. you know roughly where to fish for what's cooking in the competitors' kitchen ;)

There will be many good ideas and good products that weren't put to the manufacturing plant for various reasons. Some reserved as a 'secret weapon' to be launched as a 'counter attack' and some are just there waiting for techonology to mature so that it will cost cheaper to produce.

anyway, i think you've mis-read wai's post. He said R&D for D100's replacement should have started long ago else they'll be in trouble..

user111 said:
lolzz. i dont think nikon top brass tell you the truth. at most they only give some hints thats all
cos nothing can be confirmed. The product may be good but may not be produced in the end..

Wai said:
If i were the competitors, I will also want to know Nikon's road map so that I can plan for counter-measure.
Ha ha true. But that's the point; the roadmap will not be locked in. The best type of plan is the type that is flexible and has contingency and has something called game theory in it with risk management. The game theory btw, was how the fireman from NY won that US$1mil ;)
Wai said:
If you work in R&D before, you will know that everything happening inside are strictly confidential. Nikon should have started working on the new sucessor for D100 long long time ago...else they will be in deep trouble.
It take about 2-4 years from start till beta comes out; after that, the refinement, and manufacturing will be taken care of by another team. That means that if the D200 is announced in Dec, then it would have started work in 2001-2002, which sounds about right as the D100 was announced in Feb 2002, together with the 10-months lifespan of D60 ;) See what a poor guess of your competitor will get you ? ;)
Wai said:
I think a channel for the customer to feedback/complain is good that Nikon will know what u all want. But to show u the road map is definitely impossible, esp for unannounced products.
Correct. No roadmap is shown by any company for unreleased product. Was 10D announced? Was 5D announced? The roadmap also change, based on customer demands and competitors' actions.

Ignore me... I just want to +1 before anything happen to the thread.

Nowadays, reading the Nikon forum, with threads started by 'these' ppl just makes me... :lol:

Do me and a few others a favour... jump ship to Canon... pleeeeeease!

And to the few 'smart' C users... stay put on where you are if you are so confidence at what you are having! Why still need a debate here?

sykestang said:
Ignore me... I just want to +1 before anything happen to the thread.

Nowadays, reading the Nikon forum, with threads started by 'these' ppl just makes me... :lol:

Do me and a few others a favour... jump ship to Canon... pleeeeeease!

And to the few 'smart' C users... stay put on where you are if you are so confidence at what you are having! Why still need a debate here?

agreed with tang.. i am happy with nikon. and i see that there should not be a debate will there be a FF or not. please. please wake up. if you are not happy in nikon. please buzz off. jump over to other systems.

this thread is also another flame bait lah..

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