Nikon Petition

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Hmmm the road map is pretty clear, I don't see a need for FF, and following what Nikon has been doing all along is pretty fine, it's those who don't need FF and don't see what Nikon is doing that's making all this ruckus ;p

Why not a petition to see who will buy Nikon FF DSLR? Hehe. So many supporters but none dare to commit a purchase. :think:

MCS said:
May be it should also send to Sony .. "At the heart of CAMERA", the Full Frame digital camera is all because of the CCD/CMOS sensor size, if Sony wouldn't release it, how can a full frame released. so I guess the D200 is same sensor as D2X, or worst is 6.1 MP again... if true, at the end of the chapter 10 already... :sweat:

At the heart of Camera - Sony :think:

That's for the consumer to let Nikon know we want a better camera & for Nikon to bug Sony to produce a better chip.

Not for us to bug Sony for a better chip & HOPE that Nikon produces a better camera using that chip.

Listen all nikon users out there...Stop complaining & go out to shoot!

natnivek said:
That's for the consumer to let Nikon know we want a better camera & for Nikon to bug Sony to produce a better chip.

Not for us to bug Sony for a better chip & HOPE that Nikon produces a better camera using that chip.
Better camera? To be frank, how many have pushed the cameras to the max already? :sticktong

The production of a better chip is not an issue, it's the feasibility of it and the necessity of it. LBCAST + LSI + D2X CMOS is a good example what Nikon can do.

Before you want to ask for more, pick up a D2X instead. I'm pretty sure it will fulfill all your needs and stop you from wanting 'more'. :devil:

FF for what? When the likes of the D70, D2H and D2X are proving the the APS sized sensor deliver equal or in some cases, better overall results for digital?

Ooh. FF?
how bout shooting film then?
most finders are bout 98% of e frame.
so GASP! ya're getting more than that ya see!


Spectrum said:
Listen all nikon users out there...Stop complaining & go out to shoot!

wow... the 1st sensible statement i've seen in all the (increasingly) acrimonous across 3 threads. :thumbsup:

just thinking out loud (not dat i've got anything agst nikon coming out FF cams, now or in the future) - are FF-wannabe nikonians here bellyaching over the perceived lack of FF cams, or even the lack of a clear FF 'road-map' (gesshh... u guys sound like a govt ministry!) becos canon came out with FF cams (consumer and pro versions) and thus u want nikon to come out one in a game of one-man-upship? or, do u (as a consumer hobbist) really want a FF cam?

as a side-note: i was talking to a nikon sg rep yesterday at comex. even nikon sg is shaking head at CS's bellyaching over FF cams. yes. they do read CS. but whether for their daily entertainment or taking our comments seriously, the rep refused to comment! :bsmilie:

i'm not trolling here agst FF, cos i'm not dat blind as to the merits of having a FF nikon DSLR. i'm coming from the angle of 'do u need it?' having a FF cam may give u the bragging rights over mere mortals like me who suffice with hand-me-down, 2nd-hand equipment. but, it will also mean u have to do a complete overhaul of ur equipment from lenses to computers, even right down to ur memory cards, not to mention the time needed to process >30MB file (hey, try processing a 1.5x D2x NEF file if u know wat i mean....) if u can afford the $$$ go ahead. me? i'm just happy to have less than FF cam to hide my flaws - both as a cameraman and in my equipment.

btw, by the time u guys finished arguing, i'm done shooting, scanning and processing 3 rolls of film (ooooo... FF!), plus another CD worth of DSLR pics. why dun everyone chill out, take ur cam out, and go out and shoot something? might i recommend the comex 2005 babes are an excellent choice for this morning. :p

nightwolf75 said:
btw, by the time u guys finished arguing, i'm done shooting, scanning and processing 3 rolls of film (ooooo... FF!), plus another CD worth of DSLR pics. why dun everyone chill out, take ur cam out, and go out and shoot something? might i recommend the comex 2005 babes are an excellent choice for this morning. :p

Good advice... Yup i will be shooting FF this weekend too!... :heart:
Time to burn those provia!! :devil:

Spectrum said:
Me will burn some Velvia. hee...hee...;p


:devil: :devil: :devil:

I'll be out shooting models... not on FF though, too expensive for me. :bsmilie:

Can't Nikon just put a switch for either 1.5x crop or FF when needed,, with this superb feature, I think it'll be a winner:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Ladies and Gents. If your happy with Nikon, thats great! Why not let those of us who disagree a place to voice our opinion? Also please note that I specifically worded the petition in such a way as NOT to incite or upset those happy with DX sensors. Read it, and tell me what wording offends you.

I doesn't even say anything like "make full frame, get rid of DX", it merely asks for definative clarification from Nikon, not ambigous marketing speak like "We dont see a market for FF at this time but will be developing one for research purposes".

Sjourn said:
Can't Nikon just put a switch for either 1.5x crop or FF when needed,, with this superb feature, I think it'll be a winner:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
D2X already achieved that, 1.5->2 upon HSCM. So what makes you think Nikon is incapable of doing a 1->1.5 using the same technology? :sticktong

snaggs said:
Ladies and Gents. If your happy with Nikon, thats great! Why not let those of us who disagree a place to voice our opinion? Also please note that I specifically worded the petition in such a way as NOT to incite or upset those happy with DX sensors. Read it, and tell me what wording offends you.

I doesn't even say anything like "make full frame, get rid of DX", it merely asks for definative clarification from Nikon, not ambigous marketing speak like "We dont see a market for FF at this time but will be developing one for research purposes".
Like I said... is there demand? There's only a lot of people gian it. Now sure, a lot of people say must must must come out, when it's out, where's the market? Heh. The irony of it.

Sjourn said:
Can't Nikon just put a switch for either 1.5x crop or FF when needed,, with this superb feature, I think it'll be a winner:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

:bsmilie: how much are you willing to pay for that? hmmm ... who knows, they may be doing exactly that ;)

espn said:
Like I said... is there demand? There's only a lot of people gian it. Now sure, a lot of people say must must must come out, when it's out, where's the market? Heh. The irony of it.

Canon has no problem selling full frame Camera's, and many who used to shoot film bodies would like FF digital too.. and you can bet, if Nikon came out with a FF sensor with 24 megapixels.. many of the current "DX" fans would quickly switch their tune.


espn said:
D2X already achieved that, 1.5->2 upon HSCM. So what makes you think Nikon is incapable of doing a 1->1.5 using the same technology? :sticktong

Yes they did a 1.5-->2 song and dance, but a 1.0->1.5->2 would be a sure winner..:blah:

snaggs said:
Canon has no problem selling full frame Camera's, and many who used to shoot film bodies would like FF digital too.. and you can bet, if Nikon came out with a FF sensor with 24 megapixels.. many of the current "DX" fans would quickly switch their tune.


snaggs, it is your freedom to express you opinion.
Gentleman, why don't we let snaggs express his opinion.
Whether Nikon accept his petition or not its between Nikon and him and the rest who signed it.

To be frank, snaggs if you are not happy with Nikon for not coming out with FF, you might want to jump ship.

I do foresee that even Nikon come out with a FF grade DSLR, it will be either a professional range camera that will not be within your current budget. If Nikon come out with a FF consumer range camera, it will be expensive and not having a professional grade capability.
Will you be forking out $$ for a sub-standard FF camera? If you happen to use those professional DSLR, you will understand what I mean. From cam sensor, AF module to built, etc... it is a different class.

Anyway, I'm currently a happy Nikon user. ;)


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