Nikon Petition

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espn said:
I want with kaya, can?

u want gu-you as well? kaya+gu-you+sliced bread+crust = wholesome breakfast :lovegrin:

icarus said:
u want gu-you as well? kaya+gu-you+sliced bread+crust = wholesome breakfast :lovegrin:
Add a little teaspoon of sugar between the breads, and you have a deal!!! :D

litefoot said:
Very nicely put, but your 2nd statement just contradicts the first.

I agree with you, lets leave all these talking.

I couldn't understand why optics kept being brought into this discussion. Let fact presents itself. Just in case you thought I backed out from the shoot out after you presented your supporting claims. The offer to you is still on. A healthy 12-24 DX vs 24 compario. If you do not wish to put your lens on the line, its fine. Call it block head/skeptics.... I only believe in half of what I see and none of what I heard.

I have spare graph papers in case u need it :) :devil: :devil:

agape01 said:
Hey I thought that this thread is closed. How come it is back on again?

:kok: Wake up!!!! This thread has never been closed, but it's heading that way. I closed the other D2X thread when it degenerated in to a cesspit of name calling .. this one will get :flush: if various parties don't start acting their age and not their shoe sizes.

The Ang Moh from Hell

Nikon Forum Moderator

icarus said:
I have spare graph papers in case u need it :) :devil: :devil:

Yah yah yah, you are going to have a fun micro shoot outs this weekend and for all these I get to stay at home to rot....

espn said:
Add a little teaspoon of sugar between the breads, and you have a deal!!! :D
Sir why not you order the combo meal ?

This thread in the first place is a flame bait. Snaggs jolly well have already made up his mind for the other ship, starts some petition on the Nikon side and stir wars. Calling himself loyal Nikon user... my foot! ;(

Nikonians, get outside and shoot more.... practice make perfect, ignore the lackeys of C****, cos we are the ones that have the confidence and is sure of what our Nikon camera can give us, unlike some ppl of the other side, so unsure of their investiments and always need to debate it out to justify for themselves that they have made the right decision! ;p

sykestang said:
This thread in the first place is a flame bait. Snaggs jolly well have already made up his mind for the other ship, starts some petition on the Nikon side and stir wars. Calling himself loyal Nikon user... my foot! ;(

Nikonians, get outside and shoot more.... practice make perfect, ignore the lackeys of C****, cos we are the ones that have the confidence and is sure of what our Nikon camera can give us, unlike some ppl of the other side, so unsure of their investiments and always need to debate it out to justify for themselves that they have made the right decision! ;p

Well, that's human nature man! Everyone got the rights to do whatever they want with their $$, right?;p

I have done it, Nikon should at least tell us what is their roadmaps, just like Canon, they have come out the FF and Nikon is still behind it. Soon all those Nikon user will slowly switch to Canon....... So Nikon better come out something fast....

ak6110 said:
I have done it, Nikon should at least tell us what is their roadmaps, just like Canon, they have come out the FF and Nikon is still behind it. Soon all those Nikon user will slowly switch to Canon....... So Nikon better come out something fast....

Nikon have to make very careful move unlike Canon which have a bigger market in their technological history. Just my toughts.;p

Possible that nikon will totally remain shush abt full frame support.

Do u think they will agree to state "NO MORE FULL FRAME SUPPORT in the next 10 yrs" even if it is their plan?

They would most probably just choose to remain shush...

snaggs said:
Ok guys, anyone who wants clarification from Nikon on whether there is a full frame future please sign this petition. We just want to know where we stand so we can plan accordingly. Even if you support DX, surely you'd like us Full Frame whiners to have an answer so we stop complaining and either accept DX or go elsewhere. Note the petition only asks for clarification on full frame, not neccesarily to have it,


To: Nikon Japan

We, the signed profess a loyalty to Nikon but are unhappy with;

1) The inability to provide feedback to Nikon Japan. Local distributors are just agents and we have no confidence that any feedback will be passed on.

2) The lack of communication, namely, what is your product roadmap, what can we expect for the future in clear unambiguous language.

3) Nikons slowness to anounce product developments, and even worse performance on delivering that product on time.

4) Nikons unresolved commitment to 35mm. We request a definitive answer, YES or NO as to whether Nikon will be supporting full frame digital, so we can finally make a decision on whether or not to invest in the DX system or to migrate to another system.

ak6110 said:
I have done it, Nikon should at least tell us what is their roadmaps, just like Canon, they have come out the FF and Nikon is still behind it. Soon all those Nikon user will slowly switch to Canon....... So Nikon better come out something fast....
Eh Nikon has gone on record that they have no plans in the near term (1-3 years from my guess) to release a General Purpose FF. If a 1.5x crop cam (D2X) can mostly match their 1.0x crop cam (1DsMkII) but cost only 60% of the price, is that not a better bargin?

How many people here can distinguish a photo taken with a D2X vs 1DMkII/1DsMkII if it is on the web? How many here asking for 1.0x crop cam has printed >A3 or has their pictures on covers of magazine or center spread?

Watcher said:
How many here asking for 1.0x crop cam has printed >A3 or has their pictures on covers of magazine or center spread?

Well, I think there are more than a handful out there. Maybe?:dunno:

Watcher said:
Eh Nikon has gone on record that they have no plans in the near term (1-3 years from my guess) to release a General Purpose FF. If a 1.5x crop cam (D2X) can mostly match their 1.0x crop cam (1DsMkII) but cost only 60% of the price, is that not a better bargin?

How many people here can distinguish a photo taken with a D2X vs 1DMkII/1DsMkII if it is on the web? How many here asking for 1.0x crop cam has printed >A3 or has their pictures on covers of magazine or center spread?

But you know.... most people do not give a thing about the statements that you have just made. They will choose to believe in whatever they want to believe in. If they think that FF is the way to go, they will go ahead and buy the future 5D.

But in this subforum, what happens when Nikon releases the D200 in the manner in what it has been speculated about? That would really be something for Canon to think about. I just hope that Canon does not do what they did to the D60 and 10D series about 2 years back.

Classic example would be what they have already done to the 1D2 and 1D2N.

Peter Lim said:
Sir why not you order the combo meal ?
Give me one with two eggs, kopi-O siew dai also can? How much ah?

Watcher said:
Eh Nikon has gone on record that they have no plans in the near term (1-3 years from my guess) to release a General Purpose FF. If a 1.5x crop cam (D2X) can mostly match their 1.0x crop cam (1DsMkII) but cost only 60% of the price, is that not a better bargin?

How many people here can distinguish a photo taken with a D2X vs 1DMkII/1DsMkII if it is on the web? How many here asking for 1.0x crop cam has printed >A3 or has their pictures on covers of magazine or center spread?
Ooooo I'm orgasing because I've got more MP!!!!!!

The last time I printed S8R.... 3 months ago...

The last time I did 12" x 18"... 2.5 years ago!! (On a CoolPix 5700). Hee.

Spectrum said:
Well, I think there are more than a handful out there. Maybe?:dunno:
Why don't someone ask Willy Foo which camera and how many pixels did he use to print his banner. The main point of needing high MP is to print dense or large (cropping is an excuse). I've printed 20"x30"/S20R (which is larger than A2, closer to A1) on my old 6MP D100 (ask Sykes Tang) at Konota before. No problem at all.

BTW, the digital images used on National Geographic, particularly the cover of the 100 Anniversary of Flight, was done on a D1X, with 5.47 MP

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