Nikon D90 or Eos 550D?

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New Member
Apr 20, 2010
guys im confuse on D90 or 550D cos i read the reviews for this cam and the result out is super confusing i need some help here to brighten my mind hope to hear some answers here thx....

Wad kinda answer are u looking for in "Nikon" sub forum? ;p

sorry sorry my fren told me i post in a wrong place sorry to trouble u guys i go post in newbie section sorry

Both cameras are about the same.

If I have the choice of systems again, I would still go for nikon for their superior flash systems.

Hate to say this but even my studio photographers mount an SB-900 on their canon dslr.

flame bait thread... :think:

what flame bait are you talking about? Did you see the thread starter was very polite and did you reciprocate?

Both cameras are about the same.

If I have the choice of systems again, I would still go for nikon for their superior flash systems.

Hate to say this but even my studio photographers mount an SB-900 on their canon dslr.
thanks to PC sync port!!!!

i take it as u just starting into i'll not be bias and say d90 is better although it's probably is...
seriously, u might want to look around u....what equipment are most of u're friends or canon? using the same line of equipment is more "economical" for a starter....sharing of lens and accesories also makes a good time to share shooting tips

For spec./review wise, you can compare via google.
Go to any DSLR shop to feel and molest both cameras, see which one you like

:sweat: Oh boy...where do we start?

there is another exactly the same thread, same title, same ts in newbies subforum.

if u were asking in this tjread, obviously we say nikon... ahaha

I like D90's top LCD display and two dials (I am always in A mode, one for aperture and one for ISO), which makes it very easy to operate.

550D doesn't have these two.

I like D90's top LCD display and two dials (I am always in A mode, one for aperture and one for ISO), which makes it very easy to operate.

550D doesn't have these two.

This is the reason i choose D90, also the grip :bsmilie:

ask your heart, what ever makes you happy but I suggest you try both first.

if you ask this question in the nikon forum, then most would say choose the nikon

but basically go try the cameras out in the shops, hold them in your hands and one will speak to you and ask you to bring it home.

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