Nikon D500

*deleted due to repost*

I think iso 1,640,000 should be interesting. Is it real or a typo??? :s

I think iso 1,640,000 should be interesting. Is it real or a typo??? :s

It's not a mistake (D5 is even higher by another stop) but then again.. Would you use it as regularly in your shooting? heh It is one of the silliest selling point pitch to come out in the last decade. It's brings to mind the saying. "Just because you can does not mean you should"

Unless you are really desperate to capture that shot more for the 'story content'. At even 12,800 ISO on my D4, I would find it hard for use unless the subject matter is that important to capture.

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New camera worth the wait as new year comes. I hope it dont means a big hole in your pocket.

Looks good.. exciting times for the wildlife and sports shooters..

especially those with very long lenses (primes) or even the 200-500 and etc.

D500 is not cheap but certainly not that high enough to break the bank... (taking into account most long lens are not cheap..unless the basic ones)

I see this camera in the hands of cruise ship pro and maybe throw it up now news people. It will be interesting to see just how camera crazy American amateurs are come tax time. I am not so enthusiastic about the marketing spin on this one...

Nice!! Looking forward to giving this a try!

At even this point in time, I think the D810/D4s are still good enough cameras for pros.
will the D4s price start dropping ?

will the D4s price start dropping ?

Pls stick to D500 discussion, this section is not an economics of camera value discussion and neither are the D500 n D4S are of same class.
I am sure you are not familiar with the specs of the Nikon D4S bcos its video capability is less than 30mins per continuous filming and this has been your gripe in other forum discussion.

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A little too late in my case. I was waiting for the D400 back then but came to the decision that it will never come about back in 2012 and jump on the D4. This D500 is impressive with the new features but having moved on to the FX, I see little reason to consider it. The added bells and whistles taken away, the improve IQ due to a new processor..etc, a camera like even a D7000 is able to do the job. For 90% of shooting situations that don't need the fastest action AF speed, tracking very complicated subject ..etc The Nikon Df is more then up to the task for a few years to come if you buy one now. At even this point in time, I think the D810/D4s are still good enough cameras for pros. But as someone also mentioned here, the D500 will be popular with wildlife shooters looking to save on lens price versus focal length issue.

It will drop the second hand market of 1 digit series imo.
The same case in Canon league when 5D2 arrived, 1D3 is dropped sooo deeply.

The appearance of D500 is very tempting , much more than its big brother D5 at only 30% price tag...

Looks good.. exciting times for the wildlife and sports shooters..

especially those with very long lenses (primes) or even the 200-500 and etc.

D500 is not cheap but certainly not that high enough to break the bank... (taking into account most long lens are not cheap..unless the basic ones)

Noob me think that now DSLRs are now pitched at a consolidated section / genre for specialized usage to fight competition from the DSLMs (Mirror-less).

Noob me think that now DSLRs are now pitched at a consolidated section / genre for specialized usage to fight competition from the DSLMs (Mirror-less).
Dunno. If Nikon commits to DX and this new AF system is a significant improvement and arrives in a smaller DX body later, it might spell the end of my mirrorless journey and I move back to DX + an advance P&S for travel.
Big 'ifs' I know.

Nikon has had a string of QC issues at launch recently which has made some punters a bit jittery.

I see, maybe the QC in Thailand would buck up after learning from the experience. :D

Dunno. If Nikon commits to DX and this new AF system is a significant improvement and arrives in a smaller DX body later, it might spell the end of my mirrorless journey and I move back to DX + an advance P&S for travel.
Big 'ifs' I know.

Think so, the market share for DSLR and Nikon is kinda getting smaller.
Can consider m43 mirrorless for travel, noob me use Olympus. :D

FPS about Sony A77 mk2 but ISO, interesting. Can consider a set for wildlife if Sony side got no new body to "fight" with this. ;p

It will drop the second hand market of 1 digit series imo.
The same case in Canon league when 5D2 arrived, 1D3 is dropped sooo deeply.

The appearance of D500 is very tempting , much more than its big brother D5 at only 30% price tag...

Anyone shooting with higher end DX camera so far will find this D500 a good upgrade I feel.