Newbies Outing (part 9) - May 12 Wednesday, Nat'l Stadium

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Fujisan, hajimemashite yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Relax Fuji-san. We do not have too much control over this totally. But my stand is that even if only one newbie learnt something, our efforts are worth it. Ganbarimasu!
yeah... not much control...
Can only plead and hope for the best.

I'm heartened by Jacobs and Shanekua... :thumbsup: Don't feel too worried. We have some very experienced landscape shooters (not me hor... :) ) in case someone really stumps you with a question.

i think next outing must go somewhere super big, like Marina Barrage :) Then can have a mega outing with 10 seniors and 30-40 newbies... I wonder if can fill the namelist or not :)

i think next outing must go somewhere super big, like Marina Barrage :) Then can have a mega outing with 10 seniors and 30-40 newbies... I wonder if can fill the namelist or not :)

national stadium area is damn big... and have enough parking lots for everyone... why not promote those you feel are good enough... ;)

sure can fill de lah.... time for expansion? lol

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We are here making a stand to take our time off to share with newbies and some just wanna come n join in the shoot for fun ! I have spotted a few n that kinda pissing me off !

No cheers ;(

Hmm... Ok, I'll be revising on:
1) Aperture
2) Shutter Speed
3) Use of Exposure compensation
4) AF points
5) Basic composition (Rule of thirds)

If any "newbies" already know all this, you can get advance course from other seniors ;)

Glad to see two of my group members made it this time! Can't wait to catch up with you all again! :thumbsup:

i think next outing must go somewhere super big, like Marina Barrage :) Then can have a mega outing with 10 seniors and 30-40 newbies... I wonder if can fill the namelist or not :)

In view of the popularity of this group outing, I suggest you give a name to this group... ;)

Sorry would like to cancel my slot, things cropped up. Hope to join you guys in the future! Have fun shooting!

1) Ghaz1
2) frankchn
3) Jacobs
4) Shanekua
6) daredevil123

1) Scubagolfer
2) Mrs Scubagolfer
3) coolthought
4) klkow
5) angdaonee
6) korbidp3k (don't have your contact)
7) wuminlee
8) Dleugene (don't have your contact)
9) Alan Chan
10) urban93 (don't have your contact)
11) shelomoh
12) bangchew86
13) bblurrr
14) glennaguilar
15) odyssey boy (don't have your contact)
16) buzzybee
17) reneey
18) bangbangkapcie

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Hi ZeroCool, I like to join your outing. I notice you have full slot. I hoping to put mine name on reserve list, if anyone drop, hope to join outing!

1) Ghaz1
2) frankchn
3) Jacobs
4) Shanekua
6) Numnumball

1) Scubagolfer
2) Mrs Scubagolfer
3) coolthought
4) klkow
5) angdaonee
6) korbidp3k (don't have your contact)
7) wuminlee
8) Dleugene (don't have your contact)
9) Alan Chan
10) urban93 (don't have your contact)
11) shelomoh
12) bangchew86
13) bblurrr
14) glennaguilar
15) odyssey boy (don't have your contact)
16) buzzybee
17) reneey
18) bangbangkapcie
1) davidzhangyao

1) Ghaz1
2) frankchn
3) Jacobs
4) Shanekua
5) surrephoto
6) daredevil123

1) Scubagolfer
2) Mrs Scubagolfer
3) coolthought
4) klkow
5) angdaonee
6) korbidp3k (don't have your contact)
7) wuminlee
8) Dleugene (don't have your contact)
9) Alan Chan
10) urban93 (don't have your contact)
11) shelomoh
12) bangchew86
13) bblurrr
14) glennaguilar
15) odyssey boy (don't have your contact)
16) buzzybee
17) reneey
18) bangbangkapcie

Would like to join you all to be a 'senior'.

Can teach both canon/nikon and just jumpshipped from 1DsII to D700. Tried organising my own newbie outing but was super difficult. Salute you zerocoolastra. :thumbsup:

Some of the people who signed up in the newbies list are just plain too selfish !
The more I look at the list ... The more ;( I am !

Shane & Jacob, both of u gained my respect that you took the courage to step forward n share. Kudos to both of u !

Fuji-san, why not come & join with are mostly welcome..:D

hi fuji, hopefully i'm not classified as one of the culprit?

i may have some exp with SLR 10+ yrs ago, but only return to photography last dec and still on the learning curbe on DSLR. i've pm zerocool before for outing 8 to ask if its alright for me to join in as newbie to gauge my level of knowlegde against his. if he deem me qualitied as senior i would be more than willing to share my limited exp and knowlegde.

Alan bro, me also in learning curve preriod..hope to learn/share with you soon..:thumbsup:

Would like to join you all to be a 'senior'.

Can teach both canon/nikon and just jumpshipped from 1DsII to D700. Tried organising my own newbie outing but was super difficult. Salute you zerocoolastra.

Welcome onboard surrephoto bro, I just a "Private Limited" senior..:embrass:
Hopefully can learn more from you and sharing with others CS members..;)

Oh noooo...Fujiwarasan is hopping mad :mad2:.......No angry no angry ...SMILE :vhappy: otherwise wrinkles will form and your handsome face will be gone...:bsmilie: :cheergal:

We are here making a stand to take our time off to share with newbies and some just wanna come n join in the shoot for fun ! I have spotted a few n that kinda pissing me off !

No cheers ;(

Those who are competence to shoot landscape without guidance, please put your name here.

This is not a new list. This is a list for the "newbies" who have registered for this outing.
Please register yourself here. We definitely welcome you to join in the fun but at least we know you dun need any guidance .. you jus need company.

We are really hopping to benefit those who really wish to learn a trick or two from the more senior photographers.

All these seniors had taken their precious time off to come and share so please be kind to make their time worth and meaningful. I am dead passionate about this and I am standing firm!

I really hate to see those who came and shoot on their own, and taken away slots from those newbies who really wish to learn.
That really pisses me off BIG TIME !

Those who are competence to shoot landscape without guidance, please put your name here.

This is not a new list. This is a list for the "newbies" who have registered for this outing.
Please register yourself here. We definitely welcome you to join in the fun but at least we know you dun need any guidance .. you jus need company.

We are really hopping to benefit those who really wish to learn a trick or two from the more senior photographers.

All these seniors had taken their precious time off to come and share so please be kind to make their time worth and meaningful. I am dead passionate about this and I am standing firm!

I really hate to see those who came and shoot on their own, and taken away slots from those newbies who really wish to learn.
That really pisses me off BIG TIME !

I with Fuji on tis one.. Dun deprive those newbies of a chance to learn..:thumbsup:

1) Ghaz1
2) frankchn
3) Jacobs
4) Shanekua
5) surrephoto
6) daredevil123

1) Scubagolfer
2) Mrs Scubagolfer
3) coolthought
4) klkow
5) angdaonee
6) korbidp3k (don't have your contact)
7) wuminlee
8) Dleugene (don't have your contact)
9) Alan Chan
10) urban93 (don't have your contact)
11) shelomoh
12) bangchew86
13) bblurrr
14) glennaguilar
15) odyssey boy (don't have your contact)
16) buzzybee
17) reneey
18) bangbangkapcie

Would like to join you all to be a 'senior'.

Can teach both canon/nikon and just jumpshipped from 1DsII to D700. Tried organising my own newbie outing but was super difficult. Salute you zerocoolastra. :thumbsup:

Welcome onboard.

Btw..realized my name was removed from the list, so bro Kevin, am i still in?

Fujisan, hajimemashite yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Relax Fuji-san. We do not have too much control over this totally. But my stand is that even if only one newbie learnt something, our efforts are worth it. Ganbarimasu!

Yup, agreed with bro Albert.

Chill man Fuji..

I with Fuji on tis one.. Dun deprive those newbies of a chance to learn..:thumbsup:

Thx Bro ! Zerocool and I are really grateful to see senior guys like you standing out and share your skills and knowledge with others!

This outing wouldnt be successful without you guys support!


1) Ghaz1
2) frankchn
3) Jacobs
4) Shanekua
5) Numnumball
6) daredevil123
7) Surrephoto

1) Scubagolfer
2) Mrs Scubagolfer
3) coolthought
4) klkow
5) angdaonee
6) korbidp3k (don't have your contact)
7) wuminlee
8) Dleugene (don't have your contact)
9) Alan Chan
10) urban93 (don't have your contact)
11) shelomoh
12) bangchew86
13) bblurrr
14) glennaguilar
15) odyssey boy (don't have your contact)
16) buzzybee
17) reneey
18) bangbangkapcie

Would like to join you all to be a 'senior'.

Can teach both canon/nikon and just jumpshipped from 1DsII to D700. Tried organising my own newbie outing but was super difficult. Salute you zerocoolastra. :thumbsup:

We surely welcome you to join us, dear master! :)
thanks for the thumbs up :embrass: pai seh la... just trying to 'spread the gospel'... hahaha.

Welcome onboard.

Btw..realized my name was removed from the list, so bro Kevin, am i still in?

Of course you in la...! Don't need to ask. hehehe.
I put you (Nikon) and Frank (Canon) in charge of the group photo hor?? No pressure! :)
We will support support with the remote slaves... :)

1) Ghaz1
2) frankchn - group photo shooter
3) Jacobs
4) Shanekua
5) Numnumball - group photo shooter
6) daredevil123
7) Surrephoto

1) Scubagolfer
2) Mrs Scubagolfer
3) coolthought
4) klkow
5) angdaonee
6) korbidp3k
7) wuminlee
8) Dleugene
9) Alan Chan
10) urban93
11) shelomoh
12) bangchew86
13) bblurrr
14) glennaguilar
15) odyssey boy (don't have your contact)
16) buzzybee
17) reneey
18) bangbangkapcie

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