Newbies Outing (part 10) - June 6 Sunday, Marina Barrage

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Wow I missed so many posts!
So sad that I won't be able to attend.

Agreed that the current system of organising outings is a bit flawed, leading to mistakes here and there.
Well, after so many outings I've gotten used to it. It works... for us :)
:thumbsup: to dingaroo!!

As daredevil123 mentioned, the light can be a little harsh still at 4ish, but I think from 5+ it's more angled and should be nice to shoot. So the first 1hr is TCSS and general recce for a good spot :)

Everybody, do note that it is very crowded at the Barrage on Sundays. So be sure to go way before the sun is setting and camp out there and secure a good tripod location. I will go directly to the Roof ('R' floor) and try to get a spot on the edge/corner closest to the mini jetty (if you look down).

Too bad. Full already.

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Hi All,

It's already Wednesday. Time for some housekeeping.

1. Jacobs
2. daredevil123
3. Ghaz1
4. -empty- <---
5. -empty- <---
6. -empty- <---

1. Sheaffey
2. Scubagolfer & Mrs Scubagolfer
3. songws
4. Dleugene & Mrs Dleugene
5. Boyette & Mrs Boyette
6. 230j31 (Roger)
7. wuminlee
8. Nataru (Kimmura)
9. loya48
10. adheeth
11. FibonJemer
12. vynus (Pei Lin)
13. Chilli Crab
14. Prelix
15. icefox23
16. winkoo88
17. ENDorphins
18. musichelle
19. musichelle's friend
20. romel dutta

Independent Shooters
1. Megatops
2. dacteo (David)
3. Joshua Tan
4. kenny888
5. vee5
6. urban93
7. hlyeoh

As mentioned in an earlier posting, Independent Shooters don't mean you come and shoot
without mingling. I expect and hope you all would interact with the newbies too. Guide
them in areas you think you are competent. Ask the Seniors if need help. That goes for
the newbies too! As there will be many people expected there on a weekend, would give
out name tags/stickers to distinguish ourselves. Hope you all don't mind.

If you think that you may not be able to attend, please let me know early as there are
others on reserve list who are keen to come.

Equipment/Items to bring::
1. Camera (don't forget to charge your batteries)
2. Tripod
3. Water/Fluid
4. Powerbar/Snack
5. Yourself! (Don't forget to bring yourself!)
6. For newbies, please bring along your Camera's User Guide/Operator Guide (refer to it in case I pose you questions!)
7. Cap/Hat
8. Sunblock (if you are afraid of the sun)
9. Pen & Paper (for notes that you'll like to take down)

4.00 - 4.30 : Introductions and Briefing
4.30 - 5.45 : Free and Easy Shoot around Marina Barrage
5.45 - 6.00 : Meet up at Roof
6.00 - 8.00 : Free and Easy Shoot
8.00 - Midnite : Dinner & chit-chat

Modes of transport that serves Marina Barrage
1. Bus/MRT (Click here for details)
2. Taxi
3. Own transport

Sorry my 4-wheel drive can accommodate 1 person only, hehehehe!

Unknown at the moment, will have a clearer picture on Friday & Saturday. Will update
if there are any changes. Nonetheless, expect it to be a hot day. So get covered up
well if you can, and stay hydrated!

Hope to see you all there! Cheers :)

catsim,the above is the actual list...

Update list @ 20/05/2010 4pm
Newbies Outing (part 10) - June 6 Sunday, Marina Barrage
1) Jacobs..
*) ZerocoolAstra (can't be certain I can make it, but will try my best to be there)

1) Sheaffey (Im sure i belong here)
2) Scubagolfer & Mrs
3) songws (newbie)
4) Dleugene & Mrs
5) Boyette & Mrs
6) Roger
7) dacteo (david)
8) wuminlee
9) kenny888 (newbie)
11) loyan48
12) Adheeth
==== stops at 12 ====

'Independent Shooters':
1) Megatops
2) Joshua Tan
3) FibonJemer (still a newbie but slot is full )
4) Odyssey-Boy
==== stops at 5 ====

Wow....I'm blur.....Which is the updated list?? Kind of messed up :(

I know. My mistake. That's why I removed it immediately. But U r really superfast in responding.

yeah... can't please everyone! :)
Newbies Outings always very 'hot'... some more this is the first time it's on a weekend... lagi more hot! :)

I know. My mistake. That's why I removed it immediately. But U r really superfast in responding.

Thats because i happened to click on this thread after you clicked the submit reply button and saw your mistake:)


I'm a fellow newbie. :) Can I squeeze in for this Sunday's trip to Marina Barrage?


I'm a fellow newbie. :) Can I squeeze in for this Sunday's trip to Marina Barrage?

You can go to the next one. This one is so full that it is already bursting at the seams, with a long waiting list.

Calling for More Seniors!!

Perhaps you should start something like... to graduate the newbies... probably take a written test... submit photos of decent work.....then graduate....then you will probably have more seniors available. becos a main worry for most senior wannabes is.... "qualify" enough to teach...what if taught the wrong thing....

Perhaps you should start something like... to graduate the newbies... probably take a written test... submit photos of decent work.....then graduate....then you will probably have more seniors available. becos a main worry for most senior wannabes is.... "qualify" enough to teach...what if taught the wrong thing....

In the first place, not many want to teach already. How to get them to take a test... :dunno:

You can go to the next one. This one is so full that it is already bursting at the seams, with a long waiting list.

Alright. Will keep an eye out on the next outing.

Any idea when the next one's gonna be?

In the first place, not many want to teach already. How to get them to take a test... :dunno:

Perhaps like a limited edition of photo of daredevil and signature as an incentive?

Should incentivise the 'Seniors' role hor?

Maybe the Newbies chip in some money to buy the Seniors some drinks... can be alcoholic or not, up to majority vote! :)

I think CT can join the senior list.:)

1 vote from me. Any supporters?:cool:

Hey Dingaroo,

It will be hard for me to be there at 4pm. I will try to get there by 5pm. For the golden light, it will only start to get interesting around 6pm. And I will have to go back to have dinner with my family. Sunday is family day, I will be unable to join you all for dinner.

No problem. Family is priority, it is a given. Am glad even if you make an appearance for 15 mins :)

Hi Dingaroo, according to this plan, we go there ard 4pm, OTOT shoot around. then meet up at 5.45?
or do we meet up at 4pm then split up OTOT shoot around then meet up at roof again?

Past experience, some will come late. But I don't mind repeating instructions to newbies .. not oldies! THEY DON"T NEED INSTRUCTIONS! They will just fall in immediately ... hehehehehe!

Schedule is tentative. Most of times, I like to play by ear, cos some newbies may need more attention. Yes, lighting at 4pm is harsh, but we can always TCSS first until lighting gets better, cos most times, we rush to a place, setup, start taking pictures, not really getting to know your neighbor shooting next to you. Just an idea that's all.


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