Newbie shots

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New Member
Feb 22, 2005
Hi guys,I took these with my Sony W1. Pls give me some comments so that I can improve. Erm mostly still objects since not too good with moving object yet.




lol no spacing... anyone know y? heres more.




Wow long exposures! 25, 15, 7, 3, 1sec etc. Last I overstretched my cam, it gave me stucked pixels. lol
Nice pics! Me not worthy of commenting, but hey let's share, thats what this forum is about rite!
#1 nice feel to it! but too bright in the wrong places, ie merlion's water sprout, without the lion in the pic. Lights @ bridge overexposed. Too many subjects, too clattered
#2 angle too low, makes me dizzy, doesnt make u want to walk there
#3 benches too centered, doesnt want to make u want to sit

Most of shots taken are really not bad.
Here are some of my comments for the pics.

#1 I like the golden shine when the water from the merlion hits the sea.
Nice shot even though the merlion is not shown here. From this angle, ppl already can imagine the merlion is there yet can't be seen.... :bsmilie:
That's sth interesting. :thumbsup:

#3 Overexposed to for the lamppost. Your main subject is the tree or lamppost ? :think:

#4 Interesting. How come the human shadow is there ? Is it a glass reflection or sth ?? :bsmilie:

#7 Nice patterns & lighting. May I knw where is it captured ?

Last shot only if the clouds behind are more spectacular, then this will be a nice shot.

hey i like the composition of the picture

dennisc said:
Wow long exposures! 25, 15, 7, 3, 1sec etc. Last I overstretched my cam, it gave me stucked pixels. lol
Nice pics! Me not worthy of commenting, but hey let's share, thats what this forum is about rite!
#1 nice feel to it! but too bright in the wrong places, ie merlion's water sprout, without the lion in the pic. Lights @ bridge overexposed. Too many subjects, too clattered
#2 angle too low, makes me dizzy, doesnt make u want to walk there
#3 benches too centered, doesnt want to make u want to sit

tks for the comments.
for #2, I was trying to capture the texture of the road and make the feel of distance here but the effect wasn't really there. :) The lighting were unexpected but they brigthens up the shots :thumbsup:

for #3, I think the bench gave a very 'cool' feel and the kind of effect I was trying to express. But the ligth from the lamp was overexpose... Any suggestion how to rescue overexposed parts in a photo?

obewan said:
Most of shots taken are really not bad.
Here are some of my comments for the pics.

#1 I like the golden shine when the water from the merlion hits the sea.
Nice shot even though the merlion is not shown here. From this angle, ppl already can imagine the merlion is there yet can't be seen.... :bsmilie:
That's sth interesting. :thumbsup:

#3 Overexposed to for the lamppost. Your main subject is the tree or lamppost ? :think:

#4 Interesting. How come the human shadow is there ? Is it a glass reflection or sth ?? :bsmilie:

#7 Nice patterns & lighting. May I knw where is it captured ?

Last shot only if the clouds behind are more spectacular, then this will be a nice shot.

Tks for the comment

For #1, If I take the merlion inside it would be over exposed given the long exposual I used and It is not focused so I left it out. But think can improve on it

For #4, I used 5 secs and the object kept moving during this time.Maybe it would be nice if they were throwing out their line at the time which they did after this shot...

For #7, I was shopping along orchard road and pass by orchard tower if I'm not wrong. U know the pointed glass tower by the x-junction with coffe bean outside. :bsmilie: not too farmilar the place name.. just know how to shop

ya shots are pretty decent.... but i guess here's wat i feel u can improve on...

#1 using dslr.... if so u can manually adjust settings such that the merlion dun overxp... i feel that the spray there without merlion is a tad weird...

#2 i like ya idea of lead in lines using the path....try to straightent the horizon alittle...

#3 the flare is really bad...try using a smaller aperture to get the "star" effect on the lamp

#4 there seems to be the shape of two ppl on the left side....and the slanting object on the right i cant tell wat it is..perhaps u should have framed the slanting object to the left and use it to "lead in" into the shot...

#5 blurrrred......

#6 too much dof....perhaps lower 1 stop and take from an angle where its all GREEN...cant see the other coloured stuff at the back....

overall try to work on ya exposure and white balance and DOF control...

juz my 2 cts worth

Witness said:
ya shots are pretty decent.... but i guess here's wat i feel u can improve on...

#1 using dslr.... if so u can manually adjust settings such that the merlion dun overxp... i feel that the spray there without merlion is a tad weird...

#2 i like ya idea of lead in lines using the path....try to straightent the horizon alittle...

#3 the flare is really bad...try using a smaller aperture to get the "star" effect on the lamp

#4 there seems to be the shape of two ppl on the left side....and the slanting object on the right i cant tell wat it is..perhaps u should have framed the slanting object to the left and use it to "lead in" into the shot...

#5 blurrrred......

#6 too much dof....perhaps lower 1 stop and take from an angle where its all GREEN...cant see the other coloured stuff at the back....

overall try to work on ya exposure and white balance and DOF control...

juz my 2 cts worth

Erm I using Sony W1 so only 2 aperature to choose from. Mostly depends on Shutter speed to vary shots. Wonder if using filters will help to correct overexposed shots? If can, what kind of filter should I use?
Also, There is always flare in so of my photo with bright background. Sad when the composition is right but the flare spolits it.. Any suggestions?

For #5 It looks sharp on my LCD but its blur when I load it on com. Always happen... Any way to rescue a blur pic?

Hello guys,

I am new to digital photography and definitely new to this site. I took up digital photography just last year and since has grown to love it. I began to shoot pictures the moment I first bought my very first digital camera. :)

I like the night pictures especially the first 2. It has a warm ambience. However, I feel that it is slightly over exposed. If the atmosphere is dimmed by a little, it will be a very good shot.

How did you manage to focus your shot so sharp? I have problems in getting a sharp subject. Any advice?

Clubsnappers had given excellent pointers I'll add the remaining, since I'm bored
right now hehe

#3 bench, reason it's too bright was because ur using f2.8 and 3secs exposure. U can try to lessen the shutter time or turn up ur aperature to around f5+ - 6+ (even 7) to get the star effect. For me I'd prefer to focus on the bench, place it on the left and leave the light as the background. Hmm W1, I see you have only 2 'A' choices, just play around with ur shutter more, most shots are overexposed, just lessen it say shot #1 around
4sec to 8 should do just nice instead of 25.
Filters, u can use the starlight filters, etc.

#5 blurred, have u turn on the macro? Too close? use 2.8 instead of 5.6

Roof lights = borders

just tone down on ur shutter

Hi there!

Me a fellow W1 user too. Gone thru ur pix & the comments fr the various experts. Seems that many of them didn't know there's no Av (aperture-priority) or Sv (shutter speed-priority) mode on W1, therefore there's no way we can adjust aperture sizes to achieve shallow DOF (depth-of-field) or star-like burst on bright objects in the composition. Very often, that handicaps our compositions as using long exposures tend to overexpose bright object into an ugly flare easily.

Wat I did was adding a CP (circular polariser) filter to cut down on excessive reflections & flares, making colours look more saturated & rich. It helps to cut down light by 1-2 stops I believed. Other than that, u may also consider adding ND (Neutral Density) filters, which are meant for reducing the amt of light passing thru' the lens. They usually go by values of ND2, ND4, ND8 I think...

By the way, #7 is the glass roof of "Wheelock Place" (the glassy building housing Borders, just opp Orchard MRT station). I've taken a similar pic of that with another digicam before. :)

Zeckson Chow said:
Hello guys,

I am new to digital photography and definitely new to this site. I took up digital photography just last year and since has grown to love it. I began to shoot pictures the moment I first bought my very first digital camera. :)

I like the night pictures especially the first 2. It has a warm ambience. However, I feel that it is slightly over exposed. If the atmosphere is dimmed by a little, it will be a very good shot.

How did you manage to focus your shot so sharp? I have problems in getting a sharp subject. Any advice?

Think is becos I used tripod on the night shots, if not I put it on the floor. But the rest hand held ones I cannot get a sharp focus like the flower shot, think is I didnt switch on marco.

limkopi said:
Hi there!

Me a fellow W1 user too. Gone thru ur pix & the comments fr the various experts. Seems that many of them didn't know there's no Av (aperture-priority) or Sv (shutter speed-priority) mode on W1, therefore there's no way we can adjust aperture sizes to achieve shallow DOF (depth-of-field) or star-like burst on bright objects in the composition. Very often, that handicaps our compositions as using long exposures tend to overexpose bright object into an ugly flare easily.

Wat I did was adding a CP (circular polariser) filter to cut down on excessive reflections & flares, making colours look more saturated & rich. It helps to cut down light by 1-2 stops I believed. Other than that, u may also consider adding ND (Neutral Density) filters, which are meant for reducing the amt of light passing thru' the lens. They usually go by values of ND2, ND4, ND8 I think...

By the way, #7 is the glass roof of "Wheelock Place" (the glassy building housing Borders, just opp Orchard MRT station). I've taken a similar pic of that with another digicam before. :)

Tks for all the experts comments
wow didn't know theres so many asscceory for it. Can you tell me how much the filters cost? Which one will be more useful if Im taking potrait shots.

The accessories for W1 includes lens adaptor, UV & ND filters, Wide-angle convertor, teleconvertor, external flash... etc. If u wanna attach additional lens/filters to ur W1, u'll need to get a lens adaptor 1st.

Sony's original lens adaptor for W1 will cost $50 & that enables u to attach filters of size 30mm. However, attaching it will result in vignetting (dark areas) at the corners at the widest angle. The original Sony UV & ND filters comes as a pair in a nice casing, costing $100 if I'm not wrong.

I use a cheap 3rd party lens adaptor (36-52mm) to attach 52mm filters (which will not cause vignetting at wide angle but will partially block the inbuilt flash). A 52mm HOYA CP shld probably cost u < $30... Not sure abt the pricing for ND filters cos I dun use them. As for portrait shots, I'm not sure wat kind of filters are helpful cos I prefer to take landscape shots outdoors, where CP is very useful.

limkopi said:
The accessories for W1 includes lens adaptor, UV & ND filters, Wide-angle convertor, teleconvertor, external flash... etc. If u wanna attach additional lens/filters to ur W1, u'll need to get a lens adaptor 1st.

Sony's original lens adaptor for W1 will cost $50 & that enables u to attach filters of size 30mm. However, attaching it will result in vignetting (dark areas) at the corners at the widest angle. The original Sony UV & ND filters comes as a pair in a nice casing, costing $100 if I'm not wrong.

I use a cheap 3rd party lens adaptor (36-52mm) to attach 52mm filters (which will not cause vignetting at wide angle but will partially block the inbuilt flash). A 52mm HOYA CP shld probably cost u < $30... Not sure abt the pricing for ND filters cos I dun use them. As for portrait shots, I'm not sure wat kind of filters are helpful cos I prefer to take landscape shots outdoors, where CP is very useful.

tks for information kopi :D So it means that I can use any adapter as long as it fits 36mm, right. Mmmm, will I get more choice if I use that adaptor? Oh can tell me the brand so that I can buy it next time when my pocket is not empty. Sorry for asking so many qns :embrass:
Thanks in advance

good effort, but some shots seem pretty cropped.

like some guys here stated, if not you are local, you won't even know
the merlion is there.

hikari said:
tks for information kopi :D So it means that I can use any adapter as long as it fits 36mm, right. Mmmm, will I get more choice if I use that adaptor? Oh can tell me the brand so that I can buy it next time when my pocket is not empty. Sorry for asking so many qns :embrass:
Thanks in advance
I'm not sure abt that but it's always best to bring ur W1 along when buying lens adaptor so that u can try it on-the-spot to check whether it fits on ur cam's lens thread nicely & whether it'll cause any vignetting or blocking of flash/viewfinder.

To my knowledge, the more common lens thread sizes for filters are 37, 49, 52, 55, 58, 72mm... there're also other sizes like 30, 30.5, 41, 46, 67, 77mm... but not all shops sell them. For most cases, smaller lens cost < bigger ones. U can either get a step-up adaptor to attach bigger lens or a step-down adaptor to attach smaller lens.

My 36-52mm 3rd-party step-up adaptor is brandless. Haha. It cost me $28 (if I didn't remember wrongly) when I bought it abt 6 mths ago but I believed it's possible to get it at even lower prices. Juz ask around shops like Cathay Photo (CP) or Alan Photo (AP) to check out the mkt. ;)

my little humble feedback :)

#1 : Excellent photo! Though people not from singapore would think that spray of water is a ray of light bouncing off the water though. So that spray is a little distracting and mysterious (if you want that effect :p )

#2 good composition with a lead off into the depth! I like it :)

#3 I find the flare of the street lamp a bit too harsh, maybe could use the tree to block it out ?

#4 The ghostly figures are a distraction. I hope they are actual people :p

#5 Its not focused like everyone else said.

#6 Its nice, but not too macro'ed. The little colors behind the leaves are distracting too.

#7 Sharper would be great. But I guess its hard to take at that angle.

#8 I think that's the best of all. A silouette shot with a definition of the sun. Its really nice, i like it too :)

#9 The building is a little under exposed.

Overall I think these are great pictures! Seriously I think your passion shows in these pics. Good fer ya man :D *Clap clap*

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