New Zealand South Island Landscapes

Pretty nice. sorta love it.




pic 23...
that's a lot of dust...
those are some nice shots..

Lol yea I noe there's quite a lot of dust on my sensor... Serves me right for trying freelensing I guess :(
And thanks for the compliments. :)



Would have been a millions times better if the photos are in color -- I mean real natural color. Maybe I am the weirdo lone ranger, but I am having a very difficult time grappling with trying to make out the beauty of B&W pics. Anyone care to enlighten ? Thanks.

Would have been a millions times better if the photos are in color -- I mean real natural color. Maybe I am the weirdo lone ranger, but I am having a very difficult time grappling with trying to make out the beauty of B&W pics. Anyone care to enlighten ? Thanks.

Ahh its a matter of personal preference I guess. I tend to like black and white landscape photos. Or maybe I'm the weirdo lone ranger ;P Haha!


thumbs up for making images with what you have :)

Haha :) Thank you! :)

nice! hope can go to new zealand one day.. :) keep the pictures coming

Thanks very much :) Haha yea if you do come to NZ, make sure you have at least a week. This is one of those places where the scenery along the road is just amazing. If you just rush around trying to hit the standard tourist attractions, you'll miss a lot.

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