NEPAL [ A Family Trekking Travelogue ] - by limwhow & SereneXMM

... careful, don't miss this small turn to Birethanti...

This was really funny. We would have continued walking straight had it not been for Mahesh pointing out to us this small little step down,
with the tiny sign pointing towards the direction to Birethanti..
Haha.. perhaps this was a short cut?


Walked and walked we did, and we came to a buffalo skull...
Oh, first time I saw a buffalo skull... walking closer to it... I saw...


... I saw this.. Haha...
The lodge owner must be playing a joke with the trekkers!
"My Karma".. referred to the buffalo's karma?
Or your karma if you were to ... what? Haha...


Continuing our walk, we kept finding ourselves at the ledges over-seeing the 'hills' on the opposite side of the valley.
Although the hills were no longer snow-capped peaks, they had a charm of their own..
And the elder sisters stopped and appreciated this view..


Mahesh in a contemplative mood..

Mahesh must have had some special feelings for these hills around this part for I found that he kept stopping and
looking afar at them. Although I still must say that the shots with him looking quietly at the mountains did have
a certain feel to them ~
The Nepali man and his mountains.


The Nepali man and his land.


The Aunty Mountain Goat...


The Aunty and her NTUC plastic bag.
Haha... I could not remember what SereneXMM was holding on to in that white NTUC plastic bag of hers..
Maybe it was some last few pieces of chocolate to be distributed to village children along the way ba..
But looking at this picture, I would say this was most probably the last few sights of the Machhapuchhre as we descended.
Very soon we would loose sight of this magnificent mountain, at least no longer visible with this foreground and at this proximity.


Hehehe~ Annapurana or Everest next?

why serenexmm never come in with all her photos? :)

why serenexmm never come in with all her photos? :)

Because she this trek very 'chuan', didn't take much photos.
And so, all the photos she took I have posted already mah.. all with her name there.
Some if they wasn't named, I will also write that they were taken by her lor... LOL...

Because she this trek very 'chuan', didn't take much photos.
And so, all the photos she took I have posted already mah.. all with her name there.
Some if they wasn't named, I will also write that they were taken by her lor... LOL...

haha, i thought she will have a lot of photos to show also.

More and more people we meet...

It was timely that we came walking down the trail as the local village teenagers were walking to school.
And very cute, they were so engrossed in some last minute mugging that they didn't even gave us any notice.


We had some remaining snack bars that we did not finish up in the mountains.
Well, this just went to show how well fed we were up there.
And so AhSing looked high and low to give them away..


.. and suddenly the lamb/sheep/ewe/kids were inundated by us! Hahaha...


.. and they really SIAM!


As the track started to level out at a much lower altitude, every one of us could sense that the trek was truly ending.
Man, in my heart I really begun to miss the mountains, even before the trek was done.
That was really addiction in play.

The houses that we passed appeared to bid a bye bye to us.




And as we approached Birethanti, we could see not only porters starting their journey up the mountain,
but also newly arrived trekkers ~ Japanese, Koreans, Europeans, Taiwanese... all looking fresh and bright.
We all must have been quite a sight - all dirtied, tired, and messy..
But we smiled at them, and Namaste-d them too.


And so, Birethanti sees us again...

Yes, it was nice to be back into the embrace of this tiny little village from where we crossed our first police checkpoint.
And of course, that metal bridge..


I think Mahesh must had been pretty relieved to see the back of the treks,
especially when guiding this family. Haha.. just joking..

And... YES! Our TIMS trekking certificates!
Congratulations! Job well done everyone!


A great album which I spend hours reading it =) always looking forward to your thread again =)

Very well written!!!!!! After reading all the pages, now I am missing the mountains too!!!!!!! POWERFUL!!!!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

great travelogue! enjoy reading it very much =) and you have motivated me to go try trekking liao lolx

上山容易, 下山难........................... in more ways than one.

No more?


I enjoyed looking and reading every post yours. Thank you for sharing with us. :)

A great album which I spend hours reading it =) always looking forward to your thread again =)
droozy, thank you thank you for such kind words.
I don't know... trekking is just.. trekking. And turn after turn we see the same trees, same mountains, same track.
Thus it can get boring after a while..
Very well written!!!!!! After reading all the pages, now I am missing the mountains too!!!!!!! POWERFUL!!!!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
silence, thank you for such an encouragement.
Yes, miss the mountains you should. Any one who has ever been a mountain person, should take to the giants once again and enjoy the feeling of liberation up there.

great travelogue! enjoy reading it very much =) and you have motivated me to go try trekking liao lolx
pweijian, thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it.
And certainly a big yes to trekking.
My personal wish is for more and more of us living in Singaporean to step out of our shells,
step out of our usual holiday destinations.
And step into the world of the Nepali Himalayan... hmmm.. I don't own a tour company, otherwise that may be good news for me. Haha...

上山容易, 下山难........................... in more ways than one.
Daoyin, yah... 上山下谷亦如人生一般,包含了酸甜苦了等经验,非笔墨可形容也。

Lim Wee How, you truly are the Story-telling Record Photographer Grand Master! Kudos brother!!
Aiyoh... vngks, you see me too up already lah.
You know me well, I am crazy to the core.
Talk too much... even the children also want to siam me during the trek.. LOL..

thank you very much for excellent and inspiring travelogue.....:thumbsup: