My humble set of portrait


Apr 28, 2011
Hi all,

I've never posted any portrait set that I took in the studio. I've been shooting event photography for a long time and I think there would be time when I need to try something new.
Ya, this is my first set. Look forward to your constructive comments


Portrait by Davidhuy


Portrait by Davidhuy


Portrait by Davidhuy


Portrait by Davidhuy

Skin looks over-processed. It already looks plastic

Skin looks over-processed. It already looks plastic

in #1, tonal lost from face due to PP. . . you can see the model looks different in subsequent images including eye bags. although she does look very ideal. or a bit too ideal.

i think instead of a complete liquify / smudge direct, it may be possible to get more natural results with a duplicate layer over the desired area , then apply the post processing on the top layer and setting a reduced opacity to get a natural balance.

but i am just a cat. . . what do i know. . .

Looks good to me on my iphone!

model can pose

Lighting good

but skin yellow

Rashkae said:
Skin looks over-processed. It already looks plastic
You may be true, yet I kinda like this look, I try to mimic the look from many cosmetic magazines

Shizuma's said:
in #1, tonal lost from face due to PP. . . you can see the model looks different in subsequent images including eye bags. although she does look very ideal. or a bit too ideal.

i think instead of a complete liquify / smudge direct, it may be possible to get more natural results with a duplicate layer over the desired area , then apply the post processing on the top layer and setting a reduced opacity to get a natural balance.

but i am just a cat. . . what do i know. . .

Actually, I purposed cast a yellow tone as the final touch on that photo. I just feel it fits my eyes, normal skin colour just don't feel right to me on that particular photo.
Also, I did not use any smudge or liquify tool to re-shape her details. I just apply a bit of skin softening. It looks almost 95% to the RAW file, I will try posting the original photo and you will barely see the difference. For that photo, her make-up already hide away her eye-bag, and the effect of softbox will enhance that, I think. Just take a look at the raw photo, I can barely see the eye-bag

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sjackal said:
Looks good to me on my iphone!

model can pose

Lighting good

but skin yellow

Actually, I purposed cast a yellow tone as the final touch on that photo. I just feel it fits my eyes, normal skin colour just don't feel right to me on that particular photo. Thanks for your feedback anyway :)

I think it looks alright.

this is the same model we shot in a IR workshop during last year CS anniversary cerebration event.

I can remember vividly I become a reflector boy that day, and here are some photos of anyhow shoot when somebody kind enough to takeover the reflector.




FYI, just standard post process from RAW and export to web jpg, and no touch up done..... since I'm not paid for that..
oh yes, I can remember is using a D300 and a AFD 50mm f1.4, it is not a paid assignment, so just bring minimum stuff.

Yup thats correct. Her name is Nancy! Look at your photos, she looks more mature now, more confident when posing

this is the same model we shot in a IR workshop during last year CS anniversary cerebration event.

I can remember vividly I become a reflector boy that day, and here are some photos of anyhow shoot when somebody kind enough to takeover the reflector.

ha ha you're welcome boss !

yes indeed she looks more mature now and good to see her put on a little weight too .... she was very thin last year

The eyes in the first pic looks really strange as they are not level, something looks wrong with the overall proportions of the face.

this is the same model we shot in a IR workshop during last year CS anniversary cerebration event.

I can remember vividly I become a reflector boy that day, and here are some photos of anyhow shoot when somebody kind enough to takeover the reflector.

FYI, just standard post process from RAW and export to web jpg, and no touch up done..... since I'm not paid for that..
oh yes, I can remember is using a D300 and a AFD 50mm f1.4, it is not a paid assignment, so just bring minimum stuff.

No wonder she looks so familiar...

To TS, overall looks ok. Lighting on #4 is kinda weird. That light position in #4 is good if you are trying to get a zombie feel.

CorneliusK said:
The eyes in the first pic looks really strange as they are not level, something looks wrong with the overall proportions of the face.

I did rotate the image just a little bit so that the eyes are not level. Don't know why I did that, just feel it fits my eyes :)

daredevil123 said:
To TS, overall looks ok. Lighting on #4 is kinda weird. That light position in #4 is good if you are trying to get a zombie feel.

Thanks! Actually, somehow the reflector to light up her left chin did not work, seems like it was off. I noticed that but overall, #4 is still one of my favourite. Personal prefernece I think!