What is BBB virus?:think:
don't bother with BBB virus, just stay away from it if you can..
I think what you should get infected with is the LLL virus (LearnLearnLearn)..
techniques are more important at your stage than buying new lenses..
just like buying car, there is no point buying a lamborghini if you know nothing about driving, rite?
make use of your current equipment, the best camera is the camera that you have as the saying goes..
when the time comes, you can in fact learn how to stitch panorama image, using the lens that you have now..
as for the image, i believe it is more of a focusing problem.. if you are using tripod, set any image/lens/sensor stabiliser mechanism off.. then learn what is the sweet aperture of your lens, and set to mirror up mode (if any) and timer (or remote).. If possible, make the tripod more stable by trying not to extend the center column and hang some weight from the centre of column if there is a hook there (use the concept of center of gravity to make it more balanced)..
I am sure my method is far from perfect, so ask around..
I believe that good technique will yield more result than just having high end equipments..