Lunar Eclipse June 16,2011

yeah! me too! haha... saw the sky are very cloudy at my side, so i gave up and went to play chess with guan gong... :bsmilie:

Yes, hopefully during the December eclips, the weather is super fine.....

I put alarm at 1am and wakeup at 3 to find it is cloudy and almost raining.
Then i went back to sleep to wake up in the morning.

i went to sleep haha. oh well, gonna wait till dec. the weather should've been updated earlier.

Yes, hopefully during the December eclips, the weather is super fine.....

Bro,we met at punggol beach with your friend.
I left shortly after u all and went back to sengkang.
Managed to snapped a few shots,but not clear due to the clouds.
Managed to watch until full eclipse when the clouds starts to get too thick that nothing is visible with naked eyes.

I really wonder, does the SG weather change so often or is NEA just plain horrible in predicting weather? Everytime i count on their 3hr weather and 12 hour weather report, it changes all the time….there was no mention of rain yesterday until like maybe when it started raining...

.... r is NEA just plain horrible in predicting weather? Everytime i count on their 3hr weather and 12 hour weather report, it changes all the time….there was no mention of rain yesterday until like maybe when it started raining...

Agree with you. I wanted to bring some heavy gear but thought it would be a mess to pack up in the crowd.

There were many heavy weight telescope set up in Science Park. Wonder how they moved and shifted.

At 2:30am when I saw that the sky was full of crowds, I simply packed up and went home. I think Science Center had thousands of people by then.
I was number 300+.

Better luck end of this year.

yeah! me too! haha... saw the sky are very cloudy at my side, so i gave up and went to play chess with guan gong... :bsmilie:

It should be play chinese chess with 'Zhou' gong

I really wonder, does the SG weather change so often or is NEA just plain horrible in predicting weather? Everytime i count on their 3hr weather and 12 hour weather report, it changes all the time….there was no mention of rain yesterday until like maybe when it started raining...

I always rely on NEA for sunrise & sunset timing and also tide. Try other website but also not very detailed. Mayb shd ask them to put in more details, like if partly cloudy/cloudy - is it upper clouds or lower clouds? Hahaha.....cos will determine sunset can c anot mah.

Sadly, SG is not a ideal location for viewing such event. I still remembered the last Solar eclispe(China?) was also a big disappointment.

Any good trip for solar eclispe from SG Astrology group?

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went to punggol to camp for lunar eclipse. at 2am. police came and asked me to leave as i was trespassing. went oveer the other side, thunder starts to clap and rained heavily. very disapppointing.

I can view the moon outside my house but woke up at 3am with gears fully check the night before and ended up disappointing, more cloudy then the gas i farted ..

went to punggol to camp for lunar eclipse. at 2am. police came and asked me to leave as i was trespassing. went oveer the other side, thunder starts to clap and rained heavily. very disapppointing.

Trespassing? really? On what grounds…it's a public beach isn't it? How do you trespass a public place?

Hi Turbonetic, me and Tupac left Punggol beach after meeting u and headed straight for Science Ctr but to our disappointment, manage to see at a traffic junction near Jurong

hopefully the next eclipse luck will be on ourside....