Len: M42 screw-mount user fall-in :B

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nikon to m42 adapter has a build in optics to compensate the focusing, you can focus to infinity. additional optics often mean degrade in picture quality. the other brand of slr do not need additional optics to focus to infinity.

apply with good technique, you can still produce stunning picture. look at poster, postcard or yr favourate landscape magazine. these pictures are not in high resolution (maybe 75dpi) and not as sharp as slide inspected on loupe or prints produce by professional lab. but they are nice right? alot to tell from these pictures other then pin-sharp everytime.

however, sharp optics/pictures is a good start for good photograph nevertheless. but nothing to be over obsess about. otherwise, you will enter your own quest/maze for lens/gear competition of forever buying and seeking them.

most lens has it's own characteristic. there is no "1 best lens" for every situation in my humble opinion.

Mr Jack Dykinga: "Cameras and lenses are simply tools to place our unique vision on film. Concentrate on equipment and you'll take technically good photographs. Concentrate on seeing the light's magic colors and your images will stir the soul."

whoelse said:

nikon to m42 adapter has a build in optics to compensate the focusing, you can focus to infinity. additional optics often mean degrade in picture quality. the other brand of slr do not need additional optics to focus to infinity.

apply with good technique, you can still produce stunning picture. look at poster, postcard or yr favourate landscape magazine. these pictures are not in high resolution (maybe 75dpi) and not as sharp as slide inspected on loupe or prints produce by professional lab. but they are nice right? alot to tell from these pictures other then pin-sharp everytime.

however, sharp optics/pictures is a good start for good photograph nevertheless. but nothing to be over obsess about. otherwise, you will enter your own quest/maze for lens/gear competition of forever buying and seeking them.

most lens has it's own characteristic. there is no "1 best lens" for every situation in my humble opinion.

Mr Jack Dykinga: "Cameras and lenses are simply tools to place our unique vision on film. Concentrate on equipment and you'll take technically good photographs. Concentrate on seeing the light's magic colors and your images will stir the soul."
Thanks for the good advice, really agree with all that you said... but sometimes when I see lens that produce so nice colours and contrasty it makes me want to to be able to capture the same.

Anyway, thanks to all who had taken the effort to post and PM your valuable advice and pointers. Appreciate it :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

FYI, I am living the advice and have already begun taking classes since 3 months back already into my 2nd module, did the Fundamentals and now into Dark room techniques, my next module will be on Portraiture..


Question :

Will the hyper focusing marking still be correct if we mount a M42 screw mount lens on a digital that has crop factor?

I am now looking for a SMC t 85 f1.8 , ( yes I now it's very expansive ) , for that I have to sell a Helios 40-2 , a S-M-C t 135 f2.5 (version 1 ) and a Pancolar auto 50mm F1.8 .

If some of you have a SMC takumar 85 f1.8 to sell let me an email :cool: , ( yes I dram )

Hi guys,

I started using/collecting M42 lenses about 2 months ago, and here's my list:

1. CZJ 50/1.8
2. CZJ 35/2.4
3. CZJ 135/3.5
4. Pentax Takumar SMC 55/1.8
5. Jupiter-9
6. MIR 1-B

Have also bought a Pentax Spotmatic F to use all of these. Real gems...most of them are excellent performers.

Hope to learn more from you guys.

Soo Ming

Hmm, just found out this thread. Seems to be buried too far.

Push it up, let's discuss about some nice M42 screw mount lenses again :D

Just got one of these again ;)


Wow. What a nice len must cost quite a lot!
I just bot a Zenit 19, lots of fun.

whoelse said:
Wow. What a nice len must cost quite a lot!
I just bot a Zenit 19, lots of fun.

Yeah, it's not cheap, but it's not as expensive as those K85/1.8 or A85/1.4. And I like the handling and built quality of this M42 one better. Pity they don't make lenses like this anymore :(

Will post some samples when I get chance to use it.


Hi everyone,
I found this wonderful thread while searching for information on Pentacon lenses (I was considering to buy one on B&S forum now).

Eversince Fengwei sold me my first M42 lens (Carl Zeiss Jena 135mm f/3.5) not long ago, I must say that I am hooked on the classics ;) Thanks, Fengwei :)

Interestingly, I noted many Pentax users here too :bsmilie: Cheers!

M42 lens are realy good and classic. I already got 7, and may buy more and more, there are a lot of fun using those old lens.:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

M42 lens are realy good and classic. I already got 7, and may buy more and more, there are a lot of fun using those old lens.:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

I was at your stage sometime ago, but now I managed to cut down to only one ;) They are good and classic indeed nevertheless ...

I was at your stage sometime ago, but now I managed to cut down to only one ;) They are good and classic indeed nevertheless ...

ya, but think I will keep those cheap lens, although I no longer use them to shoot in future. :bsmilie:
I like the feeling of shooting with something 30 years old. hehe :sweat:

Yeah, it's not cheap, but it's not as expensive as those K85/1.8 or A85/1.4. And I like the handling and built quality of this M42 one better. Pity they don't make lenses like this anymore :(

Will post some samples when I get chance to use it.


I have a soft-spot for the pentax screwmount 85mm lenses...
over the years I've managed to get one example of every one , except for the early asahiflex converted (M37 to M42) version ... there's one offered on ebay now for S$1400!!

Now you need a classic body to go with it :)

Hi everyone,
I found this wonderful thread while searching for information on Pentacon lenses (I was considering to buy one on B&S forum now).

Eversince Fengwei sold me my first M42 lens (Carl Zeiss Jena 135mm f/3.5) not long ago, I must say that I am hooked on the classics ;) Thanks, Fengwei :)

Interestingly, I noted many Pentax users here too :bsmilie: Cheers!

I am happy to find that there is still a number of M42 user in Singapore. I recently started to collect some M42 lens and I need some advise.
I am looking for a super wide M42 mount lens around the range of 17mm to 20mm. I hope to get one which is sharp from corner to corner in 1.6 crop factor frame when stop down (I am using Canon 30D). Any recommendation? How about the Russian Mir-20. Thanks.

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