leeched shots again...

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jplf1977 leeched my shots before... I reported to the admin, they did remove it, but that's after I mean a bitch out of the whole darn thing.

Whatever it is, these people are the reason why I stop posting celebrities shots that I've been covering.

oh my god, Seeems like the leacher is at it again... Some members are already posting their pics in very small sizes in fear of being leached. but i doesn't seem to be working... Really wish that they can be more ethical;(

ok, since sggal is own by hwz and I'm also the moderator of hwz, i will ask the admin to some do something about it.

hopfully they will look into this matter.

Originally posted by ninelives
ok, since sggal is own by hwz and I'm also the moderator of hwz, i will ask the admin to some do something about it.

hopfully they will look into this matter.

own?? are you sure??

i think is hosted under hwzcorp only...

hwzcorp provide web hosting and domain name service also mah

that's why if u trace the DNS server, it is phing.com (own by HWZ)

Anyone made any progress so far??

I've deleted all my post and have taken down my photos from PBASE. Scared liao. Later the model not happy with me.

I remember a few years back The New Paper ran a story on a website which plastered shots of local girls, including those where the subjects were unaware of the camera (or spy shots, if you like to use a more loaded term).

(in fact) The site was also called the sggirls, if I remember correctly.

If you can't get the attention of the leechers or the authorities, you can try getting the attention of the press. Then something might happen.

Just an update,

My leeched shots have been removed already. :)

Maybe the others who had their shots leeched do a check?

Could all those who have had their shots leeched please post the hyperlinks here?

We are finalising a legal letter to be sent to the owners of sggirls as well as the posters of the images.

Help us to help you cos we can't police the entire sggirls site ;)

Thanks mylau and wolfgang,
Anyone else?

you guys should do it privately. He can see these posted links and take them down before u can take any formal action. Won't he get away with it again?

good feedback - I will move the previous few threads to a closed area.

members can PM me with their links.


Fortunately they never repost my kid shots, otherwise really deprive all my joyness for streetphotography liao:D

Originally posted by tomshen
Fortunately they never repost my kid shots, otherwise really deprive all my joyness for streetphotography liao:D

all these desperate pple only interested in young female pictures....

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