Kelvin's Favourite Wedding Pics

Bro, usually for this kind of shot what is the best metering to measure?

spot? centre or matrix? It looks prefect in this shot:)


dont mind me asking kelvin,

what camera system do you use?

I use the 5D. I prefer using prime lens and the rest that you see is post processed in PS.

I have recently bought back a 1V and a TLR and been shoooting with them again but not with these set of pics.

canon 5D + 35L? if i didn't remember wrongly. 200L f1.8, i believe he has one too. i apologize in advance if i'm wrong.

I use the 35 1.4, 50 1.2, 85 1.2 the most...I dun own a 200 1.8 Would love to but its a little too ex and bulky.

Bro, usually for this kind of shot what is the best metering to measure?

spot? centre or matrix? It looks prefect in this shot:)


I shoot mainly with evaluative metering on a canon system. If its not properly exposed, I DI it back. =)

I use the 35 1.4, 50 1.2, 85 1.2 the most...I dun own a 200 1.8 Would love to but its a little too ex and bulky.

i will be very surprised if you bring a 200 1.8 to your wedding shoots.:bsmilie:
i can see your pics are cropped in pp.hehe.i have been studying your pics very much.
absolutely love the colors and your angles.

i will definitely keep your contact in mind if i were to get married one fine day.:lovegrin:

i will be very surprised if you bring a 200 1.8 to your wedding shoots.:bsmilie:
i can see your pics are cropped in pp.hehe.i have been studying your pics very much.
absolutely love the colors and your angles.

i will definitely keep your contact in mind if i were to get married one fine day.:lovegrin:

Thanks! I look forward to shooting yours. =)

Actually, I almost never crop my images, as advised by HCB, unless its for panorama.

Thanks! I look forward to shooting yours. =)

Actually, I almost never crop my images, as advised by HCB, unless its for panorama.

HCB=? you 'crop' it when you shot it...:thumbsup:

Hey... Thanks guys! I am just hoping one day, a Singaporean gets to top the AGWPJA overalls or the WPJA overalls.

Hi guys,

2007 have been a really good year. I have enjoyed my shooting alot and made some really good friends with fellow photographers and the couples and their families I have shot for. I have also done more overseas shoot then I have even travelled in my life. At last count, I realised, we have shot at more than 25 different cities! Personally, its quite an achievement and experience.

Here are some recent works to share.


A Jazz band playing at the Raffles Hotel Lawn (one of my favourite shooting venue!)


Bridemaids preparing food for the door games.


The brides best friends giving their speech.


The pageboy and the bridal party preparing for the march in.

Here are a set of quirky images...


The flower girl checking to see if all is well.


The groom and his best man....yes last i know they are still best of pals.


It's almost symmetrical here!


The groom rolling his eyes because of a comment I made. Heh.


The groom was literally panting!!


I like this..Its cute that everyone is standing so straight and stiff! Ha


A bride getting ready and with help from her mom...


Same bride...on her own


I love mirrors...

You are the Saint! :thumbsup: