Kelvin's Favourite Wedding Pics

kelvin.. i just realised after these years that u might be in the same BMT with me... Ngee Soon Charlie Company right? Leslie here btw... :p

kelvin.. i just realised after these years that u might be in the same BMT with me... Ngee Soon Charlie Company right? Leslie here btw... :p may just be right! I was at Ngee Soon Camp Charlie but I am afraid I cant remember a charlie. So sorry. Can you describe yourself (thru PM?)? Else, are you on Facebook? You can search for Kelvin Koh Sian Joo.


More recent pics...





Thank you...and now for a shameless plug on my own thread....=)

We have a confirmed trip to Kyoto next year (31st March to 6 April 07). It would be during the Cherry Blossom festival. Please email us at for more details.

fantabuloustic pics.
takes my breath away.

Thank you. I think you have really improved on your works since you first started posting in the Potraits Gallery.

thank you for your encouragement.

your wedding pics really inspires me alot.:thumbsup:

Hi Kelvin
Its great & my honour to work with you!
Hope more in future lah!
Take care
Chris Ruth

I have been really busy on Livejournal and Facebook and its getting really tough to post on all 3. =)

Here are some recent images which I really like.






hey i like this part.

By the way, how do u do the fading black at the sides of the pic? Looks good!

Hi Kelvin
Its great & my honour to work with you!
Hope more in future lah!
Take care
Chris Ruth

Hi Chris!

I think you did really well with the couple. The bride looks gorgeous!

Do take care too and thanks for the kind words


hey i like this part.

By the way, how do u do the fading black at the sides of the pic? Looks good!


thanks. You can use an overlay and burn it in. Most photoshop CS books will teach you. Its really hard to expalin online. =)

dont mind me asking kelvin,

what camera system do you use?

Bro, usually for this kind of shot what is the best metering to measure?

spot? centre or matrix?
