just a quick 'survey'...(cars)

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Audi S5


nissan GTR.


which one will you buy?

Please:i know they are quite different in league.each have their own plus points.Dont have to remind me on these 2.i know and had driven them both.
now it just boils down to 1 decision.

i'm just curious which one will you choose given the choice and why.

inputs please.

Jeanie, here's a poor (don't own a car) pedestrian's view: The GTR

Why? The Audi S5 just looks like some corporate type's car. Not even the Yay-I've-Made-It corporate type, it's the oooh-oooh-I-barely-squeezed-through-the-rat-race-ladder type of car. Boring.

The GTR, just one word, WOW! I work in Raffles Place area which is overflowing with BMWs, Mercs, Audis, Lexus like Duxton Hill on a high night. I've seen just one GTR in that neighborhood, and certainly exudes ultimate coolness!!!

So there, a layman, poor pedestrian's worthless 2 cents ;)

Jeanie, here's a poor (don't own a car) pedestrian's view: The GTR

Why? The Audi S5 just looks like some corporate type's car. Not even the Yay-I've-Made-It corporate type, it's the oooh-oooh-I-barely-squeezed-through-the-rat-race-ladder type of car. Boring.

The GTR, just one word, WOW! I work in Raffles Place area which is overflowing with BMWs, Mercs, Audis, Lexus like Duxton Hill on a high night. I've seen just one GTR in that neighborhood, and certainly exudes ultimate coolness!!!

So there, a layman, poor pedestrian's worthless 2 cents ;)

thanks for your input GB.
i certainly value your inputs as it puts a plus to the vote for gtr.

thanks for your input GB.
i certainly value your inputs as it puts a plus to the vote for gtr.
Agree on your earlier comment. After awhile, the GTr becomes boring. Too many on the road. Thought of the Ferrari 599?


Jeanie! I would go for the Audi S5 anytime(when i have the $$):bsmilie:

Reason: You can go to more places with that S5 than the GTR.....

Yes, both can don the road, but think abt it, are there more race tracks in SG or are there more social gatherings u r gonna attend??

If u think that there are more race tracks, then go for the GTR, if u think u r going to attend more social gatherings at certain high profiled places like St. Regis, Tower Club, Ritz Carlton, just to name a few.... Then probably the S5 is more for u.

And trust me, even that bell boy/ porter at the lobby is gonna respect anyone coming in a S5 more than one coming in a GTR....

Audi S5 is simply: Elegance+Power(hidden under the bonnet)
Nissan GTR is simply: Power+Power(shown from the styling of the car until as if people dunno GTR can RUN)

And one other thing, not discriminating your gender or what, but a lady always looks better in an Audi. U give people the impression that u r successful, powerful and probably someone with good taste.

If woman drive GTR....:think:

I dunno about others but I think they very ah lian...:bsmilie:

On a sidenote, have u considered the BMW Z4 before? Pretty chic car to be in IMO.... Yes, I know Z4 is different league altogether, but this car never fails to make my head turn for it...

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GTR, based on what Jeremy Clarkson said about the car.....

if i had abt 250k to splash again, i personally would get the cayenne, but that might appear too guy`ish.
so i would highly suggest the Cayman or Boxster 2.9.
reason being, i didnt really like the s5 THAT much after being around it... like there wasn't anything special.. you turn ur head to look at it once and go wow. but 1 hour later around it, the effect wears off.
but thats just me, it mind not make sense to you... like to many pple on how i find the nicest audi out there now is the newer A4.

There is new Cayman RS is it? Cayman that has those loud colours from 911 GT3 RS. Quite cool.

So, in local scene, GT-R are all from parallel importers? I am not aware as i dont touch such cars here in sg.

If its not from the agent with proper facilities, would it be a greater gamble then?

Yup... i think the GT-R is a bad idea after all... you see, the problem, it's weakest link... it is its gearbox... Nissan Japan should do something abt it instead of even coming out with a V-Spec model. And then want to sell nxt time cannot sell off easily...

Do you ppl know that the Nissan GT-R will record all the input that you have done & the data can be retreived & analysed by Nissan High Performance Centre. They can tell you when you spoiled the transmission, by driving with VDC off & when, how many times you did launch control 0-100km/h in 3.5sec tat caused premature wear in the gearbox... :sweatsm:

Agree on your earlier comment. After awhile, the GTr becomes boring. Too many on the road. Thought of the Ferrari 599?


i am not deciding to buy a super car...at least a super expensive car.599gtb is way OUT of the equation

Jeanie! I would go for the Audi S5 anytime(when i have the $$):bsmilie:

Reason: You can go to more places with that S5 than the GTR.....

Yes, both can don the road, but think abt it, are there more race tracks in SG or are there more social gatherings u r gonna attend??

If u think that there are more race tracks, then go for the GTR, if u think u r going to attend more social gatherings at certain high profiled places like St. Regis, Tower Club, Ritz Carlton, just to name a few.... Then probably the S5 is more for u.

And trust me, even that bell boy/ porter at the lobby is gonna respect anyone coming in a S5 more than one coming in a GTR....

Audi S5 is simply: Elegance+Power(hidden under the bonnet)
Nissan GTR is simply: Power+Power(shown from the styling of the car until as if people dunno GTR can RUN)

And one other thing, not discriminating your gender or what, but a lady always looks better in an Audi. U give people the impression that u r successful, powerful and probably someone with good taste.

If woman drive GTR....:think:

I dunno about others but I think they very ah lian...:bsmilie:

On a sidenote, have u considered the BMW Z4 before? Pretty chic car to be in IMO.... Yes, I know Z4 is different league altogether, but this car never fails to make my head turn for it...

no BMW please.
my brother had a M3...the amount of problems it has....forget it.
and bmw in singapore is really way overpriced.(ok, bmw owners flame me now).

and z4 looks doesnt appeal to me at all.it's the first car designed by women for BMW.


Yup... i think the GT-R is a bad idea after all... you see, the problem, it's weakest link... it is its gearbox... Nissan Japan should do something abt it instead of even coming out with a V-Spec model. And then want to sell nxt time cannot sell off easily...

Do you ppl know that the Nissan GT-R will record all the input that you have done & the data can be retreived & analysed by Nissan High Performance Centre. They can tell you when you spoiled the transmission, by driving with VDC off & when, how many times you did launch control 0-100km/h in 3.5sec tat caused premature wear in the gearbox... :sweatsm:

actually, it's not really the trans is crap.its the way people abuse it.

i know a gtr owner who has no probs with the GB even after 1 year.
dont use LC so often lor.
i dont see why people should use LC unless doing drag race on track.

If u think that there are more race tracks, then go for the GTR, if u think u r going to attend more social gatherings at certain high profiled places like St. Regis, Tower Club, Ritz Carlton, just to name a few.... Then probably the S5 is more for u.

And trust me, even that bell boy/ porter at the lobby is gonna respect anyone coming in a S5 more than one coming in a GTR....

Why oh why are Singaporeans so concerned with what others think of them? Buy a car based on what *you* want. Not on how you think other people will think of you. It's rather pathetic really. If you don't know those people, why should you care what they think?

And besides, with all the TS's talk of 'orgasmic' acceleration and reaching illegal speeds on the freeways here she just sounds like a hoon, or as we'd call them in Australia, a bogan, and deserves to have her license cancelled. Sounds like there's a lot of testosterone there regardless of gender. Such speak of being able to park big cars in HDBs is stupid anyway. Why don't you first move to a condo instead of an HDB, where you spend a hell of a lot more time than sitting in your car. I'd rather live somewhere nice most of my time and have a realistic car rather than having an overly expensive car and coming home every night to some place less than desirable.

and bmw in singapore is really way overpriced.(ok, bmw owners flame me now).

Toyota Corollas are really way overpriced in Singapore. The government is bleeding you dry with taxes.

Toyota Corollas are really way overpriced in Singapore. The government is bleeding you dry with taxes.

mate. you're Aussie. you should know.

how much do we get Corollas here for (by here I mean Melbourne), as compared to Singapore.

a mate of mine bought the new designed-in-Europe Corolla hatch a while back, and got the top of the line (with knee air bags! KNEE AIR BAGS MAN!) for only $30k AUD at most. that made it about, what... 35k SGD when you convert it? and what can you get for 35k SGD in Singapore? a made in China car... if you're pushing it.

another mate of mine bought a Ford XR6 for less than $45k AUD. you can't even buy that car in Singapore, yet it is such a common occurrence here on the streets, especially on Thursday/Friday nights down Chapel Street.

but you can't really compare these two pricing systems. Singapore has a strict quota system to restrict the number of cars on the road. if you want a car, you pay for the privilege of using it.

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mate. you're Aussie. you should know.

how much do we get Corollas here for (by here I mean Melbourne), as compared to Singapore.

a mate of mine bought the new designed-in-Europe Corolla hatch a while back, and got the top of the line (with knee air bags! KNEE AIR BAGS MAN!) for only $30k AUD at most. that made it about, what... 35k SGD when you convert it? and what can you get for 35k SGD in Singapore? a made in China car... if you're pushing it.

another mate of mine bought a Ford XR6 for less than $45k AUD. you can't even buy that car in Singapore, yet it is such a common occurrence here on the streets, especially on Thursday/Friday nights down Chapel Street.

but you can't really compare these two pricing systems. Singapore has a strict quota system to restrict the number of cars on the road. if you want a car, you pay for the privilege of using it.

My last two cars were Ford Falcon XR6s. One was a BA MkII the other was a BF. I don't want to think about how much a 4 litre 6 cylinder car would cost over here.

You're right, you pay for the privilege of using a car in Singapore. You pay so damn much it simply makes it a moronic decision to part with so much money when the alternatives such as public transport are so brilliant. But hey, if people want to send themselves broke all for a bit of 'face' in front of hotel bellboys then that's up to them :)

P.S. Fords/Holdens down Chapel Street...making me homesick man! Even though it is Bogan Central. Lol. You've got two types of losers in Australia. The Aussies/Greeks/Italians driving beefed up Fords and Holdens, and the Hongkies (ricers) driving turbocharged Japanese stuff with blow-off valves and HKS stickers. They're both as lame as each other.

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