Jan 2010 Orchard outing Photos

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Here's a little video clip that I took before we moved off.
Taken with the LX-3...


Here's a little video clip that I took before we moved off.
Taken with the LX-3...


Nice touch Denis! I noticed our shirts are orange instead if red...due to the LX3 colour rendering engine ? :)

red is like helluva difficult color to render accurately :bsmilie: it's happening on the k-x (the physical color) even

Nice touch Denis! I noticed our shirts are orange instead if red...due to the LX3 colour rendering engine ? :)

Thanks. I guess it's because the whole restaurant was bathed with "daylight" fluorescent lighting which is a challenge for most cameras' AWB, what more for a PnS like the LX-3. Our eyes can automatically adjust for the lighting but cameras don't always get it right. Lazy old me for not manually setting the WB.

On a side note, I borrowed a K-x (thanks Noel!) and did a quick and dirty test shot with the K-7 to see how the AWB would fare in the restaurant and the K-7 produced by far the more accurate result.

#6 such well-toned arms sebestian has :bigeyes:

Elavan... that must be from carrying the K10D around. ;)

Baracus, awww... no wonder i looked so shocked and embarassed. All in good fun and spirit.

Thanks for giving me the pointers and photo edit on the critique forum. Your initial post triggered several other responses which gave me something to work on and think about in photography, ie. size of the subject and balancing of elements. :sweatsm:

lol funny.. Anyway the shirt too big? Never tried the "hot water treatment"?

The Tshirt is just nice actually, except for the sleeves, im doing the salt and vinegar treatment to prevent further colour fading.:bsmilie:

lol seb, even lugging my 170-500 + k7 + BG around in hand i can never achieve that result :bsmilie:

The Tshirt is just nice actually, except for the sleeves, im doing the salt and vinegar treatment to prevent further colour fading.:bsmilie:

Reminds me of St. Michaels' salt and vinegar potato chips.

lol seb, even lugging my 170-500 + k7 + BG around in hand i can never achieve that result :bsmilie:

:sweat: Next time we switch gears. I have like 6 prime lenses in my bag. Pentax is good for building muscles. :bsmilie:

I had to leave before lunch towards Bugis for a lunch appointment. Did not let the camera go idle there....


That's a super nice capture! Really love it.

Thanks ah fengwei, havent seen her in ages and pops out right in front of me, the last time we did this self portraits was 3 years ago in Brisbane. Nice capture!

Hehe, that's called 'fate' (缘份) ;)

Charlie met his long-time-no-see friend, Grace:


And she's really lovely, a bit shy at the begining:


But later, became quite naughty:


Grace was having fun w/ Charlie's K7:


She should be our K7 model:


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