It's tough being a Singaporean overseas sometimes

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Hmmm at this rate... I think we better have a Northern California get together man... This thread let us hijack until dun know like what already... :bsmilie::bsmilie:

BTW, East coast dwellers are also invited to join us.... :bsmilie:

thanks ...i will come over some day for sure.
you can bet on it

Hmmm at this rate... I think we better have a Northern California get together man... This thread let us hijack until dun know like what already... :bsmilie::bsmilie:

BTW, East coast dwellers are also invited to join us.... :bsmilie:

East coast dwellers?

You also from Changi?

I was once in a shop in Akasaka.

The shopkeeper asked me detecting my Singlish Japanese, "Doko kara desu ka?" (Where from?)

"Singapura kara desu." (From Singapore)I answered.

"Shanghai no chikaku?" (Near Shanghai?) He asked.

"Iie. Hikouki de roku jikan." (No. about 6 hours by plane) I said.

"Chuugoku wa sonnani ookii." (China is so big.) He said.

I gave out a big chuckle and left the shop.

Hmmm at this rate... I think we better have a Northern California get together man... This thread let us hijack until dun know like what already... :bsmilie::bsmilie:

BTW, East coast dwellers are also invited to join us.... :bsmilie:

Hey, PM me if there's ever a gathering :)

I like that joke... too

wah, this thread is getting interesting...

i was in east java recently. after a long car journey, i stopped by this biscuit shop to use its loo. After i came out, the seller asked me 'Where are you from?' I replied; 'Singapura' (Singapore in malay)..then she paused and think...'oh..singapura asli, ye?' (direct translation; are you singapore original/made in singapore?'..i was like 'huh, got pirated one meh?'

then again in Singapore, while chattin to my friend on the phone and finishin my drink before boarding the train, this filipino woman waiting for her friend overhead my conversation and asked me 'did you just speak tagalog? Are you filipino or indonesian?'...i replied; 'neither, i'm singaporean''

and there were times chinese ppl spoke Mandarin to me, assuming i'm chinese;will reply then in whateva little knowledge of mandarin i know LOL

:dunno: so now i'm still figuring out what i look like

Depending on where you are... interesting

I was once in a shop in Akasaka.

The shopkeeper asked me detecting my Singlish Japanese, "Doko kara desu ka?" (Where from?)

"Singapura kara desu." (From Singapore)I answered.

"Shanghai no chikaku?" (Near Shanghai?) He asked.

"Iie. Hikouki de roku jikan." (No. about 6 hours by plane) I said.

"Chuugoku wa sonnani ookii." (China is so big.) He said.

I gave out a big chuckle and left the shop.
The day Sion runs out of joke is the day Kopitiam shuts down... LOL!!!

Just curious, do any of you bother to "code switch" at all or do you just speak in our glorious Singaporean accent?
I do put on an accent, just because it helps other people understand my speech better. As a result, I think I've developed a pretentious hybrid accent when I speak to my Singaporean friends sometimes. -.-

i've lived overseas for 50% of my life but when i'm back in singapore or around my singapore friends in singapore or around singapore friends here, i will speak in singlish which is still v authentic! ;p when i'm around my asian friends here which aren't singaporean, i will speak in my overseas accent... they think singlish sounds awful and once i was on the phone speaking to my mum in singlish, after i ended the conversation, my friend asked me what language i was speaking to my mum in..... :bsmilie:

I was once in a shop in Akasaka.

The shopkeeper asked me detecting my Singlish Japanese, "Doko kara desu ka?" (Where from?)

"Singapura kara desu." (From Singapore)I answered.

"Shanghai no chikaku?" (Near Shanghai?) He asked.

"Iie. Hikouki de roku jikan." (No. about 6 hours by plane) I said.

"Chuugoku wa sonnani ookii." (China is so big.) He said.

I gave out a big chuckle and left the shop.


...once i was on the phone speaking to my mum in singlish, after i ended the conversation, my friend asked me what language i was speaking to my mum in..... :bsmilie:

YES! I get that a lot from my non-Singaporean friends after a phone call too! And when I say it's English they don't believe me... I mean, seriously, it's almost as if they only acknowledge their own accent as the only valid form of English.

But really, Singlish is 3 times faster than what a usual ang moh is used to hearing though. Maybe 5 times if that ang moh is a Southerner... (I find the Southern accent really difficult to fake btw, and it annoys the hell out of people lol)

Actually I think Singaporean English sounds okay... it's Singaporean Chinese that I can't stand. It sounds terrible. I don't ever want to lose my Singaporean English accent, but the Chinese one I hope to shake off and replace it with something more elegant sounding.

lol. enough about accents.
I noticed some of you talking about Prima Taste stuff. There's a Prima Taste resto in my city and I've been there a few times to satisfy my SG food cravings... $7-9 for a bowl of Laksa oh man... I don't believe it. It only costs $3 (or is it $4 now?) at my favourite Katong stall...

But really, Singlish is 3 times faster than what a usual ang moh is used to hearing though. Maybe 5 times if that ang moh is a Southerner... (I find the Southern accent really difficult to fake btw, and it annoys the hell out of people lol)

:bsmilie: My husband (he's a Southerner) once said after I finished a conversation with my dad, "I know you're speaking english, but I have no idea what you were saying!" Then he tries to put in a few lah's and lor's in his speech, but... ultimate FAIL. :sweat:

It's okay for Singlish-speakers to try to speak proper english, but it is NOT okay for proper english-speakers to try to speak Singlish! :sweat:

There's a Prima Taste in San Jose, across from the main post office. Food's OK, waitresses dress up in Singapore Airline's sarong kebaya.

Years after Raffles Cafe in Fremont shut down, I still miss their laksa.

please ask them to open a branch over here!!

please ask them to open a branch over here!!

I've only been there once, and from the couple of things I tried, I think you could do as well cooking from the Prima Deli flavoring packets. Maybe it's time to re-visit them to see if their standard has improved...

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