Is there a big diff compare being a singaporean, a pr, or a foreigner

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mattlock said:
and something to consider: if housing and cars are such a huge cost, why not just rent housing and take public transport?
Maybe we'll all be happier this way

Cars are more straightforward. It is, at the end of the day, likely to be a luxury item. Buy only if you can afford. Otherwise, use the public transport. However, housing is a tricky issue. Retirees need a place over their heads and without knowing exactly how long they can live, renting a place will without doubt appear less secure than having your own place.

For me, I feel the government should do more for retirees. These pple have spent most of their lives building Singapore, paying taxes, etc. The min they should be assured of is a decent retirement. Hopefully, all future increases in fares and GST will take into serious consideration these retirees...

Anyway, I digress...

mattlock said:
and something to consider: if housing and cars are such a huge cost, why not just rent housing and take public transport?
Maybe we'll all be happier this way

Is renting house cheaper than buying one (equivalent size)? AFAIK, it should be the other way round.

When I tell friends and colleagues of my daily family travel route.. everyone says "No way you can go without a car".. :bsmilie:. Prior to having a family, I do use public transport daily, owning car was a luxuary then, but it is a necessity now.

I agree with you partially, but should be case-by-case basis.. everyone's life style and needs are different and will change at different stage of life.

walker said:
hi...may i knw how's the feeling working in AUS? just curious...coz i just went to AUS for holiday and find the place quite nice.....i knw is abit Ot but hope u all dun mind ;p

In the recent years Sydney has been Asianised in an astonishing pace. Asians especially the enterprising mainland Chinese are converting a few suburbs into little Shanghai with businesses. There are now at least 3 Chinese daily newspapers and a Chinese radio station.

However like elsewhere good jobs are harder to come by these days and employment conditions are worsened while cost of living has gone up.

However no NS lah. To get a citizenship all you have to do is to remember 10 questions for an interview and be asked 2 questions (in my case) and pass lah.

Life can be a bit quiet and lonely at times without the hustle and bustle of an Asian city.

Come lah! We need more CSers here to organize photoshoots. :bsmilie:

Having said that. Everytime the plane landed in Sydney airport from an overseas holiday, I told myself, "It's good to be home." I guess that's how I feel about the place.

Sion said:
However no NS lah. To get a citizenship all you have to do is to remember 10 questions for an interview and be asked 2 questions (in my case) and pass lah.

What are the 10 questions? Interested to know! ;p

afbug said:
Every 5 years, SG will have a huge NDP. The last one was in 2000. This year, it will be at the padang but i am not sure if the mobile column will be back. The organisers of this years' NDP is 3 Div, same as the 2000.


More info:

yes it will be back.

Pro Image said:
Yep true on what uncle hommie said.

I think it was when Singapore was under the British rule, there was quite a couple of so called "Ang Mohs" or Red Headed at that time. Ang Moh word is a dialect from Hokkien dialect. It's not Mandarin. Sorry Phil for that as I know you don't really fancy that word so much.

Well in the Stated, African Americans was once called "Negro" or "Nigger" or some other names which looks bad on them. Or how about the Aboriginal people in will be surprise the names they called them......pretty bad.

So in Singapore I must say the terms Ang Moh somehow is still quite polite in a certain degree. Depends how you phrase it.

Why is it that calling an African American a "nigger" or a Singaporean a "chink" is not OK but calling a westerner an "Ang Mo" is? I certainly don't have red hair...

buckwheat said:
Why is it that calling an African American a "nigger" or a Singaporean a "chink" is not OK but calling a westerner an "Ang Mo" is? I certainly don't have red hair...

I believe calling westerner "ang mo" doesn't mean any disrespect.. that is how older generation will call any westerner.. I not sure what other word/phrase they can use other than "ang mo".

buckwheat said:
Why is it that calling an African American a "nigger" or a Singaporean a "chink" is not OK but calling a westerner an "Ang Mo" is? I certainly don't have red hair...

it's like calling a food store seller a hawker even though we don't have push carts anymore

Original definition of a hawker: Any person selling or offering for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise, including any food or beverage, on any public street, highway, or public right of way in the state from a stationary location

Anyway, the term nigger has had a history of being used inflammatarily, as has the word chink
Alot of us use the word "ang mo" with a loving tenderness.hahaha. well maybe not always. but the context is quite different and we're not as hard up on political correctness as western countries are
Another way to view it is that people in a position of power must take more care to be politically correct in their language otherwise they may be seen as looking down on less "powerful" people or cultures.
People in less of a position of power don't seem to get into too much trouble with namecalling though. (somehow, the term "whitey" never got too many angry responses from the white community).
So you can't call us chinks but we can call you ang mos because you are stereotypically in a higher position of power than us.
But us calling the Bangladeshi workers Banglas or Ahpunehnehs sounds derogatory, because we chinks are in a position of power over them (due to their lower salary)

buckwheat said:
Why is it that calling an African American a "nigger" or a Singaporean a "chink" is not OK but calling a westerner an "Ang Mo" is? I certainly don't have red hair...

Hey bro, please don't be offended. I am just explaining where the word Ang Moh comes from......If any western wants to call me chink, then be it. If because of the word Ang Moh gets you so offended, then my apologies to all Westerners/Causcasian in Clubsnap.

Phildate is a good friend of mine. Go ask him what I think of you all. I live and stayed in Australia for 4 years. I know what's like to stay outside your country and people calling you names. I have met all sorts of people as well.

If you know our culture well enough, then just like what Mattlock and deslim27 has pointed out, it's an old version.

Ang Mo (red hair), at least is a characteristic of the person, isn't it the same as calling them white?

Redhead, blond (commonly used), isn't it the same as Ang Mo???????

we also have
kim mo (golden hair)
Ao Mo (black hair)
Ao Lang (Black Man, or Black)
Q Mo (curly hair)


Ang Mo Kio (bridge), where do you think this come from, and Singapore uses it if it is bad?

Once and for all, the term Ang Mo is not derogatory or bad or meant to insult.

If Ang Mo is bad
so does it mean that we cannot use

da yen mei nu (big eye beauty), I guess it is just as derogatory although we commonly use it to describe a beautiful lady

there's also
chang tiu mei nu (long legged beauty)

it is totally different from the term dumb blond.

Pro Image said:
good luck on your new job!

i hate to work for people. so that is why i have my own business. no one to blame but yourself if you don't do well. haha.......

thanks man! :thumbsup:

even the wongs of hougang knows renting is poor option from a financial planning perspective.

many are already resorting to public transport. owning a car was no longer viable option a long time ago.

mattlock said:
and something to consider: if housing and cars are such a huge cost, why not just rent housing and take public transport?
Maybe we'll all be happier this way

I saw a survey some time ago, and found that the health of those not having down NS are in general poorer. We should see the health benefit of keeping fit for IPPT and ICT. And what about the survival training, not literally in the rain forest, but also in the concrete jungle. And leadership training and getting to meet people of all walks of life. The life and social skills acquired during NS is a wonderful thing. And those who are commissioned officers are highly regarded in the workforce.

When I interview for staff, I would choose a LTA anytime compared to one who only got to be a SGT. Leadership quality, discipline and ability to work under pressure are some of the quality we get from NS.

deslim27 said:
I believe calling westerner "ang mo" doesn't mean any disrespect.. that is how older generation will call any westerner.. I not sure what other word/phrase they can use other than "ang mo".

Well, that's not so bad, compared to what the Hongkies and KL call them : Kwailo, which literally means foreign devils. That is why I have some KL colleagues who dislikes it so much that it is taboo to say that word in the company. I should say that 'ang mo' is not that bad.

it is so obvious that, in singapore where ns is compulsory, those who are not eligible to serve are likely to be suffering from some health problems. able-bodied males are very unlikely to escape from the ns net.

smallaperture said:
I saw a survey some time ago, and found that the health of those not having down NS are in general poorer. We should see the health benefit of keeping fit for IPPT and ICT. And what about the survival training, not literally in the rain forest, but also in the concrete jungle. And leadership training and getting to meet people of all walks of life. The life and social skills acquired during NS is a wonderful thing. And those who are commissioned officers are highly regarded in the workforce.

When I interview for staff, I would choose a LTA anytime compared to one who only got to be a SGT. Leadership quality, discipline and ability to work under pressure are some of the quality we get from NS.

deslim27 said:
Is renting house cheaper than buying one (equivalent size)? AFAIK, it should be the other way round.


The inequation ain't not that simple becos of this crazy little thing called CPF - actually it is quite a big thing. With CPF, you become a home owner readily and you do not pay cash so that after 10, 15years or so, you're the proud owner. Or then, you decide to upgrade to a bigger place. Well, that's another story.

So, becos of CPF, between buying and renting, the equation is highly skewed towards buying and that translates into a skewed economy as far as rental property, rental income and property prices is concerned. It has created an artificial demand for HDB and private property that translates into a property boom. The bubble did burst and many were badly burnt......

smallaperture said:
When I interview for staff, I would choose a LTA anytime compared to one who only got to be a SGT. Leadership quality, discipline and ability to work under pressure are some of the quality we get from NS.

Sorry dude, abit OT here....

Personally, I feel that we shouldn't stereo-type ppl according to their rank during NS time. There are some who are late developers, or possess leadership qualities but perhaps not the fitness to make it thru OCS.

Henceforth, a SGT could be a better leader than an Officer. I know cos I've met quite a number over the years....

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