Is there a big diff compare being a singaporean, a pr, or a foreigner

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which category of foreign workers are you talking about?

Gymrat76 said:
not because the locals are underqualified, but because a lot of Singaporeans are very dissatisfied with salaries

Pinoy_SAP said:
hoaah, such a harsh comment. i suggest that you try improving yourself to be more competitive instead of complaining :nono:

I don't need to upgrade. I'm giving jobs to ppl. well I don't know where you're from but do drop by CS and tell us when you're looking for a job.

deslim27 said:
Yeah.. I'm surprised that with all the publicity in the TV by arm force.. she has that kind of impression. Actually, I asked her to Army Open House to see for herself.

What's special this NDP? This year in Padang?

Every 5 years, SG will have a huge NDP. The last one was in 2000. This year, it will be at the padang but i am not sure if the mobile column will be back. The organisers of this years' NDP is 3 Div, same as the 2000.


More info:

idor said:
aiyah.... generally speaking, in most countries I have been to, PR enjoy the same benifits as citizens except for voting rights.... Oops i forgot lots of people dun get to vote... :think: anyways, there is also 1 advantage that PR dun enjoy. PR cannot wear white shirt and white pants with the logo of a circle and the lightning inside and give speech, let people give you garland and wave to the crowds... :bsmilie:

not true, our MP in tampines, is from malyasia.

Pro Image said:
Yahoo.....Malaysia Boleh!!!! :bsmilie:

from penang,actually, my wife home town...

so this PRs thingie is getting on everyone neves? i tell you pple something, work hard and smart for yourself, you will find your self worth, bitching about it will not help one bit and make yourself look like a sore loser.

if you hate the system, move on, find a better place for yourself, i just quit my job, found out my replacement know less and does lesser than me and earns quite a fair bit more than me even i was in the company for 3 years. heard my boss is in a sore mood this week, after i left... too bad, i hated the system i move on to a better place, hopefully my new employers will appreciate me more than the last one.

do something for yourself and stop bitching about it!

My gawd.. We have become a nation of xenophobes and whiners... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Belle&Sebastain said:
from penang,actually, my wife home town...

so this PRs thingie is getting on everyone neves? i tell you pple something, work hard and smart for yourself, you will find your self worth, bitching about it will not help one bit and make yourself look like a sore loser.

if you hate the system, move on, find a better place for yourself, i just quit my job, found out my replacement know less and does lesser than me and earns quite a fair bit more than me even i was in the company for 3 years. heard my boss is in a sore mood this week, after i left... too bad, i hated the system i move on to a better place, hopefully my new employers will appreciate me more than the last one.

do something for yourself and stop bitching about it!
good luck on your new job!

i hate to work for people. so that is why i have my own business. no one to blame but yourself if you don't do well. haha.......

if you are referring to irene ng, she was from malaysia. she is now a SC.

Belle&Sebastain said:
not true, our MP in tampines, is from malyasia.

Sion said:
Apa pun boleh.

Tentu boleh!

Even living in Singapore! :bsmilie:

student said:
Tentu boleh!

Even living in Singapore! :bsmilie:

Yah.......definately boleh........for sure boleh. Pak Cik Chong also from Ipoh as well. Pak Cik should have seen enough for both countries as well for the past 40-50 years. How Malaysia and Singapore have change.

I don't know about you guys, but i feel quite uncomfortable when i see that alot of old folks who are very old but still have to work, e.g cleaning job at food center,etc. These people have been working all their life and even at old age, they still have not be able to relax and enjoy life abit. The problem i feel lies in the housing policy. Most people have used their CPF towards paying for their house loan and for most with kids, CPF also goes into the paying of school fees. Some might argue that the flats they have now is worth much more than what they paid for. However, can they really make use of this increase in their assets? The answer is no, cos if they sell their flat, they have to pay an equivalent price in getting another one.

Personally i feel the housing prices n singapore is quite unjustifiable. A big 4 room flat 15 years ago cost 80k, now it can cost up to 300K, that is over 300% increment, i don't think most people salary have raise by that much. I do not mean to whine and complain, what i like to point out is that aging is going to be a big problem in singapore, and there don't seem to be much actions taken to address this issue. Regardling the issue of PR, they always have the alternative to go back to their country and retire rich. This is not an option for singaporean. I only hope that the gov will look at the housing issue, and offer cheap housing to singaporeans and yet implement policy to prevent people from profiting through selling of their flats.

walker said:
hi...may i knw how's the feeling working in AUS? just curious...coz i just went to AUS for holiday and find the place quite nice.....i knw is abit Ot but hope u all dun mind ;p
It's same thing... there they talk about foreigners taking up job opportunities that rightly should be theirs... deja vu?

Oh foreigners can mean from UK, US also ahh! so please don't generalise Asians only.


wiki said:
I don't know about you guys, but i feel quite uncomfortable when i see that alot of old folks who are very old but still have to work, e.g cleaning job at food center,etc. These people have been working all their life and even at old age, they still have not be able to relax and enjoy life abit.
Yep, this is really sad...

wiki said:
The problem i feel lies in the housing policy. Most people have used their CPF towards paying for their house loan and for most with kids, CPF also goes into the paying of school fees. Some might argue that the flats they have now is worth much more than what they paid for. However, can they really make use of this increase in their assets? The answer is no, cos if they sell their flat, they have to pay an equivalent price in getting another one.

Personally i feel the housing prices n singapore is quite unjustifiable. A big 4 room flat 15 years ago cost 80k, now it can cost up to 300K, that is over 300% increment, i don't think most people salary have raise by that much.
Some even out of job and when lucky enough to get another job it is 1/3 of their previous salary. :bheart:

wiki said:
I do not mean to whine and complain, what i like to point out is that aging is going to be a big problem in singapore, and there don't seem to be much actions taken to address this issue.
Well... sad to see this happening here.

wiki said:
Regardling the issue of PR, they always have the alternative to go back to their country and retire rich. This is not an option for singaporean. I only hope that the gov will look at the housing issue, and offer cheap housing to singaporeans and yet implement policy to prevent people from profiting through selling of their flats.
:bheart: Was reading yesterday's paper about the brother and sister pair, how did they turned out like that? they must have lost the will... very sad day yesterday after reading that story.


wiki said:
I don't know about you guys, but i feel quite uncomfortable when i see that alot of old folks who are very old but still have to work, e.g cleaning job at food center,etc. These people have been working all their life and even at old age, they still have not be able to relax and enjoy life abit. The problem i feel lies in the housing policy. Most people have used their CPF towards paying for their house loan and for most with kids, CPF also goes into the paying of school fees. Some might argue that the flats they have now is worth much more than what they paid for. However, can they really make use of this increase in their assets? The answer is no, cos if they sell their flat, they have to pay an equivalent price in getting another one.

Personally i feel the housing prices n singapore is quite unjustifiable. A big 4 room flat 15 years ago cost 80k, now it can cost up to 300K, that is over 300% increment, i don't think most people salary have raise by that much. I do not mean to whine and complain, what i like to point out is that aging is going to be a big problem in singapore, and there don't seem to be much actions taken to address this issue. Regardling the issue of PR, they always have the alternative to go back to their country and retire rich. This is not an option for singaporean. I only hope that the gov will look at the housing issue, and offer cheap housing to singaporeans and yet implement policy to prevent people from profiting through selling of their flats.

alot of people seem to make alot of noise about the housing situation here but here's a simple way to deal with it, why don't you sell off your flat and rent one instead of buying another one, since you're going to die soon anyway? (soon as in 20 years maybe, but still enough money from selling your old flat to keep alive)
Also, remember that 15 years ago food was much cheaper. And there were less people.

I think it is really sad that we have to keep bitching about how foreigners and PRs are taking our money. Firstly, they aren't paid THAT much. in new york starting pay is much higher compared to Singapore. the money a foreigner from a country with a higher cost of living and effectively higher income for equivalent work will not make as much money working here. A malaysian, however, can make more money working in Singapore of course.

And yes, singapore was made up of immigrants so never forget that.
There are many PRs and foreigners I have met who love our country. Would they die for the country? I don't know about that. Then again, after meeting so many Singaporeans who keep complaining about how much they hate Singapore, I don't know how many Singaporeans would defend our own country out of choice.
The world is changing, and it's competitive. The reason why we have such a great transport system, nice housing, air-con, etc etc, is mainly because we worked hard and were competitive. If getting people from India to work is cheaper than getting Singaporeans who are too proud to clean tables in the hawker centres, then why shouldn't we get indians to work here? At least maybe they'll appreciate our country enough to stay and form the next generation of Singaporeans who will appreciate the effort our past generations put in.

Maybe you should go overseas and live, maybe like in america where you can't trust the government to help you in anything, where all companies want to do is take as much money as they can from you, where you have to pay $600 a month just for health insurance otherwise you'll have to pay about $400 for each checkup with the doctor, where crime is much higher, where taxes are higher
See if the government will give you all the freebies and money that they give you. See if anyone will help you when you become homeless.

But hey! all these things don't matter! As long as there are cheap cars and housing right?

Emkay said:
One of the things Singaporean can do (but not PR) is that you can form/join a party, get elected and make the decisions for this great country.

If Singaporeans think that foreigners are not welcomed here to work (for economy or whatever reasons), they should get their views expressed, suggestions debated and decisions executed. It's their country after all.

Emkay's right on some level, even though I'm not sure if the political arena really works considering how we're more of a one party nation than we'd like to think.
But it is interesting, the reaction of the GST raise from 3% to 5% was such an uproar that they had to stagger the raise. If only there were such uproar for other social issues. It does show however that our reactions do matter.

I think we as Singaporeans have the future of our nation in our hands, if we're willing to put in more effort and a more positive outlook

and something to consider: if housing and cars are such a huge cost, why not just rent housing and take public transport?
Maybe we'll all be happier this way

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