i can't sleep!!!

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Cant go movie. A fine lady is waiting for me in the office now.

ok, nothing naughty here. Just work. I mean work work as in real work.... hard work.

wooo I SEE! :think::think: dont work TOO HARD! :devil:

To the early birds, good night. If I come back by 3am and you guys still chatting, you all have caught the Nisa bug too! LOL

To the early birds, good night. If I come back by 3am and you guys still chatting, you all have caught the Nisa bug too! LOL

hmm maybe we can market Nisa sleeping pills! ;)

wooo I SEE! :think::think: dont work TOO HARD! :devil:

Oh no, wont be hard at this hour. I mean, I wont work so hard. I mean, its been a hard day!

Then how? no more strawberry milk :cry:
Chocolate wu bo?

err i don't like shopping... food is for both genders! :p

chocolate Pokka got can wan, but few places have i think. but the drink i 1 2 promo is betta le.

huh? how come dun like shopping? no $$? :sweat:

whaddya think we are - girly girls?

no lah, but not that i've been spying on ur shopping (or lack of there of) habits. maybe window shopping new running shoes for u? ;p

chocolate Pokka got can wan, but few places have i think. but the drink i 1 2 promo is betta le.

huh? how come dun like shopping? no $$? :sweat:
errr i want BIG M milk!!! :p 1 2 promo not nice...
shopping too troublesome too noisey. I like to go in, buy and get out.

whaddya think we are - girly girls?

yeah lor!!! we not girly girl hor!!!
no snow whites at this address.

errr i want BIG M milk!!! :p 1 2 promo not nice...
shopping too troublesome too noisey. I like to go in, buy and get out.

yeah lor!!! we not girly girl hor!!!
no snow whites at this address.

wah, so fierce ah? :bigeyes:


hallo - my mother shops for me!!!

Now hand me one of those nisa pills so I can go to sleep.

eee, xmm (worse than girlie-girls). :p

no pills cannot sleep ah? :sticktong

i love (dungeons &) dragons!! :lovegrin:

err u want my pet dragon?!?!?! cannot lah!!!
it's my precious baby... plus i need it for my next bbq.

err u want my pet dragon?!?!?! cannot lah!!!
it's my precious baby... plus i need it for my next bbq.

i buy u drink, u share dragon bbq. win-win. ;p

i buy u drink, u share dragon bbq. win-win. ;p

errr errr u bo strawberry milk, bo chocolate milk... i don't want to share my dragon.:sticktong

ladyice leh?

helooo. I'm back. Is everyone here fast asleep?

Looks good and finally, Princess Nisa is sleeping soundly.

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