

The Nephologist

I started photography because of the clouds..

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 17mm (3 exposure digital blend)


Lower Seletar Reservoir 2013

Still battling a pretty bad flu and feeling almost 800 years old.. I did go out for one sunset shoot yesterday.. but wasn't feeling my best.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 16mm (2 tile, 7 exposure vertorama HDR)



I will not.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 16mm (3 tile, 7 exposure horizontal axis panorama)


Get Through the Night

This image took quite a bit to process due to lots of factors. Shooting it was a little tedious as I was fighting with fading light and there was an immense amount of frames to take.

In processing.. Each spotlight you see created a plethora of flares that would attract a helicopter to my rescue from as far away as madagascar. In order to maximise the quality. I did manual blending to get the best most contrasty parts of the image.

I have an earlier shot of this panorama but the city lights was not too apparent to be worth doing.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 70-200 F4L IS | ISO 400 | f 7.1 | focal length 135mm (15 tile, 5 exposure hdr Panorama)

I've always had a hard time accepting the fact that 60% of my work must really be seen up close to get the full scale of work I put into it.

Just to try something different. Here is an album of images that were cropped from my 15 tile panorama titled, Getting through the Night. I aimed to create a concept that one image may be a gallery of images through careful inspection and framing.

Enjoy and let me know what you thing about this idea I have.


Bone Dragoon


Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 10.0 | focal length 16mm (7 tile, 6 exposure Panorama HDR)


Before it Breaks

Been awhile since I've seen something so perfect in real life.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | 63 sec | f 11.0 | focal length 16mm (Lee 0.9 soft gnd and light painting applied)



simply magical.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 10.0 | focal length 16mm (2 Tile, 7 exposure digital blend vertorama)


Church of Science

The image that almost never was to be.

Had a difficult time imagining this scene as it was almost a full 180 degree vertorama and hand held shot aswell. Thankfully I worked around it and got it to work as how I wanted it to be.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 8-15 f4L Fisheye | ISO 400 | f 9.0 | focal length 15mm (5 tile, 3 exposure hdr vertorama hand held.)


Rain Oculus

A proper edit of this location. Hope you enjoy this ultra sanitised version!

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 8-15 f4L Fisheye | ISO 100 | f 9.0 | focal length 14mm (5 exposure digital blend and 15 additional exposures for people removal.)



It almost feels like a video game when you create an image that seemed impossible.

A little difficult due to the need to do manual stitching of this panarama. I would say this would be a unique rendition as I can't fathom recreating this image even if I tried again.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 13.0 | focal length 16mm (9 tile, various exposure manual stitched panorama HDR)

Hi Mr Draken,

I love your images a lot as it really stretches one's imagination. To some extent you are taking photography to a whole new level of "Hyper Realism" and letting us see the way you view the world. Please continue to produce more images and I look forward to seeing your hyper realistic photos or maybe even bumping into you in Singapore.

Goderic Tia

P.S: I saw you at Lower Peirce a few weeks back.

Hi Mr Draken,

I love your images a lot as it really stretches one's imagination. To some extent you are taking photography to a whole new level of "Hyper Realism" and letting us see the way you view the world. Please continue to produce more images and I look forward to seeing your hyper realistic photos or maybe even bumping into you in Singapore.

Goderic Tia

P.S: I saw you at Lower Peirce a few weeks back.
Hey Goderic! My name is actually Jonathan! Thanks for the comment and I am happy you like my visions! Keep up the good work man!


Monuments to the Sky Gods

To appease them.. we built.. trying to gain approval from our monuments to celebrate their glory and be on their good side.. But after achieving such great heights.. we looked down upon the earth and felt we were one of them. A God reigning.. over the poor, clueless and pitiful.

Be humble.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 16mm (4 tile, 4 exposure panorama HDR)


The Beast Approaches

A panorama from my neighbourhood. It would be best to shoot this next year around may but I'll be shifting away to the North so it wouldn't be too convenient to come back again.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 13.0 | focal length 16mm (6 tile, 6 exposure Panorama HDR)



From my usual lightning lookout point.. I particularly love this storm as the clouds were just brilliant when it was backlit by the distant lightnings. I got really lucky with that huge bolt hitting ground zero too!

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 8-15 f4L Fisheye | ISO 100 | 30 sec | f 10.0 | focal length 15mm

beautiful series..subscribed!