
Stormy Eye is great.



ardens By the Bay, Cloud Forest Dome

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 10.0 | focal length 16mm (6 exposure HDR)


Perfect Days

A rare day when there was no clouds in the sky and I got to see an azure sky of deepest summer.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 10.0 | focal length 16mm (3 tile panorama, 4 exposure hdr)


Storm Chaser

Fixed my mountain bike and went exploring around my neighbourhood to test out the gears and stuff. Didn't go out for very long as the storms got pretty furious really quick.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 16mm (3 Tile Vertorama, 5 exposure HDR)


Take a Walk

Do I get bored with photography?

Yes and no..

Ambiguous an answer as that is.. it is the truth. I get bored shooting the same compositions. But I will never get bored in the act of photography. That constant creative drive is all I need for motivation to keep me going.

It's almost 5 years on of constant viewfinding but I have the feeling its only the beginning in the journey.

So what do I do when I'm extremely bored of what I'm doing?

The simple answer is that I do something different.

This can be something as easy as using a long telephoto to shoot which I rarely do or as complex as creating a concept and idea.

But if you have ever wondered.. what should I shoot today and can't come up with an answer that will excite you.. maybe you could try taking a walk. Go out there with a mindset that you want to create just one awesome picture no matter where you go or what you shoot and you should be fine.

I try to do that all the time and thats why I am able to post almost every other day with works that are in constant evolution.

Good Luck!

Passion Pit - Take A walk

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 16mm (6 tile, 6 exposure hdr multi axis panorama)


In the VOID

Can you believe this was not a shifted image?

The last time I tried to shoot this image I had problems with the security. But I noticed a group of girls were taking selfies here without any problems.. so I seized the moment and did my thing.

In my haste I did not set up my panoramic head to shoot this 3 tiled panorama. So it was pretty much horrendous to stitch this with programs.

So I basically stitched it manually and did quite a bit of painting too.. as I really hate going back to a location to re shoot.

Welcome to the VOID!

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | 1 sec | f 10.0 | focal length 16mm (3 tile panorama, 5 exposure hdr)



I wanted to create the most perfect image that I have done till this date.

Fast forward 3 days later and this is what I have. Extremely meticulous toning, selections and blending of this 5 tile panorama.

Oh and I managed to see the band, Explosions in the Sky live in concert! You know how when you go to some con concerts and the band plays either worst than what you hear digitally or maybe similar but for them.. it was a strange surrealistic experience that you can never get if you were not to see it live. It almost seemed like the completeness of everything.

The second last song from their set sounds pretty peaceful in the link below but during the concert it rang of a haunting. I cant explain it but its like the shivers on your back when you're in a dark place. You know you are alone but you feel the opposite.

Explosions in the Sky - Let me In

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 8.0 | focal length 16mm (5 tile, 5 exposure Panorama. 35 frames for the Marina bay Sands light show of which I used maybe 8 frames)


The Neverending Story

I really wished I could shoot this as intended.. but I will have to return once again with my tripod and panoramic head.

Camera Info:
Fujifilm X-E1 | Fujinon 18-55 f2.8-4 IS | ISO 400 | 1/50 sec | f 8.0 | focal length 18mm (5 tile single exposure hand held vertorama.)


Shogun Nights Mk2

Revised and re-edited image of Star Vista shopping mall.

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 10.0 | focal length 16mm (9 tile, 4 exposure HDR multi axis panorama)


High Key Ion

I don't really do alot of high key cityscape photos as I mostly shoot at sunset evenings but this was one shot I did a couple of months back that never saw the light of day.. (pun intended)

Enjoy it!

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | 1 sec | f 11.0 | focal length 16mm (3 tile, 4 exposure HDR vertorama)

Hi Ansel. I really love your panoramas! They are really beautiful! Could you teach me how you would use your Panoramic head to take such shots? Ive been researching alot on those heads like using it to find the Nodal point and stuff. However I'm still not really sure by how you take rows and columns this neat.

Hi Ansel. I really love your panoramas! They are really beautiful! Could you teach me how you would use your Panoramic head to take such shots? Ive been researching alot on those heads like using it to find the Nodal point and stuff. However I'm still not really sure by how you take rows and columns this neat.

haha I'm not Ansel, I'm Jonathan. My company is called Ansel Media though.

After you get your nodal points, you need to plan if your scene requires a single row panorama or multi row. A good rule of thumb is if you are shooting street level scenes, you will need a multi axis panorama where you move horizontally as well as vertically like a grid. If you are shooting a normal single row panorama, its simpler.

I also know that for my lens @ 16mm, I need a 30 degree movement for 40% overlap so I just shoot every 30 degrees till I get what I need.

Hope that answers your question.


Lion Kingdom

The search for perfection continues...

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 19mm (4 tile, 4 exposure digital blended panorama with 0.9 proglass ND and 0.9 Hardedge GND pulled down to make full ND Lee filters)


Day Time Special

I'm day dreaming.. It's been really crappy weather here in Singapore.. So I've been processing nice day photos to keep me from getting depressed at the fact I can't be out shooting something.

Mew - Special

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 16mm (12 tile, 2 exposure multi axis panorama hdr using 0.9 proglass and 0.9 hardedge GND pulled down to get 6 stops ND)


Air Gap

Not too many Earth Strikes but at least I got one really bright powerful one!

It's really interesting to capture a lightning storm during blue hour too!

Camera Info:
Canon 5d Mk 2 | Canon 16-35 f2.8L Mk2 | ISO 400 | 4 sec | f 10.0 | focal length 16mm (2 tile Vertorama)

Haha, great capture! One earth strike (plus cracking sound) of the size of a 2 inches, from the heaven to the earth below me, just within 100m outside my window, prompted me to setup my camera to capture them, but didn't appear again.