How tough is your glass?!

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For me, I always have a B+W MRC to protect all my L lenses. This is to prevent sand/dust from going INSIDE the lens elements (esp for 17-40L).

When there are moisture or dirt on the filter, I just use a cloth to wipe it clean. No need to get those lens cleaning tissue/brush/liquid and no need to worry about scratching the lens because I am just cleaning the filter which is relatively cheap to replace (compare to the cost of L lens)

I recently just realised that my low quality Tokina is reducing the light that my lens is getting

That's why I invest in the best UV filter which supposed to reflect less light.

my friend ever dropped his L lens from chest level on to concrete ground. It was the filter that saved the lens because the "ring" absorbed the impact.

The $80 filter cracked but the lens still work perfectly.

Imagine without a filter, it may be the lens that crack

hmm, think is hand absorb the impact loh .......when the hammer was hitting ...

A demo that is only valid if showing shots before/after.
My glass goes naked except when fitted with CPL/ND/GND.
An EF50mm 1.4 would go screaming to csc by itself at the mere sight of a hammer. ;)

Haha agree! But seriously, whyyyy would you want to do that to a lens? *faints*

I second that. I recently just realised that my low quality Tokina is reducing the light that my lens is getting, as such, i could have shot with a higher shutter speed all these while. Ditched all my filters after since. I'm not more careful with my lens which means I take better care of them now. :) Cleaning them after use and capping them in between shots.

Not sure about the normal Tokina filters, but the ATX-PRO series is really impressive. I've done flare tests and can easily challenge B+W.

I second that. I recently just realised that my low quality Tokina is reducing the light that my lens is getting, as such, i could have shot with a higher shutter speed all these while. Ditched all my filters after since. I'm not more careful with my lens which means I take better care of them now. :) Cleaning them after use and capping them in between shots.

Most people would buy a filter for protecting the front element of a lens, but most buy one without consideration of the effects of the filter they are going to install. UV filter is one of those commonly used filter, some people just leave it on their lens all the time, be it indoor or outdoor because someone else recommended it. Bad idea if you ask me. If one wants a filter for protection purpose, go for a clear filter unless it can enhance your image for your particular shooting style. ie UV filter for wide open Landscape/sunrise/sunset for that better distant objects sharpness.

While its arguable the effect that common filters have on a non intended purpose use, having an extra layer of glass will always result in reduce image quality regardless of its quality.

Watching this reminds me of how my 24-70L and 1ds mk2 fell from tripod due to poor catch..

and they work PERFECTLY fine after.. only the B+W took some damage and was slightly dented.

You go and try lor. ;) Without smoothing the hammer surface with tape will sure scratch the glass.

Think about it, when you clean the lens, sensor or mirror, are you worry about breaking it or scratching it?

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