How to check if Super Steady Shot is working

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New Member
May 31, 2005
Need some advice. In the A200 manual on pg 46 it says to wait until the Super Steady Shot (SSS) Scale becomes low and then start shooting.

But on my camera, the SSS Indicator just flashes and the scale never becomes low, even after waiting for a minute.

Tonight I tried a A330 at Sony Style and the SSS Scale does indeed become low after a short while. Does this mean the SSS on my camera is not working ?

(I've reset the camera to default settings, switched it off and on, and it is still the same.)


if it's blinking means your shutter speed is too low to have a sharp handheld shot. the bar only comes down when you have a stable grip.

Need some advice. In the A200 manual on pg 46 it says to wait until the Super Steady Shot (SSS) Scale becomes low and then start shooting.

But on my camera, the SSS Indicator just flashes and the scale never becomes low, even after waiting for a minute.

Tonight I tried a A330 at Sony Style and the SSS Scale does indeed become low after a short while. Does this mean the SSS on my camera is not working ?

(I've reset the camera to default settings, switched it off and on, and it is still the same.)


You need to hold it more steady.

The bar and meter indicates how much hand shake the camera's detecting. So you need to steady yourself down in order to get it to go down...

If there's a "flashing palm" sign - (low shutter speed warning) it means that the current Shutter Speed is lower than the recommended rate required for the focal length you're currently in.

Thanks for the suggestions. But with a shutter speed at 1/60s, it is still flashing and bar does not go down. I would think that I should be able to hold it steady at 1/60.
Then I put it on a tripod and it is still the same.

I was able to get the bar to go down when I tried the A330 at Sony Style, so I think maybe its not a matter of my not being able to hold it steady enough. Either that or the A330 can compensate better than the A200's SSS. So I'm a bit at a loss on what to do.

Thanks for the suggestions. But with a shutter speed at 1/60s, it is still flashing and bar does not go down. I would think that I should be able to hold it steady at 1/60.
Then I put it on a tripod and it is still the same.

I was able to get the bar to go down when I tried the A330 at Sony Style, so I think maybe its not a matter of my not being able to hold it steady enough. Either that or the A330 can compensate better than the A200's SSS. So I'm a bit at a loss on what to do.

What lens are you using?? If it's a long tele 1/60 won't be enough for a sharp shot.

the general rule is to have your shutter speed set to 1/x or faster, where x is the focal length of ur lens

e.g shooting at 300mm, shutterspeed should be at least 1/300 or faster

I'm using the kit lens (18-70mm) at 50mm and around F4.5 I think.

Well, regarding the 1/x rule -- that is why I need the Super Steady Shot to work, isn't it ?

Well I am already leaning towards bring it to the Sony Service center to let them have a look. I think the service cost is $30 already without replacing anything. If the SSS or Image Stabilization module needs replacement, I wonder if anyone knows how much it will cost ?

Since we are talking about this topic, has any bro have had the SSS module fail on them and had it replaced ?

Well I am already leaning towards bring it to the Sony Service center to let them have a look. I think the service cost is $30 already without replacing anything. If the SSS or Image Stabilization module needs replacement, I wonder if anyone knows how much it will cost ?

Since we are talking about this topic, has any bro have had the SSS module fail on them and had it replaced ?

If it's under warranty it'll be free. Best to have one of us take a look at it first... at least it's free!!

Mount it on a tripod and see if the bar is still low or jumping up and down.

Mount it on a tripod and see if the bar is still low or jumping up and down.

The SSS Bar just blinks when I put it on a tripod. It does not even move up or down. I tested the A330 at Sony Style, and on that camera the bar does go down from 5 bars to 1 or 2 bars when I hold it steady after a couple of secs.

So I was expecting it to work the same way on my A200.

Hi all,

1. SSS does not depend on the shutter speed. It detects motion and compensates. Setting shutting speed in the camera has no bearings on the SSS indicator moving up/down. (But in the actual taking of a photo, shutter speed affects the camera shake)

2. If the camera is on a steady tripod, your SSS should indicate zero bars.

3. I've tested my A200. The SSS should go down to zero bars or 1 bar if you hold it steady. Best to try it on a tripod. It should show zero bars.

4. I cannot get my SSS to blink at all. The bars goes up and down when I vibrate my hands.

Maybe it is time to go to Sony Service Centre.

Ah. That's what I was thinking also. :-(

Thanks to all the bros who have responded.


I'm facing this kind of problem before.
The indicator is always blinking even when i put my camera on the tripod.
Then after i talk with Sony personnel, I sent my camera to the service center.
Guess what?..They change the SSS system on the sensor.
God saves me on that day, coz my camera is still under warranty.So the service and parts replacement is FREE.
Dont know how much should i burn my money for changing that thing.

*Thanks to Sony, coz not only they replace the part..they also service overall of my camera including the lens.Now the focusing is going much better than before.

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