How do you post pics of such sharpness given the small pic size (below 100kb)?

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New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Hi guys,
I'm a newby here, and I've seen many splendid pics. I have a question. I've seen so many of you posting excellent pics of stark clarity. How do you do it? I scaled down my pics cos of the limitation of 100kb on each pic. How did you guys manage to publish your pics so sharp on clubsnap? Can the veterans pls advise. Thanks.

Hi guys,
I'm a newby here, and I've seen many splendid pics. I have a question. I've seen so many of you posting excellent pics of stark clarity. How do you do it? I scaled down my pics cos of the limitation of 100kb on each pic. How did you guys manage to publish your pics so sharp on clubsnap? Can the veterans pls advise. Thanks.

get your own webspace.

Ok guys,
got the gist of it liao, thanks!

Hi guys,
I'm a newby here, and I've seen many splendid pics. I have a question. I've seen so many of you posting excellent pics of stark clarity. How do you do it? I scaled down my pics cos of the limitation of 100kb on each pic. How did you guys manage to publish your pics so sharp on clubsnap? Can the veterans pls advise. Thanks.

There's a great free downloadable bit of Software - Irfanview - which does a good job of resizing then sharpening...

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