HOKKAIDO [A Travelogue] - limwhow & SereneXMM

最后一天,我们带着依依不舍的心情从新千岁机场转机至北京,再从北京飞回新加坡。在这短短的几天内,我们深深地感受到日本人的殷勤,日本人的礼貌,日本社会的条理。令我再次脱口而出:“日本这个国家,真的是 WORLD CLASS!” 。这次的自行旅游,太过难忘了!我们大家都在心里暗暗地决定,来年,或是未来有任何机会,我们一定要回到日本来游玩。

The Tsunami
On 11 March 2011, at GMT 0546Hrs, a massive earthquake measuring a scale of 9.0 struck the bed of the sea 400km north-east of Tokyo. This sent a gigantic Tsunami racing across the eastern coast of Japan, with waves measuring as high as 10m. The wall of sea water destroyed bridges, milliions of homes and many installations in major cities like Sendai and Fukushima. More than 20,000 Japanese people perished in this disaster, as even more suffered, stranded in far-out areas, in the wintry cold weather with little food and water, and with no electricity supply.

But what left an even more longer-lasting impact, was the massive damage done to Nuclear Reactors in the Fukushima nuclear plants. This resulted in the melt down of at least one of these several plants, despite extensive emergency measures taken by the Authorities.
Sadly, together with the physical and environmental damages, came the economical repercussion. Scores of travellers stayed away from Japan, including Hokkaido, and tourism was greatly affected.

But after seeing the way the Japanese people work and the way they live their lives, I believe sincerely that Japan as a society and as a country will bounce back from this major disaster in time to come. And I am equally confident that as a hard-working and organised people, the Japanese will rise to the occasion.

And Japan will certainly see us setting foot on her soil again.

It's been a while since I last updated this thread.
I was, to tell the truth, seriously considering returning to Hokkaido with SereneXMM not long after the Tsunami.
But work and time and various factors did not allow us the luxury of doing so.

But certainly, we know as a fact that we will one day be back.
And hopefully in a different season.
And when that day comes, it will be our honour, not to mention pleasure, to update this thread with a new series of photos and travel notes.

Until then, we want to say a big thank you to all of you who have come on to view our thread and given us your invaluable feedback.
To those who we have not been able to answer your questions due to our busy schedule, please accept our apologies and gratitude for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Limwhow & SereneXMM

interesting commentary..., but unable to view yr photos..

It's been a while since I last updated this thread.
I was, to tell the truth, seriously considering returning to Hokkaido with SereneXMM not long after the Tsunami.
But work and time and various factors did not allow us the luxury of doing so.

But certainly, we know as a fact that we will one day be back.
And hopefully in a different season.
And when that day comes, it will be our honour, not to mention pleasure, to update this thread with a new series of photos and travel notes.

Until then, we want to say a big thank you to all of you who have come on to view our thread and given us your invaluable feedback.
To those who we have not been able to answer your questions due to our busy schedule, please accept our apologies and gratitude for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Limwhow & SereneXMM

Thank you for posting this thread.

I am now inspired to plan a family trip to Japan again!

Very good travelogue. Planning for Hokkaido trip in Jun 2013. Good references from here. Thanks!!!👏👏👏

Hi Limwhow, I am truly fascinated by your photos and the narrations. You are truly worldclass travelouger.

Very good travelogue. Planning for Hokkaido trip in Jun 2013. Good references from here. Thanks!!!
ahjojo, why thank you so much.
I wish you a good trip!
Hi Limwhow, I am truly fascinated by your photos and the narrations. You are truly worldclass travelouger.
msmsms, thank you very much for your kind words.
I am merely a recorder. Really. LOL...

Hi,limwhow&sereneXMM, thanks for sharing your family trip in hokkaido. The photographs were great, it provides at least a start for my coming trip to Hokkaido, hope to catch the snow (weather unpredictable now due to global warming). I love to take photograph(not expert :) so F&E trip is definitely for me & my husb. :) U'r rite about driving in snow.it will be slightly more dangerous,although my sis-in-law tolds me their speed limits is 40,but still with the weather condition,taking public transport is still the best. I'll go recce the place and will plan one for my family. Thank you very much for sharing,look forward to your pics and more story:cheergal:


The trip was undertaken with a simple aim: To go on this trip Free and Easy.
"Free and Easy?!" I asked, when I first heard of that.
"I don't speak Japanese, I can only read some Hiragana, I don't know how to
drive in the winter snowy condition... How to Free and Easy?"
I protested.
"You can do it one. So it's decided already," The children's Grandfather insisted.
Wah lau eh... it's a nightmare for me because I needed to plan the route, the city of travel, how to go from one point to another, where to eat, what to eat, how to communicate, and how to navigate.
A kind friend and my own sister passed me loads of materials.
I bought several Chinese Self-plan travel books, and spent sleepless nights on Tripadvisor.com to ask questions after questions.

Plane tickets

This is the easiest part.
Bought the tickets flying in and flying out online. Done.
Only trouble is, our flight out of Singapore was at 12am on the 15th Dec 2010.
And our eldest son, this troublesome fellow, would only touch down at Changi Airport at 8:20pm on the 14 Dec 2010, from a school trip to Prague.
That meant we literally had only a couple of hours to drag him by the collar from the arrival hall to the departure hall to make it for our flight's check-in at 11pm.
Tricky bit of manouevre needed. And lots of luck, hoping he suffers no delay in returning back to Changi Aiport.

Another kind friend guided me how to buy a Garmin Oregon GPS and how to download Google Maps as overlays into the GPS and how to plot all my waypoints.

Not being experienced in driving in snow, I posted by question in a couple of forums and have gotten affirmative answers that I should forget about driving during winter.
So we opted to go by the Hokkaido JR train means of transport manjorily, interspersed by the Subway, and even a couple of bus trips.
That meant one thing - our luggage had to be really as compact and as portable as possible.

The Chinese travel books and Tripadvisor.com had several good, almost budget business hotels recommended and we simply booked through fax. Simple enough.
The Japanese hotels didn't require booking fees. They were indeed gentlemanly.

There were so many beautiful places to visit and so many wintry sights to see in Hokkaido.
For many weeks I was to-ing and fro-ing between tens and tens of places, until a couple of friends told me to forget about packing them in. Go easy. Just choose the nice few places. Enough.
Well, that's just what I did.

Now this part is tricky. It could range from a relatively cheaper 750yen to 1000yen (S$12-16) bowl of Ramen or a S$100 per person kind of high class set meal.
This was my first time. And I could only quietly note down the prices and the varieties of the restaurants to go to and plot them into my Garmin Oregon GPS.

We knew we wanted to do Snowmobiling. But I didn't know which company to engage.
So I studied Tripadvisor.com like crazy until I came upon this one called Sapporo Snowmobile Land, apparently the biggest snowmobile company in Sapporo.
Correspondence through email settled the prices and the arrangement for transport to and fro the hotel and the mobile site.

We also wanted to soak in the famous Hokkaido onsen.
Again, some research and some email correspondence got it settled.

Camera Equipment
Now this one was the most heart-breaking part. Both SereneXMM and I love to bring all our camera bodies and lenses to shoot. But this type of family trip meant that our photographic equipment had to be kept to a minimal.
So at the end:
SereneXMM brought her Nex5 with the 16mm pancake, the Fish eye adapter and the 18-55mm.
Me, I brought my 1DMkIV with the 16-35mm f/2.8 and the 70-200mm f/2.8 on my ThinkTank belt and harness under all my cold wear.

lol..this us so funny. im not experience,may i ask, how battery life like in weather like this? wht are the things to look out for? ;)

din realised its already so late.Guess my decision of loggin to clubsnap before my every trip is a right choice. Im gg hokkaido this december,got d'right & needed info to at least start moving around,guess will b real fatigue (my husb wil be like you&yr family walking x100) but i know its a worth it experience.i cant wait to photograph every moment like yours..i think my husb will think im true sua gu Singaporean who never been to winter wonderland like hokkaido..well..i hvnt. merci beucoup!

lol..this us so funny. im not experience,may i ask, how battery life like in weather like this? wht are the things to look out for? ;)

Hi friends,

Before travelling to sapporo i need to know whether we had to move from different hotels all the times when we visit different area of interest or we just book one hotel at sapporo and visit different places of interest by train/bus to save the inconvenience of carrying the bags as we move to different of interest , please enlighten me on this , your advice is very much oblige.



Hi friends,

Before travelling to sapporo i need to know whether we had to move from different hotels all the times when we visit different area of interest or we just book one hotel at sapporo and visit different places of interest by train/bus to save the inconvenience of carrying the bags as we move to different of interest , please enlighten me on this , your advice is very much oblige.



It depends on where are you planning to visit. Some areas are doable using day trips (take train out of Sapporo in the morning, then back to Sapporo in the evening), whereas some areas is not feasible since it'll be too far.

Train journey from Sapporo:
- Otaru: 39mins
- Noboribetsu: 66mins
- Asahikawa: 80mins
- Toya: 98mins
- Hakodate: 195mins
- Abashiri: 328mins

(train schedules: http://www.hyperdia.com, hokkaido train maps and seasonal schedules: www2.jrhokkaido.co.jp/global/english/ttable/index.html)

Personally, I feel that unless you are going to Otaru and sightseeing spots within Sapporo itself, otherwise you'd be better off just switching hotels.
Asahikawa have quite a few budget hotels opposite its train station so you don't need to overly worry about walking too far with your luggage.
Noboribetsu and Toya are hotspring (onsen) towns so you'd want to spend a night there in their hotspring hotel (ryokan) anyway. You'll need to take a short bus (about 15mins for Noboribetsu & 20mins for Toya) to get from their respective stations to the hotspring town itself.
Hakodate & Abashiri is probably too far away from Sapporo for you to visit as a day trip so you'll have to spend the night there.

Hokkaido's train are not as freq as say Tokyo. Many train lines only have a train every hour or every couple of hours.

my travel blog: Go Away, Sam...

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lol..this us so funny. im not experience,may i ask, how battery life like in weather like this? wht are the things to look out for? ;)

Hello morticia, no problem with batteries. Just keep them warm inside your jacket and they will last... a little shorter than normal. But good enough.
Nothing else more to look out for. Most of our DSLRs of the modern days can take a bit of slow flutter with little issues.

Hi friends,

Before travelling to sapporo i need to know whether we had to move from different hotels all the times when we visit different area of interest or we just book one hotel at sapporo and visit different places of interest by train/bus to save the inconvenience of carrying the bags as we move to different of interest , please enlighten me on this , your advice is very much oblige.



It depends on where are you planning to visit. Some areas are doable using day trips (take train out of Sapporo in the morning, then back to Sapporo in the evening), whereas some areas is not feasible since it'll be too far.

Train journey from Sapporo:
- Otaru: 39mins
- Noboribetsu: 66mins
- Asahikawa: 80mins
- Toya: 98mins
- Hakodate: 195mins
- Abashiri: 328mins

(train schedules: Hyperdia | 乗換案内 路線検索 時刻表 ゴルフ場 旅費精算 通勤費なら, hokkaido train maps and seasonal schedules: www2.jrhokkaido.co.jp/global/english/ttable/index.html)

Personally, I feel that unless you are going to Otaru and sightseeing spots within Sapporo itself, otherwise you'd be better off just switching hotels.
Asahikawa have quite a few budget hotels opposite its train station so you don't need to overly worry about walking too far with your luggage.
Noboribetsu and Toya are hotspring (onsen) towns so you'd want to spend a night there in their hotspring hotel (ryokan) anyway. You'll need to take a short bus (about 15mins for Noboribetsu & 20mins for Toya) to get from their respective stations to the hotspring town itself.
Hakodate & Abashiri is probably too far away from Sapporo for you to visit as a day trip so you'll have to spend the night there.

Hokkaido's train are not as freq as say Tokyo. Many train lines only have a train every hour or every couple of hours.

my travel blog: Go Away, Sam...

Yes, samtcy, you are absolutely right.
Thank you very much.
Unless we are going to just move around in Sapporo, it would be of no benefit to stick to one hotel.

Great post! Really useful info! Enjoy reading every bit of it!

Wow.. very interesting and enjoyable to read and view the pictures. thanks for sharing.

Great post! Really useful info! Enjoy reading every bit of it!

Wow.. very interesting and enjoyable to read and view the pictures. thanks for sharing.

My sincere thanks to both of you for your very kind words!
Thank you tchuanye!
Thank you HighTome!