HOKKAIDO [A Travelogue] - limwhow & SereneXMM


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2009
Life revolves arOnd East Coast
After seeing so many beautiful travel series here in the forum...
东京之旅 tokyo - 2011 by Canto...
...and many lovely and meaningful series by our fellow CSers here,
I thought I would like to share our humble little travel series for our recent family trip.

These are photos taken by SereneXMM and myself.
They aren't terribly good. But are what I would call record and memory shots.

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A Family Travelogue
14 - 23 December 2010

We have always made it a point to go for at least once a year family holiday.
And family holiday means including the ourselves, the children and the Grandparents too.
This year, our original plan was to go to Perth.
But the heat during the summer month of December down south,
presented us a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit
the beautiful land of Hokkaido

Here, I have simply put up our photos in order of travel with some anecdotes.
We have departed from our usual practice of framing up every picture and putting our names onto them.
But instead, we leave them un-framed and un-named,
with the Captions describing the photos individually.
Every photo has been post processed.
Some have not been processed in the ideal fashion.
Others suffer from poor composition, exposure and colour casts.
We apologise for the deficiencies.
Many of the photos have annotations and inserts embedded in them
to enhance the light-heartedness of the moment.
All are done in good fun...

We just wanted to post these photos up here to share with our
beloved photography community and importantly,
as per my personal aim always, for us to remember the trip by.

We hope we could present our simple little family trip in an enjoyable way
and yet with snippets of little information
for all our viewers here.

Please feel totally free to C&C any of our photos, and to correct us if there are any mistakes made
in our write-ups. Thank you very much to all in advance.

Limwhow & SereneXMM


The trip was undertaken with a simple aim: To go on this trip Free and Easy.
"Free and Easy?!" I asked, when I first heard of that.
"I don't speak Japanese, I can only read some Hiragana, I don't know how to
drive in the winter snowy condition... How to Free and Easy?"
I protested.
"You can do it one. So it's decided already," The children's Grandfather insisted.
Wah lau eh... it's a nightmare for me because I needed to plan the route, the city of travel, how to go from one point to another, where to eat, what to eat, how to communicate, and how to navigate.
A kind friend and my own sister passed me loads of materials.
I bought several Chinese Self-plan travel books, and spent sleepless nights on Tripadvisor.com to ask questions after questions.

Plane tickets

This is the easiest part.
Bought the tickets flying in and flying out online. Done.
Only trouble is, our flight out of Singapore was at 12am on the 15th Dec 2010.
And our eldest son, this troublesome fellow, would only touch down at Changi Airport at 8:20pm on the 14 Dec 2010, from a school trip to Prague.
That meant we literally had only a couple of hours to drag him by the collar from the arrival hall to the departure hall to make it for our flight's check-in at 11pm.
Tricky bit of manouevre needed. And lots of luck, hoping he suffers no delay in returning back to Changi Aiport.

Another kind friend guided me how to buy a Garmin Oregon GPS and how to download Google Maps as overlays into the GPS and how to plot all my waypoints.

Not being experienced in driving in snow, I posted by question in a couple of forums and have gotten affirmative answers that I should forget about driving during winter.
So we opted to go by the Hokkaido JR train means of transport manjorily, interspersed by the Subway, and even a couple of bus trips.
That meant one thing - our luggage had to be really as compact and as portable as possible.

The Chinese travel books and Tripadvisor.com had several good, almost budget business hotels recommended and we simply booked through fax. Simple enough.
The Japanese hotels didn't require booking fees. They were indeed gentlemanly.

There were so many beautiful places to visit and so many wintry sights to see in Hokkaido.
For many weeks I was to-ing and fro-ing between tens and tens of places, until a couple of friends told me to forget about packing them in. Go easy. Just choose the nice few places. Enough.
Well, that's just what I did.

Now this part is tricky. It could range from a relatively cheaper 750yen to 1000yen (S$12-16) bowl of Ramen or a S$100 per person kind of high class set meal.
This was my first time. And I could only quietly note down the prices and the varieties of the restaurants to go to and plot them into my Garmin Oregon GPS.

We knew we wanted to do Snowmobiling. But I didn't know which company to engage.
So I studied Tripadvisor.com like crazy until I came upon this one called Sapporo Snowmobile Land, apparently the biggest snowmobile company in Sapporo.
Correspondence through email settled the prices and the arrangement for transport to and fro the hotel and the mobile site.

We also wanted to soak in the famous Hokkaido onsen.
Again, some research and some email correspondence got it settled.

Camera Equipment
Now this one was the most heart-breaking part. Both SereneXMM and I love to bring all our camera bodies and lenses to shoot. But this type of family trip meant that our photographic equipment had to be kept to a minimal.
So at the end:
SereneXMM brought her Nex5 with the 16mm pancake, the Fish eye adapter and the 18-55mm.
Me, I brought my 1DMkIV with the 16-35mm f/2.8 and the 70-200mm f/2.8 on my ThinkTank belt and harness under all my cold wear.

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DAY 1: Depart Singapore - transit Beijing - New Chitose Airport, Hokkaido

Well, we got to be at the airport at 8pm to wait for the eldest to touch down from Prague.
So we were all set to go.



Yah yah yah... the elder sister just can't suppress her excitement...

Well, while waiting for 哥哥, the eldest son to return to Changi Terminal 2 from Prague, the children had a relaxing time together with the son of our family friend.



Murphy's Law: "When things can go wrong, they will."

Oh no... my son's flight was delayed and landed in Singapore one hour late.


Not only that, his luggage got lost somewhere inside and was taken back into the aircraft and flew back to Colombo where he transited.
He was now effectively... luggage-less and clothes-less.
Luckily the careful-planning Grandmother packed an extra full set of clothings for him.
What a close shave.

Finally, the young man had arrived and quickly settled down.
We just managed to squeeze through our check-in with the bare minimal amount of time to spare before the plane took off... whew...!
Never again!


Here the children are... happily awaiting take off.


Arriving at Beijing for the Transit...

Arriving at Beijing international airport after 6 hours of flight at 6:08am
It was negative 12 degrees Celcius outside there.
The air stewardess announced over the radio to put on all our warm clothings.
"Warm clothings? For what... we are going to walk through the bridge into the building mah, right?" and so we thought...

Until the cabin door opened and the gush of freezing cold air overwhelmed our nostrils and chilled us to our bones.
"Huh? You mean we have to walk in this cold to the building on our own yah!??" we chorused.
Disembarking from the plane to... walk to the airport building in Beijing International Airport at 6:15am, exposed to the elements at minus 12 degrees...
Quite an experience for us.


[Translation: "Aiyoh, Beijing Airport is too cold already!" said the Elder sister.]

I don't know whether we should consider ourselves lucky or not to have a bus ferry us part of the way to the main building.
But what I knew for sure was, it was still dang cold inside the bus and the Grandfather could not tahan already...


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Well, we only spent one hour in transit here in Beijing International Airport and off we flew to Hokkaido.


But still, we waited. For it was only a short wait here in Beijing.


Finally, we were boarding our fight to Hokkaido at 7:39am.


The flight to Hokkaido was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation, for we were closer to our final destination already...


[Translation: "Grandfather, I filled up my name incorrectly on the Arrival Card. What do I do?" said ZL.]

Arriving in Hokkaido...

At 12:12pm we finally, finally landed at New Chitose Airport, which was about 35mins by MRT to Sapporo, the main city in which we will stay in Hokkaido.


[Translation: "Yay, it's snowing in New Chitose Airport!" said ZX the Elder sister.]

Around the same time, the eldest brother discovered something...


Hey, don't be cocky, young man! This is the door meant for the very famous small Japanese robots, not for human beings!

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New Chitose Airport

Wow.. so many things to shop and to buy. But we knew we couldn't because we still had a long journey ahead.
We will buy once we are back here on our return trip.


It was really easy to buy Hokkaido JR Pass for every one in the family.
The JR Pass counter is just right at the airport and the counter girl servicing us spoke beautiful English.
What a great way to start our trip!


... until Grandmother realised that one of her luggage container her warmest coat was MISSING!
AARRGGHH... it was stolen from right under our nose while we were buying tickets!
- Did I hear someone in the audience saying "Murphy's Law"?


The young lady was very nice.
She calmly brought all of us to the central station counter at the New Chitose Train station a short walk away and explained our situation to a lady staff.
Then what happened after this was totally beyond our imagination...
The lady staff asked Grandmother a few questions to verify the characteristics of the luggage and coat and lo and behold! The lost items were right at the counter!
An honest passerby who have found and picked up the bag had returned it to the lost and found department.

Our highest admiration to the Japanese people... their display of honesty is really first class!
What a way to start our trip!

Day 1: Sapporo

Sapporo, Here we come!
Taking the JR Train from New Chitose Airport to Sapporo JR Station was simple.
It took about 35 minutes, and it cost about 1320 yen, which we used our Hokkaido JR Pass to pay for.
Here is a photo of this bunch of poor, tired, thirsty, a-little-hungry, cold, Japanese-illterate Singaporean standing so desolate in the middle of the Sapporo JR Station...
All looking towards me, who was holding the Garmin GPS, the Japanese Translation phrase book, and supposedly the one who knew how to walk from the Station to our hotel.


Sad to say... I didn't know where to go and how to go. I was just as lost as my group. Hehe...
I could only vaguely make out a sign board in Hiragana saying something like Eki-kita-guchi 駅きたぐち, meaning the 'North Gate of the Station' and put on a brave front and pointed towards there:
"Nah... there it is! That's our exit to walk to our hotel!" exclaimed this tour guide with a little too much enthusiasm.
And we ended up here:


Well, aside from the very obvious that this tour guide was a little lost, the fact that it was cold and started snowing gave the much-needed distraction from the feeling of lost amongst the group.


The girls were the first not to be able to conceal their excitement in seeing and touching snow for the very first time in their lives.

Enthusiasm which was not exactly shared by their Grandfather, who was the one person who could tolerate little cold.


[Translation: "Wah lau, brought me to this kind of weather, making me suffer!" said Grandfather.]

The beautiful lady of course had every right to complain for she was carrying a Karrimor 65litre backpack behind and another backpack in front containing all her camera equipment and all other chaplunk things.


Time was running short. It was almost 4:30pm and that is when it turned dark here in Sapporo.
The GPS could receive signal but intermittently when walking in between tall buildings and the direction that was given was all in big big circles going round and round the final destination.
The poor troupe had to drag their luggage on wheels through thick snow, literally dragged and making all kinds of noises under their breaths.
Until finally we made a turn, and we arrived!

The famous Toyoko Inn Eki-Kita-Guchi hotel, of the Toyoko Inn chain of value-for-money hotels catering to local Japanese business travellers and those travelling on budget like us.



Now it has been said again and again how clean and efficient the restrooms in Japan are.
But nothing prepared us for what we were to behold.
Right inside our packed but very well organised hotel rooms were the most amazing toilet bowls we have ever seen.
Those who have been to Japan before would laughed at us and say we were Sua-Koo (ignorant).
But we do not deny that.
The toilet bowl had a built-in spray that could spray both the bottom behind as well as the bottom in front.
And it was sooooo good, that both the children as well as the adults kept going back in to use them again and again and again...
This, in one of my client's own words, is: "World Class!".


As the children dumped their luggage and got ready to go out for a walk and for dinner, they begun to realise that they are in the midst of a snow city.


And everywhere they turned, there was snow on the ground, snow in the trees, snow falling in soft flakes from the sky...


... and they could not hide that smile on their faces upon being reminded of that wonderful fact.


Here... we were getting ready to go for dinner.
Waiting and re-organizing outside the hotel before moving off...


... and the girls wasted no time in getting their hands cold and half wet...


[Translation: "Grandfather, I really like this Toyoko Inn because not only is it cold here, we can also play with snow." said ZL.]

After seeing so many beautiful travel series here in the forum...
...Family in Japan 2011 by alantkh,
东京之旅 tokyo - 2011 by Canto...
...and many lovely and meaningful series by our fellow CSers here,
I thought I would like to share our humble little travel series for our recent family trip.

These are photos taken by SereneXMM and myself.
They aren't terribly good. But are what I would call record and memory shots.

ahh, Limwhow & Serene, finally u post ur Hokkaido trip pic, been waiting for you to post. Nice coverage:thumbsup:!!!! will await for rest of the series!!

Wow.. very very informative, I think I will camp here to get all the information I need to plan my own trip...

thanks a lot

WOW... 18 posting now and still waiting to see the photo of "beautiful land of Hokkaido".


ahh, Limwhow & Serene, finally u post ur Hokkaido trip pic, been waiting for you to post. Nice coverage:thumbsup:!!!! will await for rest of the series!!

Canto yah, Canto. Thank you very much!
I don't have the contrast nor the subject isolation power of the M8.2.
So I could only make do with whatever I had.

Wow.. very very informative, I think I will camp here to get all the information I need to plan my own trip...

thanks a lot
eng60232, thank you very much for your encouragement.
It was really on my own in a foreign land without knowing exactly how to speak the language.
Some more with young and old. It's like asking for trouble, me...

WOW... 18 posting now and still waiting to see the photo of "beautiful land of Hokkaido".

SilverPine, haha... thank you so much for the wow. Haha... you see, both Serene and I are record photographers.
We know not much about shooting landscape....
But I will try to see if I have some landscape shots to put up.