Here comes Nikon D200... finally a reality

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Well... don't get hopes too high :) Might or might not, is not important, important thing is - Have you placed your pre-order yet? ;)

espn said:
Well... don't get hopes too high :) Might or might not, is not important, important thing is - Have you placed your pre-order yet? ;)

you mean can pre-order already?

Paul_Yeo said:
you mean can pre-order already?
you can pre-queue to pre-order!!! :bsmilie:

no mention of the D200 yet... :cry:

but have announced the COOLPIX P1/P2, COOLPIX S4, COOLPIX S3, and COOLPIX L1 -

i'm staying here pressing "F5" until they load up anything about the D200... or 2359hrs, which ever is sooner!!

milos!! 1 more keg!!! hick!!!

Pepper said:
Ok, likely no D200 comes 1st Sept. Rather 4 more compact DC with some wireless features?

D200 may have 10++MP CCD and have 11AF afterall & bigger viewfinder. ;p

Your prediction so accurate, insider info? :bsmilie:

one more keg for the road!!!!

Milos said:
one more keg for the road!!!!

Gee... so much anticipation and this is what you get. Thanks Nikon!

If this goes on, it can hit 20 pages... :D :D

litefoot said:
Gee... so much anticipation and this is what you get. Thanks Nikon!

If this goes on, it can hit 20 pages... :D :D
+1 to help this thread hit 20 pages!!! :bsmilie:

Cactus jACK said:
+1 to help this thread hit 20 pages!!! :bsmilie:

+1 for you too *bang bang*

Wait wait wait. Clichéd as it is, good things come to those who wait.

Be patient!

whkoh said:
Wait wait wait. Clichéd as it is, good things come to those who wait.

Be patient!

Since Feb 02? That's a long wait.....

Well, I agree. But what to do other than wait?

They love to test the patience of their customers, don't they?

Finally, something to match the Canon 5D

while waiting, let's brainstorm a list of things you want to photoshoot when u buy D200 :devil:

All compact cam announced. Look like Nikon want to gain back consumer market. At the end, $$ does matter. Well, give us more time to save $$ as Paul said.

Wai said:
huh? what is there to match?
Lots ;p

where are your pics? I'm printing some for the gals, going back on Sat to pass to them, you coming?

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