hello hello, no photography allowed

dude, i really enjoyed looking at your photos. i assume this photoshoot cost you a lot of courage and effort. i love the whole set! that's a nice model you have there also. keep on shooting!

The station masters should take a look. It is a nice series.

It shows our stations could still be a happy and fun place to leave in..... not just dashing in and out AM/PM.

Good work - especially in the very well planned timings and executions.

i like pics and series like this :thumbsup:

dude, i really enjoyed looking at your photos. i assume this photoshoot cost you a lot of courage and effort. i love the whole set! that's a nice model you have there also. keep on shooting!

thanks! was challenging indeed !

The station masters should take a look. It is a nice series.

It shows our stations could still be a happy and fun place to leave in..... not just dashing in and out AM/PM.

Good work - especially in the very well planned timings and executions.

better not show, later they ask me delete haha



i like pics and series like this :thumbsup:


2 more


Great stuff. I totally enjoyed your series. I had a friend who did something similar with a handycam and i loved that too.

Great stuff! Keep it coming!

how the mrt? kenna hassled?

not quite, more like the other way round :bsmilie:

Great stuff. I totally enjoyed your series. I had a friend who did something similar with a handycam and i loved that too.

Great stuff! Keep it coming!

thanks, handycam must dangerous man!

YOU OWNED!! :thumbsup:

something i always wanted to try against the rules but they didnt explicitly mention no photography, only from the staff's mouths. Not the most ideal shoot because of so much constraints but i thought it was well worth the effort and enjoyment shooting it




beautiful stuff man.
You wanna share abit about your lighting for this? Some of the light is really gorgeous, did you fill in with a soft flash?

yes this is the kind of stuff that pushes people's boundaries. a big jing thumbsup

Totally speechless!! Awesome set! I salute you and the model!! BRILLIANT!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

beautiful stuff man.
You wanna share abit about your lighting for this? Some of the light is really gorgeous, did you fill in with a soft flash?

yes this is the kind of stuff that pushes people's boundaries. a big jing thumbsup

thanks, appreciate your big thumbsup haha

all is natural light, just making full use of them

#1 light coming from the left so i did ask her to face left while the guy is in the dark cos the pillar just nice blocked the light

#2 pioneer station lighting coming through the glass roof, great station to shoot actually!

#3 light from the top of the cabin and joint section

#4 i guess just some soft light coming in from both side of the train

#5 light from both side as well

if u realise the one where the indian is looking at her isn't as good, some bad backlight because we had no choice already :bsmilie: i guess the stares more than made up for it

Totally speechless!! Awesome set! I salute you and the model!! BRILLIANT!!

hahah where got speechless, u typed something mah :bsmilie:

one word. POWER. :thumbsup:

thanks alot kenken17!

Awesome dude, i did something similar i the past, got warned by the police...lol.....i am gonna upload it soon and do feel free to drop me some comments. It is really fun when you try concepts out of the extraordinary shoots. Anw, impressive work you got there, hope to see more soon. CHEERS!!


Awesome dude, i did something similar i the past, got warned by the police...lol.....i am gonna upload it soon and do feel free to drop me some comments. It is really fun when you try concepts out of the extraordinary shoots. Anw, impressive work you got there, hope to see more soon. CHEERS!!


by police ah! sway leh..we encountered the mrt police though, then we just stop and act blur haha


Very creative.

I'm sure you muz be quick hand quick feet to get this done. What made this work is the 'care-less' expression of the ppl around.

Great job!